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Help from pirates needed

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  • Help from pirates needed

    I find it difficult to eliminate factions as a prirate. Sea bases are no problem, but land bases take 100 years before I can get thos to be productive. Land bases I conquer are also very hard to support/supply from all my other see bases. Does not take long before they fall back to the original owner. Burning the conquered bases down works great, but after about 140,000 citizens put to death the other factions tend to complain about human rights ( whatever that is).

    Any ideas?
    I have seen the truth, and it makes no sense.

  • #2
    well if you don't care about human rights you can always nerve gas them

    and bases you have recently captured probably have reduced pop (less use of resources) more drones, and are surrounded by the AI's stupid terraforming like farming arid squares. and if you're the pirates, you get +1 mins from ocean squares, so send some trawlers in, change the support to the captured base, and send them off to harvest mins from your platforms (maybe even rush a trunkline). so in your transport you probably have some marines a rover maybe, add another garrison or 2 so you can defend the base after u capture it.

    and as for new land bases, they actually tend to be more productive (depending on location) with more energy from boreholes and what-not. a land base i have as the pirates is my most productive base. new bases you found later in the game usually take longer to get going anyway right?

    hope that helps


    • #3
      and as for new land bases, they actually tend to be more productive (depending on location) with more energy from boreholes and what-not. a land base i have as the pirates is my most productive base
      Same for me. I don't know why, but land bases as pirates aren't all that hard when I play. Mrdynamic, obliterating bases isn't a very reliable strategy (ethics aside). Those bases, however tough to use, can be very helpful. Sven cannot remain seabased forever. Fly in reinforcements if need be.


      • #4
        Send a crawler or two to the base, home them to the base. Transport the crawler to a safe area, and stick it on a mine.
        Best if you can get the base up to a mineral count of ten or more.
        Have the base build a basic unit, then upgrade the unit to whatever you need to protect the base. THe Pirates usually have a ton of energy, which more than makes up for any mineral shortage.

        WHenever a problem crops up in smac, you can usually solve it with crawlers.
        "Nine out of ten voices in my head CAN'T be wrong, can they?"

