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Free Market Policing

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  • Free Market Policing

    I got this idea after the Police State thread. I was just thinking there should be a way to manually quell, and not just prevent, drone riots even if you have a hugely negative Police rating.

    It would be more realistic too, seeing as how real-life democracies do not find riot control or even martial law anathema (cf. Los Angeles riots of 1991, assorted anti-G8 and WTO protests, recent disturbances in northern England).

    Perhaps the military units wouldn't be allowed, in keeping with real-life democracy, but SMAC's free markets should still have some kind of civilian policing capabilities for emergencies. (I know the lack thereof makes the game more challenging, but it does sort of annoy me. I have the most fun when I don't play Alpha Centauri like a war game, but like I'm really the leader of a country. Probably just me...) Thoughts?
    Everything changes, but nothing is truly lost.

  • #2
    I don't know, but you just gave me an idea

    I'm going to change the amount of drones caused by a genejack factory to -5. Then I'm going to set it to a tech that the human player doesn't have, or just 'forbid' the building of this facility by the human player. (evil grin) Thanks!

    Visit Aldebaran:Aldebaranweb


    • #3
      Re: Free Market Policing

      Originally posted by Mr. President
      Perhaps the military units wouldn't be allowed, in keeping with real-life democracy,
      Military units do perform riot control. That is one of the primary functions of the Army National Guard. Have you forgotten the Watts riots and the Riots in Detroit? Those that tried avoiding Vietnam by joining the Army Guard often found themselves dodging bullets on riot duty.



      • #4
        Ken - That's true. The point was that the game seems to think that free market societies can't behave like that, when, as you said, they clearly can. The United States, arguably the freest democracy and the most open market in the world, has quelled riots by effectively declaring martial law, dropped nuclear bombs in a war that it was winning, and launched air strikes against civilian targets. The United Nations frequently condemns one form of genocide while encouraging others. Australia loudly decries human rights abuses in Indonesia and India while doing exactly the same things at home.

        Essentially, the point is that Alpha Centauri's free markets should not be put in danger of being held hostage to angry mobs, since their real-life counterparts are not.

        Smack - You're welcome!
        Everything changes, but nothing is truly lost.


        • #5
          This type of discussioin often crops up concerning the concepts in the game and how "true" they are to "real life". I think for the sake of the balanced gaming experience you have to have a willing suspension of disbelief and just play as though the game is a set of rules to be played under and not adjusted to model reality more closely. Argueably we could say that the Queen piece in chess has far too much mobility and that under the feudal system of government the game is modeled after she wouldn't have that much freedom/power, but that would alter the balance and rules of the game and be somewhat ridiculous.

          And while I recognize that the United States may very well be the "freest democracy and the most open market in the world" you have to remember it isn't truely a Free Market considering the subsides the goverment allows for and the environmental laws it upholds. I think Bill Gates would be an excellent person to ask just how "free" the United States Free Market is.


          • #6
            With Elephant's thoughts in mind, I still enjoy discussions like this.

            I'm not gonna start an arguement whether USA are "the freest democracy" with U President.
            But living in anotherone, quite free democrazy, Sweden, tells another side of that story.
            Eversince the shooting and killing of (I think) 5 unionists in (I think) 1931 the swedish
            military has been banned from public streets.
            Even in Gothenbourg-mayhem there was no military in sight.
            Although (rightwing-) voices have been raised for military actions in similary future occations.
            That gave me an interessting thought by the way. Y wouldn't the droneriots lead 2 counteractions?
            Let's say people got tired of the unrest and became more pro-police state. Atleast 4 awhile.

            "Essentially, the point is that Alpha Centauri's free markets should not
            be put in danger of being held hostage to angry mobs, since their
            real-life counterparts are not."

            - really?

            [this is my 1st post by the way ]


