Does anyone know where I can get the tech chart in pdf format perhaps? I purchased the "classic" edition of SMAC and it did not include the tech chart, just the manual on the CD. I've found some charts made by users, but has anyone scanned the actual chart?
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How can I get the SMAC tech tree chart?
Hi rwprice:
Maybe even better:
You can download the "tiny tech tree" from Googlie's site, and others. IIRC, its in word format. I hope that works for you.
The real smac(x) charts are wall posters, and would not be legible, scanned, and printed on an 8 1/2 x 11 page
Here's Googlie's site: is your first and best source for all of the information you’re looking for. From general topics to more of what you would expect to find here, has it all. We hope you find what you are searching for!
Just click the "miscellaneous downloads." Good luck.
bcTeam 'Poly
rwprice, I just downloaded it and tried it out.
It is surely confusing!!! Too big and too wide. I don't think I will be able to use it. How about you? Was it helpful to you?
I'm enjoying Civ2. Beginning to learn, I think. And I still want to play SMAC.
I see you are still playing both. Which do you like best?
sboog, I decided to take a look at SMAC after I got tired of Civ2. I was intrigued by what I've heard about SMAC's improvements over Civ2. It looks promising, but it'll take me a while to get used to the sci-fi stuff. Truthfully, I think I better stick with Civ2 for a while longer.
Yes, I'm still going to stick it out with these games. Like you, something about them keeps calling me back. I guess that's a good sign. Now, if I could just feel like I knew what I was doing...
If you have access to Powerpoint 2000 feel free to download mini versions of SMAC, SMACX, and Civ 2 tech trees that I have created. There are also other summary charts of various game aspects. To use the tech trees, I like to print them and use a highlighter to mark the techs that I have researched as well as the connecting lines to the next techs so I can at a glance measure my progress.
You can get them at:
Hope this helps.Nethog
I don't have Power Point either. I went to your page and began downloading your SMAC file anyway. Half way through it there was a message:"Access denied."
Oops. Anyone know how to view this without PowerPoint?
I really would like the tech tree in some sort of manageable form.
I have tested downloading my smac file from my work computer (via dialup) and downloaded the file with out any problems. As for not having Powerpoint, perhaps you can try using the Microsoft "freebie" Powerpoint viewer ( available as a 3 Mb download. I would be interested in knowing if it worked ok for you.Nethog
nethog, I downloaded the power point viewer. Thanks.
But when I click on your site for SMAC, it shows the tech tree immediately but it is tiny!
I don't know where the download of your site is stored in my computer. But it looks like Power point immediately opens things when I click on either SMAC or Civ2 from the web page you gave us.
What do I do now? It is impossible to see.
In Powerpoint 2000 the tech tree fills an 8.5"X11" page.
Try saving the download as a file on your hard disk and then opening it with the viewer (as opposed to displaying it in your browser). To force a save with a browser: In Netscape click on the SMAC powerpoint file link while holding the shift key. In Internet Explorer, right-mouse click on the powerpoint file link and select "Save As". Hope this helps.Nethog
I tried it just like you suggested: right clicked on the link and saved it to my hard disk. Then I tried to open it by clicking on the little PP icon in the list of things to open it with.
The screen turned dark, and I thought I was going to see the tech tree. Instead the words popped up "Can not view the presentation with PP97" or something to that effect.
Any thoughts? Anyone else try this and have it work?
OK, Nethog, I just got it to work! And printed out 5 pages in black and white.
Very clear print. Neat.
Print is a little small, but clear. I am amazed that you got all that on one page. (the "Combat modifiers" print is of course bigger.)
Now I will go study it. THANKS!!
Power Point must be a good program. It is amazingly clear text for being so small.
Thank you for sharing this and for helping me work it out on my computer.
Glad to hear that it worked for you. As for the amount of data on the chart: I wanted a comprehensive 1-page summary of the tree and all of the stuff that comes with each tech, so I opted for a small font. It works for me! One thing I have noticed is that the printer you use can make a big difference on the quality of hardcopy. When I print at work using a Lexmark 600DPI postscript 2 laser printer I get EXCELLENT print quality. When I print at home using my HP 5L 300 DPI PCL printer it doesn't look so great (but I can still read all of the text).Nethog
I have spent the last hour studying your tech tree charts that I printed out. I also printed out the 3 for Civ2.
So I have been looking at the main one for Civ2, and all of a sudden I finally see the scope, the pathways, and the depth of this game! (since I know less about SMAC, I started with the ones for Civ2.)
I hope rwprice can print these out. He and I have been struggling along with Civ2 and SMAC, trying to understand the concept of the two games.
Looking at your chart that has the whole game on one page, is like standing on a distant planet and seeing all of the Earth before me.
And now the lights are coming on!
This must have taken hours for you to type and chart and work out. You are very dedicated.
Have you told the folks at the Civ2 forum about this? I'll bet there would be some happy souls if they were able to download your files.
I printed mine out on my HPLaserJet 5L and it looks good. Small, but like you say, it is all there right on ONE page.
Again, I thank you for sharing this with me.