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Smax factions: Need an outline for a project...

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  • Smax factions: Need an outline for a project...

    I'm working on some custom factions for Smac and was wondering if anyone could list the SE inclinations and faction attributes for Smax or point me to a thread where they are all included.

    Visit Aldebaran:Aldebaranweb

  • #2
    I'm not at the game as I enter this, so I could be wrong on some of these, but hopefully I'm fairly close:
    Planet Cult: +2 planet, -1 econ, -1 industry. Starting techs social psych and centauri ecology. Agenda green, Aversion wealth. Start with a mind-worm. AI set to counquer/explore, which is fairly stupid.
    Data Angels: +2 probe, -1 police. Price for probe team actions reduced by 25%. Share tech 3 with infiltration. (same as datalinks) Agenda Democratic, aversion power. Not sure on the AI settings. Starting tech information networks and planetary networks. Start with a probe team. The +2 probe should probably be changed to +1 to avoid the rollover to zero if the probe rating is +4 or higher.
    Cybernetic Conciousness: +2 eff., + 2 research, -1 growth. Starting tech applied physics and information networks. Aversion fundamentalist, agenda cybernetic. Steal tech when taking over a base. AI set to discover and I believe build, though I could be wrong on that.
    Nautilus Pirates: -1 eff., -1 growth. Start with a sea colony, naval faction, so they get the extra mineral in shelf squares, can terraform deeper water with prereq. tech. Free naval yards with discovery of Doc. Initative, free boarding ability for ships with discovery of Adaptive Doc. AI set to explore/conquer. Starting techs mobility and flexibility. Agenda power, no aversion.
    Free Drones: +2 industry, -2 research. Starting tech industrial base. -1 drone per base. Increased chance of revolting bases joining this faction. Agenda Euda., aversion green.
    AI set to build.
    Both alien factions start with a bunch of techs, battle ogre, have free deep radar, free recycling tanks, and can win by progenitor victory. In addition, they get +1 research if in control of the manifold nexus. Both have agenda Planned, and they attack you regardless of your social settings.
    Usurpers: +25% attack bonus, +1 growth, +1 morale, -1 planet. Aversion Demo.
    Caretakers: +25% defense bonus, +1 planet, no aversion but can not transcend.

    Hope this helps


    • #3
      Simply Sane thanks, Justin!
      Visit Aldebaran:Aldebaranweb


      • #4
        Err, could anyone fill in the couple gaps in the above data? I'm making a database for custom factions and it'd be nice to have their factiondata fleshed out...esp. the agressiveness, conquer, research, build, grow line. If anyone cares to just simply email me the textfiles for the smaxfactions, that would be easier.

        Visit Aldebaran:Aldebaranweb


        • #5
          Why do you need a database for customs factions?


          • #6
            Death, I don't need a database at all, but I have trouble remembering all the iterations of faction tendencies and proclivities so it helps to have it on paper or onscreen. I've got the spreadsheet worked's not a's a spreadsheet, my bad wording...with the holes I mentioned above. It's already been handy when I've been designing new factions. For instance I'm currently working on a humorous faction called the Breeders who have +2 Growth and free Creches. By looking up at the chart I can see that very few factions have aversion to Free Market, so I'm going to include that in their SE dimension.

            Visit Aldebaran:Aldebaranweb


            • #7
              Oh, I see.

              Not that I argue semantics or anything, but what would a Breeder faction have against Free Market? It seems that they would be more likely to be against a Green economy, since environmentalists are also big advocates of the pill.


              • #8
                Hehe, good thinking Deathhead, why don't you come up with your own custom faction and post it here? I'm just starting to go out looking to collect the point where I have 30 or so it will be a database and I'll post it somewhere so folks can pick out factions to their liking.

                Visit Aldebaran:Aldebaranweb


                • #9
                  Here's something I've been toying with for awhile...I'm not sure how well it's balanced though...

                  Faction: Big Brother

                  Police +1

                  Probe +1

                  Support -1

                  Starting Tech: Information Networks

                  Social choice: Thought Control

                  Aversion: Democracy

        's what I think may make them interesting...

                  All bases permanently nerve-stapled.

                  Anyone care to comment?


                  • #10
                    Wish it were possible to implement the permanent Nerve Staple
                    The Police rating wouldn't matter then eh?
                    Sounds like a great theme though. I'll add it to the compilation of variants...see the Creation Threads..

                    Visit Aldebaran:Aldebaranweb


                    • #11
                      Good point...I guess what we could do is eliminate Drones and talents...I can't remember if stapling has any research effects because I never do it...


                      • #12
                        Probably going to continue this over in the resuscitated and again lively Creation Threads. BUT, if you read this and know the 'holes' in the above data, ie..smax dispositions, a couple attributes, or are willing to email me all the factiontexts, or just the whole darn Data folder from Smax, I'd really appreciate it. Another project is taking shape out of this...

                        Visit Aldebaran:Aldebaranweb


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by death_head
                          Here's something I've been toying with for awhile...I'm not sure how well it's balanced though...

                          Faction: Big Brother

                          Police +1

                          Probe +1

                          Support -1

                          Starting Tech: Information Networks

                          Social choice: Thought Control

                          Aversion: Democracy

                's what I think may make them interesting...

                          All bases permanently nerve-stapled.

                          Anyone care to comment?
                          How about free punishment spheres with Advanced Military Algorithms? -50% tech but no drones ever. Might need some better bonuses in the early game otherwise they get squashed when they get this tech. Maybe +1 police and immunity efficiency. This way they can run police state and have double police effect.



                          • #14
                            That could work...balancing is a lot harder than I imagined though.


                            -5 police

                            -5 research

                            -5 efficiency

                            -5 planet

                            -5 industry

                            -5 probe

                            -5 economy

                            -5 morale

                            -5 support

                            Free Singularity Planet Buster with every base!

                            And now I think we know why organized government has always prospered...


                            • #15
                              Death, you are too funny! Two too many 'abilities', can only have 8. Otherwise, this is perfectly workable and might make for a truly odd scenario (Smack's comments are humorless).

                              Nadexander, nerve stapling can't be automated, but you could either:

                              1. Give 'Facility, [number for whatever punishment sphere would be]' easily and they'd start with it!

                              2. You could, in a more roundabout way, give them a custom 'Tech, [parameter # for new tech]' that would allow punishment spheres to be built at the get go, or lead to another custom tech to do so.

                              I think the current Smac is begging for a 'Big Brother' scenario and/or faction. The facilities and techs and SE choices are all ready there...just finish up the faction and post it over in the creation threads!

                              Visit Aldebaran:Aldebaranweb

