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Amount Of Water Coverage?

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  • Amount Of Water Coverage?

    Most of the time I like playing with lots of water. Especially since the custom faction that I use is an aquatic version of the Spartans. But for the last month I have been playing on maps with very little water at all. Only small seas to break up the land and a bit to provide some natural barriers. And I must say that I have been challanged a lot more than in the past. I first let the editor give me a map and then I went in and filled most of the water except the small seas. things like the freshwater sea and the geothermal are still there. Then I went in and placed two monsoon jungles and separated them with fungas fields. One area I put many natural minerals and energy. (last time Domai landed on this and gave me a run for my money). So far most of the time the AI seems to spread out more and I have ended up fighting two factions on either side of me. Lal, Domai, or Dee usually. I have played mainly as Yang. Even the weakest of factions tend to have lots of territory. And it seems that there are more worms as well.

    I guess my question is, do you like a lot of water or a little.
    Which side are we on? We're on the side of the demons, Chief. We are evil men in the gardens of paradise, sent by the forces of death to spread devastation and destruction wherever we go. I'm surprised you didn't know that. --Saul Tigh

  • #2
    I like a lot of water -- I actually find mostly-sea maps much more challenging than mostly-land. I'm a builder: with few good landmasses, the computer will start you with very close neighbors. Chances are, one of them will be belligerent. With lots of land, you've got a better chance of being left alone for a little while (which for me is preferable but almost too easy).

    There is less need to spend much time on naval power when there is little water. Defense of your core bases is somewhat simpler. When angry AI neighbors come calling by land, they announce their presence by pillaging a forest or road rather than attacking a base by surprise. Then, knowing exactly where they are, you can counterattack and knock them out. By sea, there often is no warning unless you have some seaformers around.


    • #3
      well maps with more land tend to be more arid (bad). i usually play with medium ocean, but once i went with lots of land and even on a huge map, i had met everyone by 2150 and had erradicated the believers


      • #4
        I'm working on a custom map, with no water at all.
        Looks a lot like mars.
        Sorta interesting. Way too many pods, though, cause they aren't limited by water.


        • #5
          Try playing with the Map of Arrakis

          All land, not a speck of water. Makes for an interesting fast paced conquest game, lol.

          Sprayber, would that custom faction be available someplace? Sounds cool to me!


          • #6
            Originally posted by NorthSwordsman
            Try playing with the Map of Arrakis

            All land, not a speck of water. Makes for an interesting fast paced conquest game, lol.

            Sprayber, would that custom faction be available someplace? Sounds cool to me!
            About the faction.
            Faction--New World Order
            Leader--General Marcus Scipio
            ex-Spartan General

            It has Pirate base graphics.
            Spartan info except you get a free unity foil
            Start the game with doctrine flexibility
            Start the game with free Command Center

            Central Command
            Port Scipio
            Wolfpak Base
            Eagle Point
            Galonden Core
            Ocean Conquest
            Yar Point
            Sea War
            Seawolf Base
            Strait Defense
            Ocean Lair
            Gaian Sorrow

            Land bases

            Central City
            Fortress Hill
            Port nWo
            Fire Base Gloria

            And this picture as the faction leader.
            Attached Files
            Last edited by Sprayber; August 1, 2001, 02:11.
            Which side are we on? We're on the side of the demons, Chief. We are evil men in the gardens of paradise, sent by the forces of death to spread devastation and destruction wherever we go. I'm surprised you didn't know that. --Saul Tigh

