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Communism vs. zero-point Fundamentalism

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  • Communism vs. zero-point Fundamentalism

    Hi all im new here so i hope i don't say anything deliberately dumb.

    I was wondering if anyone used these strategies with regards to social choises.

    Ive been playing SMAC off an on for awhile but only recently came back to it, with the intention of playing the game 'hard', with the difficult to justify social choises. Communism (Police State/Planned) is probably the hardest to pull off, but as Santiago i found that it was infact nearly unbeatable if you do it right. Basically overcentralize everything around your capital, and be sure to make your capital as large as possible. All the bases up to about 1 screen away, with childrens' creche, can still function more or less, and can be used for research as well. farther away the bases will lose all their energy irregardless. All other bases, if not 'factories', are 'specialist' farms. Works great and seems to reflect a planned economy as well ^^ I remember how much i hated Communism in the game, and thought that only Yang could pull it off, but in fact it -does- work, its just that your bases will be built 'very' differently than otherwise. It also makes switching to democracy almost impossible since you have little infrastructure to handle drones in outlying bases, using police /SP instead.

    Zero-Point Fundamentalism (knowledge/fundamentalist) because its the only option in the game where you literaly get something for nothing: a net gain of +Efic and +Morale, and no negative bonuses. I was wondering if anyone had discovered this combo for civs like the Gaians or Lal for ex.

    Im sure that others have written about these before, but of course i can't read back several months to catch up!, ok ya i could ya i know what your thinking.... ^^

  • #2
    Welcome vostok!

    Nothing dumb about finding new ways to keep the game fresh and challenging.

    You have raised several interesting ideas. On the something for nothing SE (Social Engineering), I believe that someone has worked out both the combinations which result in no negative bonuses and the combinations which result in an unambiguous improvement over the starting default SE settings. I remember seeing the former at a different SMAC website.

    But it seems to me that either a no negatives approach or a unambiguous improvement of SE would not be as good as an optimal approach which often means playing to your strengths and often even accentuating them. But your other comments suggest that you are looking for more challenging SEs than the easiest.

    Police State/Planned does indeed sound like a challenge. Because of his unique Police State advantages, Yang is not too bad with this approach. It is a surprise to me that you did so well with Santiago though.

    The specialist base idea is strongly supported by several of the best players even with SEs that result in less inefficiency. I have been trying this for about a month now and I confess that I am not very good at it. Commerce is a huge part of my game. If I understand correctly, your cities are matched with your pactmates' and treatied friends' cities based on size. When you hit the hab limit and you have many cities of the same size the game seems to look at energy from worked tiles and exclude energy from crawlers and of course, specialists, for matching purposes. So I get hit with declining trade income and poorly allocated trade income when I go the specialist route. But I have yet to try this approach with only far-flung bases that have low trade anyway. It should work. But I always seem to be working on basic infrastructure on these bases until late in the game.

    You mention that you use a different strategy for bases near your HQ. One screen away? Do you mean the default or do you zoom out three times like I do?


    • #3
      Originally posted by RedFred
      It is a surprise to me that you did so well with Santiago though.
      Santiago already has +1 POLICE and giving her another 2 with the Police State, she gets the maximum +3 which not even Yang can egt unless he runs Thought Control, which is too far in the game. Imagine +3 POLICE - Up to 3 police units AND double police effect! And what if the unit gets the +1 police power (the ability I don't use and don't know what's it fully called )...
      ... This body holding me reminds me of my own mortality...
      ... Pain is an illusion...


      • #4
        Well, there is the Ascetic Virtues, with which any faction besides Deirdre and Roze can get the +3 Police.

        I'll have to try that. Three 1-1-1 Police garrisons keep NINE drones under control for a measly 30 minerals. Upgrade them cheap to Clean when available. (I think I checked that a Police unit with "double police effect" SE quells 3 drones). Also remember that police quells the "double-drones" into content workers, so the bureaucracy drones don't bother you.

        Incidentally, there's another faction that can run Police/Planned well: Deirdre! That gives her a low but workable -2 Efficiency. Add Knowledge and it's -1, add a Creche and it's POSITIVE! As Dee, if I'm not going Green for a quick worm conquest, I'm usually in Police/Planned/Knowledge for well into the mid-game.

        Further-away bases can be quite usefully used to produce Secret Projects while your capital and nearby bases concentrate on economic/research infrastructure.


        • #5
          Originally posted by T-hawk
          I'll have to try that. Three 1-1-1 Police garrisons keep NINE drones under control for a measly 30 minerals.
          Does this really work? I thought all units counts as Police means that all units counts as police not that all units gets double police effect (police double effect but can you really double the double effect of police?)

          Incidentally, there's another faction that can run Police/Planned well: Deirdre! That gives her a low but workable -2 Efficiency. Add Knowledge and it's -1, add a Creche and it's POSITIVE! As Dee, if I'm not going Green for a quick worm conquest, I'm usually in Police/Planned/Knowledge for well into the mid-game.
          But then the Police thing kinda loss its meaning since Dee have -1 in police so she can as best only get +1 in police and thats not worth -2 eff although there is the +2 support.
          It's close to midnight and something evil's is lurking in the dark.


          • #6
            Yup it works

            people thought that a police unit (quelling 2 drones with non lethal methods) should quell 4 drones with the doubling effect but for some reason it works out to be 3.
            You don't get to 300 losses without being a pretty exceptional goaltender.-- Ben Kenobi speaking of Roberto Luongo


            • #7
              I just had to post again as my average posts per day was 6.66

              I could not have that
              You don't get to 300 losses without being a pretty exceptional goaltender.-- Ben Kenobi speaking of Roberto Luongo


              • #8
                I think one of the easier ways(if not easiest) to make the game harder is to take away clean units. especially when you're not yang. its quite annoying to have a military of ne size when everything is eating up minerals.


                • #9
                  Yeah, but you barely need an army to beat the AI - use probes instead...

                  This thread has got me thinking about some different SE settings.
                  I confess to never using fundie, and police state only as Yang. (I'm definitely an efficiency junkie. Need more support? Just get more mins. Though Dee can get away with PS, and I have used it with her for extra formers early.)
                  But right now, I'm in an MP game as Santiago and I need some good ideas... (No, not X-gas impact rovers, please!) The other players are Uni, Angels, and PKs, plus AI aliens. Fundie is now on the agenda! I was thinking free market/police state might work OK as well. Anyone done this before (as the Spartans)?

                  WRT the specialist city thing, it has been my experience that commerce can generally outperform a pure specialist approach. But it's still a good thing to work on, for when everyone pronounces vendetta on you at once. ('course if you've already conquered everyone...) Nutrients are highest priority if you want specialists, and crawlers will almost always be involved. If you really get going, you won't even need drone control after a while.
                  You won't have any workers! I highly recommend a forum search on the specialist thing. It has definitely improved my game, even when I can't do it very well. Condensers kick a**!
                  Last edited by vitamin j; November 8, 2001, 02:12.


                  • #10
                    Just so you know, in defense of marxism and all, REAL communism has nothing to do with having a police state, brutal mind control and whatever. Just because lenin and mao say theyre communists doesnt mean that thay are, the same way ronald reagan cant make the US a true freemarket just cause he says it is

                    anyhow, police state is easy to pull of with focus on your military, ane more industrialized factions like the hive (and this is true in real life also)


                    • #11
                      ha ha ha...

                      It's good to hear from my compatriot Xian again. To side w/Xian, TRUE communism isn't Police State/Planned (although in the real world that's what happens). I find the fundamentalism in anything to be rather appalling and that's why I consider any 'fan' of Miriam to be a religious zealot. Jus' kidding, but seriously, with Yang placed with Police State/Planned/Green/Thought Control social planning, he becomes UNBEATABLE!!! sorry, Im just a fan of yang,
                      HIVE FOREVER!!!!! Masses Unite!!!
                      Despot-(1a) : a ruler with absolute power and authority (1b) : a person exercising power tyrannically
                      Beyond Alpha Centauri-Witness the glory of Sheng-ji Yang
                      *****Citizen of the Hive****
                      "...but what sane person would move from Hawaii to Indiana?" -Dis


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by frankychan
                        Jus' kidding, but seriously, with Yang placed with Police State/Planned/Green/Thought Control social planning, he becomes UNBEATABLE
                        Erm, you can't run planned and Green at the same time
                        ... This body holding me reminds me of my own mortality...
                        ... Pain is an illusion...


                        • #13
                          whoops, sorry bout that.....

                          thanks Cybergod for pointing that out to me....

                          What I meant to say is running Planned OR Green, he becomes unbeatable. my bad!
                          Despot-(1a) : a ruler with absolute power and authority (1b) : a person exercising power tyrannically
                          Beyond Alpha Centauri-Witness the glory of Sheng-ji Yang
                          *****Citizen of the Hive****
                          "...but what sane person would move from Hawaii to Indiana?" -Dis


                          • #14
                            Re: whoops, sorry bout that.....

                            Originally posted by frankychan
                            my bad!
                            That's meant to be lad, isn't it?


                            I just love playing Lal, as much as you all hate the AI Lal (and I certainly hope you despise ME playing as Lal ) - He gets Talents!!! This means that I need worry less over drones, meaning less efficiency required in early/mid game and I can run ree Market with slightly lowered side-effects. Try this with Lal-

                            Democratic, Planned, Knowledge
                            NET (including faction attrib.): 0 EFFIC, +4 GROWTH!, +1 INDUSTRY, +1 RESEARCH, -2 SUPPORT, -2 PROBE

                            All you now need to do is build Children's Creches everywhere and you've pop-booms up to size 9! Make sure you get VW and build Net Nodes! Also the +2 EFFIC CC give is very helpful...

                            As for Communism, there simply is no such thing as true communism on this world. Why? Just because an utopian idea is thought of doesn't mean it can be fully realised without being manipulated by power-hungry animals (eg. Stalin, Milosevic). The only communist leader that really cared about his people, that I can think of at the moment, was Marshall Tito . We could afford a car from a monthly pay! Everyone lived happily until his death and many dreadful truths about him surfaced...

                            As for Fundamentalism - I believe it a simple design of deprerate measure for desperate people in desperate circustances (eg. when an University impact Rover just pops in your territory and pronounces war and you don't even have Lasers yet!)
                            ... This body holding me reminds me of my own mortality...
                            ... Pain is an illusion...


                            • #15
                              Re: Re: whoops, sorry bout that.....

                              Originally posted by Cybergod

                              As for Communism, there simply is no such thing as true communism on this world. Why? Just because an utopian idea is thought of doesn't mean it can be fully realised without being manipulated by power-hungry animals (eg. Stalin, Milosevic). The only communist leader that really cared about his people, that I can think of at the moment, was Marshall Tito . We could afford a car from a monthly pay! Everyone lived happily until his death and many dreadful truths about him surfaced...
                              Perrhaps thats true, but all i was saying was that the word communism means the excact opposite of what vostok thought it was, and i thought it was kind of an ignorant thing to say.

                              and there has never been true capitalism either

