Personally I like the Morganites. But thats because they suit my strategy. I am a person who waits until everything is perfect to use my master plan, and my strat usually works. In the begining to mid game I am basicly at the bottom of the power scale, only because I am building projects, and making money, then once all is ready i come flying out b***h the other factions. But thats me. I am not typicllyy aggressive...unless I am attacked in which case all my resources go to kicking the factions ass. My view is, that when i enter a war, i enter to win. And I'll only enter a war if it either A) provides me with resources or some kind strategic position, or B) helps me erradicate the faction. And I fight until I've won, unless I'm in a good mood and that believer b***h can maybe buy her way out of death.