This is a hard choice, at least for me. Let me tell ya what happened....
As the UoP (Hey, they're my favorite. I even replaced Zak's pic with my own...of course i'm in front of the Eiffel Tower in it, but I digress) I started off on a random map, Talent level. Shortly after establishing a few bases I found Miriam was right next to me. I didn't want a fight, but I knew I'd have one if I didn't give in to her demand for energy. I gave it to her, knowing she'd be back. Meanwhile I began building impact rovers. Deidre was nearby and sold me a map of Believer territory. Perfect. Miriam only had about five bases, and one was on Mt. Planet. I put my rovers near the border and waited for Miriam to get belligerent, and kept building more of them as I expanded away from her. You see, Miriam was caged. Both Dee and myself blocked her land expansion. A few turns later she's sending colony pods through my territory to try and reach the other side of the continent. (That I wanted for myself!) I asked her to get out of my territory, she says we'll find out whose territoty it is, I take four of her six bases. (and probed the colony pods, using them to add to my own expansion...Miriam hadn't gone fundy yet) She surrendered pretty quick. I've learned that its best to blitzkrieg Miriam when she gets uppity. Her attack bonus is useless if you can keep her on the defensive.
Meanwhile Lal is threatening me and Cha Dawn is getting too big for his britches. Dee asks for a pact against the Cult, and I agree if she'll help me against Lal. Basically we just teamed up to kick everyone in the ass. Lal had a vast expanse to cross reach me but he did with a lot of probes. It was all I could do to keep killing them before he did some daage. (he managed to destroy one recycling tank.) But the tide turned. Dee went after Lal so hard it scared me. She had an army of demon boiles and basically took all but three of Lal's twenty something bases! I managed to snag UN HQ (Becasue it had the CDF in it!) but it was close. I had to move my transport through a stretch of water I call "Yang Alley". Yang had skimships out the wazoo and I lost two escort vessels, but I made it. I managed to get HSA by the skin of my teeth. Now I was the 500 pound gorilla on the block. Dee and I were directing our attacks against Yang and Cha now. I was the Planetary Governor, I had out teched everyone and I was making a mint in energy credits every turn! Then....
I don't know who, but my guess is Morgan. Someone framed me against Dee. (I got the message but it didn't say who.) Dee's forces in my territory weren't automatically recalled either! She started rampaging through my lands instantly. (But only attacked formers...stupid AI.) Now after Dee made short work of Lal I began building tons of copters and empath shard troops (and prototyping tanks) figuring that since she's number 2 now she'll turn on me sooner or later....but the frame up caught me off guard. I had to use most of my cash to rush buy troops and attack her bases on my border. I took three of them and then she asked for a blood truce....but should I agree to that? Heres why:
A) If I agree it will only give her time to build up more forces and renew the fight later. And Dee is tough in this game. I may be numero uno on the power scale, but so was Lal and you know what happened to him.
B) If I don't agree I'll have to devote all of my time to crushing her or making her surrender. (I won't settle for anything less! She's too powerful to give her a break in a fight!) But Yang will most likely take advantage of the situation. He'll either bulk up his army making his defeat harder to get or he'll (gasp) pact with Dee against me!
C) is there anyway to find out WHO FRAMED ME!? I really think it was Morgan. He's been rattling his saber at me but he's far too weak and distance to do much.
D) Maybeeeee...I could pact with Cha Dawn against Dee. They've been duking it out for awhile. The one thing about losing my pact is the commerce is gone and its crippled me. I'm trying to launch as many power transmitters as I can, but Cha has a decent amount of bases. If we team up and assuming he does ANYTHING we could probably beat Dee down into submission.
What do you experts think? I await your suggestions. Now I've got to go prepare dinner. (didn't eat last night playing this game!)
As the UoP (Hey, they're my favorite. I even replaced Zak's pic with my own...of course i'm in front of the Eiffel Tower in it, but I digress) I started off on a random map, Talent level. Shortly after establishing a few bases I found Miriam was right next to me. I didn't want a fight, but I knew I'd have one if I didn't give in to her demand for energy. I gave it to her, knowing she'd be back. Meanwhile I began building impact rovers. Deidre was nearby and sold me a map of Believer territory. Perfect. Miriam only had about five bases, and one was on Mt. Planet. I put my rovers near the border and waited for Miriam to get belligerent, and kept building more of them as I expanded away from her. You see, Miriam was caged. Both Dee and myself blocked her land expansion. A few turns later she's sending colony pods through my territory to try and reach the other side of the continent. (That I wanted for myself!) I asked her to get out of my territory, she says we'll find out whose territoty it is, I take four of her six bases. (and probed the colony pods, using them to add to my own expansion...Miriam hadn't gone fundy yet) She surrendered pretty quick. I've learned that its best to blitzkrieg Miriam when she gets uppity. Her attack bonus is useless if you can keep her on the defensive.
Meanwhile Lal is threatening me and Cha Dawn is getting too big for his britches. Dee asks for a pact against the Cult, and I agree if she'll help me against Lal. Basically we just teamed up to kick everyone in the ass. Lal had a vast expanse to cross reach me but he did with a lot of probes. It was all I could do to keep killing them before he did some daage. (he managed to destroy one recycling tank.) But the tide turned. Dee went after Lal so hard it scared me. She had an army of demon boiles and basically took all but three of Lal's twenty something bases! I managed to snag UN HQ (Becasue it had the CDF in it!) but it was close. I had to move my transport through a stretch of water I call "Yang Alley". Yang had skimships out the wazoo and I lost two escort vessels, but I made it. I managed to get HSA by the skin of my teeth. Now I was the 500 pound gorilla on the block. Dee and I were directing our attacks against Yang and Cha now. I was the Planetary Governor, I had out teched everyone and I was making a mint in energy credits every turn! Then....
I don't know who, but my guess is Morgan. Someone framed me against Dee. (I got the message but it didn't say who.) Dee's forces in my territory weren't automatically recalled either! She started rampaging through my lands instantly. (But only attacked formers...stupid AI.) Now after Dee made short work of Lal I began building tons of copters and empath shard troops (and prototyping tanks) figuring that since she's number 2 now she'll turn on me sooner or later....but the frame up caught me off guard. I had to use most of my cash to rush buy troops and attack her bases on my border. I took three of them and then she asked for a blood truce....but should I agree to that? Heres why:
A) If I agree it will only give her time to build up more forces and renew the fight later. And Dee is tough in this game. I may be numero uno on the power scale, but so was Lal and you know what happened to him.
B) If I don't agree I'll have to devote all of my time to crushing her or making her surrender. (I won't settle for anything less! She's too powerful to give her a break in a fight!) But Yang will most likely take advantage of the situation. He'll either bulk up his army making his defeat harder to get or he'll (gasp) pact with Dee against me!
C) is there anyway to find out WHO FRAMED ME!? I really think it was Morgan. He's been rattling his saber at me but he's far too weak and distance to do much.

D) Maybeeeee...I could pact with Cha Dawn against Dee. They've been duking it out for awhile. The one thing about losing my pact is the commerce is gone and its crippled me. I'm trying to launch as many power transmitters as I can, but Cha has a decent amount of bases. If we team up and assuming he does ANYTHING we could probably beat Dee down into submission.
What do you experts think? I await your suggestions. Now I've got to go prepare dinner. (didn't eat last night playing this game!)