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I know...on computer advantages

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  • I know...on computer advantages

    the threads where I'm messing with the editor don't xactly get much attention. but I try neway. well the interest 10 was a bust, super powerful trait, but then I can't use drain energy reserve on the comp or it breaks the game. tho as humor I was stealing 42k energy a pop from morgan in one game, and it wasn't even year 100. so that idea is bunked, shame, it really made the computer grab secret projects well, especially Lal. so I was wondering what you all use as computer advantages, or perhaps wut u think of wut I've given the computer so far.

    my newest computer advantages are:+6 support, +3 econ, sharetech 3.

    three is the max # of "things" I can give the computer and stay under the 9 trait max w/ everyone. I suppose I could get trickier or something, its a thot, but not a super appealing one.

    +6 support worx great, exactly how I wanted it to. use to be +2 econ, but why not +3, just a lil better? also, notice there's no way to get -econ in social engineering, thats a lil odd don't u think?

    haven't played much with sharetech yet, not sure how it'll work out. I thot it was a cool idea at first. if u have ne other good suggestions for improving the ai, save something silly like give them all +10 industry.

  • #2
    In case I had not the ocasion to tell you yet, to give the computer an advantage I let him be played by a human opponent.

    For the rest, I gave up on expecting to get fun from a SP for how I may beef up the AI.

    A super AI can make a challenge, But I guess I'd find FUN (not alway the same as challenge) against a clever opponent. Giving the AI muscles makes it a hunk hard to crack, but it doesn't give it brains...
    I don't exactly know what I mean by that, but I mean it (Holden Caulfield)


    • #3
      I wish I had patience for MP, i really do. but I don't, and thats just reality. I'm not gna start a game that won't end for 4 months, or god forbid a year. I get my challenge more like a game of golf with all my games being challenge games. rather than the normal MP.

      smac mp is intolerable


      • #4
        Intolerable to you maybe... You really have to think about what you're doing. I like both. SP continues to improve my game, MP is just more fun! (To me, of course...)


        • #5
          oh i luv multiplayer games. so much I can't play the single player SMAC if its not against someone. if multiplayer was practical I'd be there. but its just not.


          • #6
            Um, yavoon, didn't you just totally contradict yourself?


            • #7
              it may seem that way, but if u read my original post. I play all my SP games against my friends. this is to say they're all played like a challenge game might be played. we take the starting save, and pass it around. then play the game out under a decently competitive atmosphere. sorta, like the example I gave, golf. we each have the same course, its just whomever gets the fewest strokes.


              • #8
                I happen to like PBEMs but they aren't for everybody. For a quicker MP experience give IP or Hotseat a shot.


                • #9

                  I totally agree with you that MPs have a tendencie to take quite som time to finish (especially those 4-players, one-turn-every-three-days-kinda-games). But a two-pep PBEM could actually run smothly and up to speed if both players put some time into it at the early turns (play the first 15-20 within a week). A quick game could be done in less than two month.
                  It's close to midnight and something evil's is lurking in the dark.


                  • #10
                    As I surely have told in some other thread, so you'll forgive me if you know it already, in summer 99 I played a 3 players (with 4 AIs) game from scratch, doing 152 turns in 57 days.
                    You just need passion, and compatible timezones (not necessarily equal, I had +6hours on the 2 other players). And of course the ability to play during most of the day (I could play from work, in that summer...)
                    IIRC we kept a pace of 6 turns per day in the first week.

                    That was an exception, but only because in other games just *one* slacker can kill the turnaround.
                    Even with a commendable 1 turn per day pace, it would take from 4 to 5 months to complete an average pbem.

                    ...I figure then, that CivIII won't be tolerable for you either, not even in Single Player!
                    I don't exactly know what I mean by that, but I mean it (Holden Caulfield)


                    • #11
                      civ3 is just a poorly made game trying to float on its predecessors.

                      GOGO ROCKY VI.

