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tech-leading is not the most important

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  • tech-leading is not the most important

    Tech is important, but not for itself. Tech is slave of the most important objectiv of this game: Expansion. Expansion can be horizontal (many bases) or vertical (bases with good infrastructur).

    Well, maybe that not a big piece of wisdom. But what can you do with it?
    - You can share all techs in Pacts, if you expand better, you are stronger, with the same techs
    - You don't need protect your tech-leading, if you don't have it

    You can really "feel" this, if you play as Miriam, run Fundy and build Punismend Spheres everywhere...

    My problem is, that I can't play as Uni. Most people like to play as Uni, but I can't:
    - First I have to protect my tech leading and
    - Second I have to expand better with this techleading

    That's not an easy job...

  • #2
    The problem with being behind in tech is that you never even get an opportunity to build most SPs. If your opponent builds them and not you, you may still win, but it is a lot harder. Ned arch+from+The+Empire+Strikes+Back.ogg&wiki=en


    • #3
      When people talk about being behind in tech, I always think which tech? I agree that you can often catch up in the tech race by trading/stealing but there are often key technologies where being behind really matters. I agree with Ned that there are just some SPs you want to get.

      A question: What do you mean by being "behind in tech" ? Is it simply having fewer tech than others?? You see, I frequently have fewer techs than my opponents but consider myself (in my own mind) to be AHEAD in the tech race if I am first to a key tech. All techs are not created equal !


      • #4
        Personally, I find that competing for SP's is more at odds with the rest of my agenda than tech and expansion are with one another. For example, if I go for an early SP, like the WP or HGP, its like losing a base to worms - whatever base I'm building it in will probably end up stagnating or worse in pop and/or slacking off in min production due to inadequate drone control. Of course, I may not even get the SP to boot and then I'll have to keep on wasting that bases potential while I ante up some more for a more expensive SP, settle for another one I don't necessarily care about or even worse make a regular build and perhaps throw away lots of mins.

        The times that I feel comfortable going after SPs is later in the game, when I can get a number of bases building crawlers to feed the SP and ideally when I have sufficient espionage to tell how the competition for that SP is doing so I don't get hung out to dry.

        As for the tech vs expansion, that seems to be matter of finding a delicate balance between the two, not forgetting the third main element, the military (else there may be an unpleasant surprise which will upset your applecart). Of course, the military can also be a vehicle for achieving the other two as well.


        • #5
          Originally posted by cbn
          A question: What do you mean by being "behind in tech" ? Is it simply having fewer tech than others?? You see, I frequently have fewer techs than my opponents but consider myself (in my own mind) to be AHEAD in the tech race if I am first to a key tech. All techs are not created equal !
          I agree. The AI will be off on a different tree while you lead in important areas (like having crawlers, restrictions lifted, fusion and MMI). Considering it usually takes the AI forever to build SP's, hope it not always lost -- time to probe. Missed the Xeno Dome or Command Nexus? No huge deal: by keeping focused on what's important to you (either in infrastructure or military), there is always a chance to go get that SP later, after you are really pulling ahead in tech.


          • #6
            Yes, SP's are nice if you have them. But if a special game strategie needs them, it's the wrong strategie...

            I ask me how can I survive and expand with a minimum of tech and maybe also without SP's.

            Of course there are key-techs. But you need them to expand. Tech is slave of the expansion paradigma. Horizontal expansion results most of time in war with other factionc. So you need military techs. Or you need to defense your well builded infrastructur in an vertical expansion. So you need military techs too.

            The first key tech is: Air power (or Centauri Genetik as an alternativ). Without it, you are dead.

            Second key tech is Cent Oek. OR Ind. Auto. One of them you need absolutly. To build boreholes or to crawler forest. You need Mineral output befor energy.

            That's it. With this 2 key-techs you can survive and continue to expand. Of course if you get new techs you have news possiblities to expand.

            My standpoint of my question was: What's the minimum I need to continue to expand (and survive)?


            • #7
              Unless you plan to keep your bases at size 3 or smaller you will probably need SocPsych pretty quick.

              - Scipio
              Delende est Ashcrofto


              • #8
                A mistake: of course Eco. Engin., not Cent Oek. is one if the 2 key techs...


                Oh yes, that's true... I forgot SocPsych cause I often play as Miriam and Cha Dawn. They start with this tech. It's not on the path to the 2 key techs, but it's very important.

                Miriam and Cha Dawn are predestinated for explore and fight. With blind research they go forward to the 2 key techs. Isn't it interesting that these 2 starts with SocPsych? It's essential for them.

