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Late Game Costs?

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  • Late Game Costs?

    I don't know when I first noticed this, but in a game I just completed I noticed that my "costs" very late in the game (transcendant thourght) were around 8000 e/c more than the F3 screen said they were. For example, F3 reported 10,000 income, costs of 2000 and a net income of 8,000 e/c. However! Turn to turn my net assets did not increase indicating hidden costs of 8,000.

    At first I thought there might have been some hidden inefficiency - I was running 100% income. However, when I reset the S/E to 40/30/40, showing a net income of 5,000, I actually lost 3,000 from my net assets turn to turn.

    I actually had to keep my income at 10,000 just to avoid going broke.

    Has anyone seen this before?

    Ned arch+from+The+Empire+Strikes+Back.ogg&wiki=en

  • #2
    Having seen no replies, I assume than no one has seen this problem.

    I should note that I am not using the SMACx that is the v. 2.0 upgrade, but the version I downloaded that enables one to start the game without the CD. I note that with this game, I also do not get beauracracy warnings. There may be other subtle differences as well that I just haven't noticed before. What I do notice though is that the game crashes quite a bit now.

    Does anyone know anything about this CD-less version? It really makes starting the game a pleasure, so I would prefer to keep it if this game is not the source of the bugs.

    Ned arch+from+The+Empire+Strikes+Back.ogg&wiki=en


    • #3
      I've noticed things going haywire in the very late game as well, but I just ignored it. I have some suspicion that the Transcendent thought loop is to blame as I can break this loop (ie change techs around so that only 1 Transcendent thought is allowed, then nothing) and I see even further problems. In taking the screenshots I took from Kassiopeia's Aldebaran game Satellites I noticed that the super-AI faction had finished it's research but was still pouring labs into research and I think, getting out energy.

      Visit Aldebaran:Aldebaranweb


      • #4

        I don't think it can be the noCD crack. I use that too, in both my laptop and my desktop, and still get beaurocracy warnings, etc.

        re my desktop, I used to suffer horribly from crashes and absolute freezes while in smac/x (ie no mouse movement, no ctl/alt/del effect - just had to hit the 'reset' button. Haven't had one since I installed the crack

        re the problem itself - it used to occur in the first SMAC release, but was corrected in a patch (Here I quote from the "readme' file:

        The energy readout in the info window isn't double it's actual value in some instances)

        It sounds like that's what's happening to you, so you may have a different version of the no-CD hack



        • #5
          There are strange things that happen in the SMAX endgame. Too many to account for, really.


          • #6
            I think I have seen this before, but now I will look for it. Funny, I was just thinking: Did this phenomenon affect only me, or was the AI similarly affected.


