I saw SMAC mention this in another thread and thought that it deserved it's own thread. SMAC, this was just too cool of an idea to let die in another thread.
So what silly unit would you like to see in SMAC? Here are his thougths on the topic.
[qoute] I wish there were actual Units for the supreme leaders. Can you imagine the feeling of satisfaction at assassinating Yang, himself, with a probe-assassin team? Further, I'd like to see some silly units, like 'the media', which could be stuck in the middle of the battlefield so that you could watch far-away wars on Chiron-News. Hrm, other silly units? [/quote]
I think the idea of units that you get for being the planetary gov. would be kind of cool. Something along the line of special probe teams or maybe you can build special facilities in the hq of another faction.
of course everything is lost if someone else is elected governor.

So what silly unit would you like to see in SMAC? Here are his thougths on the topic.
[qoute] I wish there were actual Units for the supreme leaders. Can you imagine the feeling of satisfaction at assassinating Yang, himself, with a probe-assassin team? Further, I'd like to see some silly units, like 'the media', which could be stuck in the middle of the battlefield so that you could watch far-away wars on Chiron-News. Hrm, other silly units? [/quote]
I think the idea of units that you get for being the planetary gov. would be kind of cool. Something along the line of special probe teams or maybe you can build special facilities in the hq of another faction.
