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The "Where's my tech?" Bug

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  • #16
    I'll add my .02 €.

    DS, I thought that you yourself had corrected some presumptuous assumptrions of mine, stating that in some cases the tech cost may change underway.
    It's rare to be seen, but 2 years after that thread at ACOL I have indeed gained few experiences about that out of direct observations.

    First .01 €, it seems to be pretty conclusive that before you discover your first techs (that is, the first one which actually comes out of your LABS), the tech cost is NOT fixed.
    This means, if for instance you get a tech from a Unity Pod BEFORE you discover your first tech, your tech cost is (or rather "may get"...) *immediately* recalculated. The same if you meet someone that early and trade your factional initial techs.

    Second .01 €, I've recently seen in a pbem just past M.Y. 2150, where I have the EG since few years, the tech cost of another faction drop down slightly in the middle of his tech stint.
    The guy had a high tech cost as at some moment he was leader in techs. Due to Council called, diffuse contacts, many artifacts linked, field divided in two warring alliances which immediately share all the techs except to that guy because he's exposed to the other side probes (my probes...), all the other factions gained 4-5 techs each in 1-2 years.
    The guy suddenly found himself as the one with the least techs in the game (from an in-game PoV, his Pactmates will be updating him at first occasion...).
    When I have the EG I keep tables with the main game parameters for all factions, and I store every turn's table in a .xls.
    I observed his tech cost drop down over that turn, offhand I'd say about 2-3% (20ish labs over a 800+ tech cost). In that turn he did not receive any tech, nor change his research goal, and he's far from his next discovery.
    Icing on the cake, I didn't analyse it systematically, but I recently noticed that (at least in the early game), when you pop a Unity Pod a few labs (1-3ish) will be accumulated too.
    It might not have been you case here, but you could have begun your turn with 13 labs out of 14, popped a pod and got to 15 labs accumulated out of 14 needed. Unfortunately, in midturn that event does not trigger the check for tech discovery.
    Last edited by MariOne; October 10, 2001, 12:53.
    I don't exactly know what I mean by that, but I mean it (Holden Caulfield)


    • #17
      Ah...! The pod-popping could certainly explain it. I had no idea that you got a handful of lab points in addition to the other effects. That's definitely something I'll bear in mind from now on!

