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still can't find AX

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  • still can't find AX

    I've even tried switchhouse ( as per a suggestion) and they turn down all reasonable bids - even when I simply ask how much do they want. I just really want some new playble factions and can't seem to open some of the odd & end download factions I sometimes find.-- ANYONE?

  • #2
    Try here:

    A friend of mine got his copy from them a couple of weeks ago, fast delivery, no hassles. Good price, too.


    • #3
      What is AX? Do you mean SMACX?


      • #4
        Thanks a lot Lee Found it & bought it.----By the way, death_head (I guess the name suites you)Let me explain: A is for Alien, X is for crossfire.This is a dedicated board---I'm sorry I did not use "the accepted code", but I figured most of us could understand what was meant. Obviously, you could but just wanted to take a poke at someone.Watch your finger, boy.I don't want your position in here.


        • #5
          Where did you eventually get it?


          • #6
            Thanks a lot Lee Found it & bought it.----By the way, death_head (I guess the name suites you)Let me explain: A is for Alien, X is for crossfire.This is a dedicated board---I'm sorry I did not use "the accepted code", but I figured most of us could understand what was meant. Obviously, you could but just wanted to take a poke at someone.Watch your finger, boy.I don't want your position in here.
            It's a perfectly reasonable question. The expansion pack for alpha centauri is commonly known as SMACX, not AX. I don't think he wanted to take a poke at you. You'll find that the general attitude on these boards is actually quite supportive.

            Last edited by Wiglaf; July 15, 2001, 13:49.


            • #7
              jewlguy, you should try to act a little better when you're asking for help.

              You were not provoked in any way and had no reason to respond in the way you did.

              I hope I want have to intervene again....
              Co-Founder, Apolyton Civilization Site
              Co-Owner/Webmaster, | CTO, Apogee Information Systems
     my non-mobile non-photo news & articles blog


              • #8
                Well, I seemed to have put my foot in it this time - - - Sorry, death_head, and anyone else's nose I may have tweaked with my snippy response. What I meant to say was "SMACX", just thought "AX"would get the meaning through.You know how it is sometimes,anything to keep from typing a few more letters. And Lee - I found a copy of SMACX at the site you suggested, at least they did not tell me it was out of stock & they confirmed my order. Again - my apologies, I should not be so rude when asking for assistance. Signed, Solicitous Settler


                • #9
                  Jolly good, jewlguy. And don't worry--I knew what you were asking about in the first place. I often use AX in correspondence with friends.


                  • #10
                    We're all here to help

                    Don't hesitate to ask for help in the future.


                    • #11
                      Hey no problem jewlguy, I just wanted to make sure we were on the same page before I said anything stupid.

                      By the way, I owuld like to point out that I am a very cheerful person in real life, as well as online, I am not a goth, and I like Edgar Allen Poe (name is an obscure reference from The Gold-Bug)


                      • #12
                        Hey, Lee - I am a happy little SMACXer now - I just recieved my copy of Alien Crossfire - life is good! I, ll check back in when I have a chance to peruse it - jewlguy


                        • #13
                          Excellent! Have fun.


                          • #14
                            Anybody know the difference between smax X 2.0 and smac X 2.0A? They're listed differently in the Apolyton site and the Firaxis site, but they have the same number of bytes.
                            Those who forget the past are doomed to repeat it. And perhaps everyone else, too.


                            • #15
                              [e:\home\dl\smac]fc /b smacxpv2.exe smacxpv2a.exe
                              Comparing files smacxpv2.exe and SMACXPV2A.EXE
                              FC: no differences encountered
                              Any questions?

