Talk about feeling the Earth move what about on Planet?
Just for the record, the Volcano has a central tile, which is a special special place (I'm calling it the top) and the 6 surrounding tiles (I'm calling them the sides) which are only just special. All 7 of these tiles come with the designation "Volcano" in addition to whatever terrain they have, which is often "rocky" and/or "arid", but can definitely be other things as well (the top may well always be rocky and arid though).
Now I know that you get an extra min on the top and sides of the volcano, and that you can build roads, mag tubes, mines and solar improvements on the sides. I think that you can build a road on the top (but not a mag tube) and maybe a solar array, but nothing else AFAIK. I know that a mine/road is worth 3 (flat) and 6 (rocky), it is worth at least 4 (and maybe, but probably not 5) if rolling. I don't know what a min special would do to those numbers or if it is even possible to get a min special on a volcano. If you can, a rockymineroadvolcanominspecial should be worth at least 8 and maybe 9 or 10 mins.
Additionally, you can neither farm nor forest the sides or the top, even where not rocky, but it will let you perform the "Drill for Aquifer" command on the sides at least. I suspect that the Borehole option would be OK if you raised the land downslope so that it was the same elevation as the side you wanted to bore.
Speaking of boring Just doing my part to keep up the thread count.
So what about starting a base, terraforming up or down, nuking, etc - What else do people know about Volcanos?
I think I heard a rumor that if you are playing Miriam, and all your bases are arranged in perfect symmetry around the Volcano, the game will let you build a new base on top of the Volcano - if you then make that base Miriam's HQ, it will automatically get the Voice of Planet as a free facility! Another variation of that rumor had it that you had to also capture and interrogate Brother Lal at that base as well; so who knows?
Just for the record, the Volcano has a central tile, which is a special special place (I'm calling it the top) and the 6 surrounding tiles (I'm calling them the sides) which are only just special. All 7 of these tiles come with the designation "Volcano" in addition to whatever terrain they have, which is often "rocky" and/or "arid", but can definitely be other things as well (the top may well always be rocky and arid though).
Now I know that you get an extra min on the top and sides of the volcano, and that you can build roads, mag tubes, mines and solar improvements on the sides. I think that you can build a road on the top (but not a mag tube) and maybe a solar array, but nothing else AFAIK. I know that a mine/road is worth 3 (flat) and 6 (rocky), it is worth at least 4 (and maybe, but probably not 5) if rolling. I don't know what a min special would do to those numbers or if it is even possible to get a min special on a volcano. If you can, a rockymineroadvolcanominspecial should be worth at least 8 and maybe 9 or 10 mins.
Additionally, you can neither farm nor forest the sides or the top, even where not rocky, but it will let you perform the "Drill for Aquifer" command on the sides at least. I suspect that the Borehole option would be OK if you raised the land downslope so that it was the same elevation as the side you wanted to bore.
Speaking of boring Just doing my part to keep up the thread count.
So what about starting a base, terraforming up or down, nuking, etc - What else do people know about Volcanos?
I think I heard a rumor that if you are playing Miriam, and all your bases are arranged in perfect symmetry around the Volcano, the game will let you build a new base on top of the Volcano - if you then make that base Miriam's HQ, it will automatically get the Voice of Planet as a free facility! Another variation of that rumor had it that you had to also capture and interrogate Brother Lal at that base as well; so who knows?