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Favourite Faction

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  • #46
    I find the Hive to be my favorite... Yang is damn cool, and once you get started, the -2 Economy isn't all that crippling. Plus, having the equivalent of the CDF is always nice
    oh god how did this get here I am not good with livejournal


    • #47
      I personally am very fond of the Hive, and it's the only faction with which I can consistently beat the game on Iron Woman Transcend. I also have a deep respect for the University (originally my faction of choice) but my tactics favor the high-Police, high-Industry techniques of the Hive.

      I have recently begun to play more as a Builder leader than a Hybrid/Momentum leader, and I have found that the Hive has limitations on this sphere. I did try to play a game as the Morganites, but that ended rather predictably in tears.

      So, Hive all the way for me.
      "lol internet" ~ AAHZ


      • #48
        Gotta love Domai...his lack of research early game is more than made up for by the sheer power of his industrial force in mid-late game. I've been able to out-tech the good Provost simply by constructing a large number of enhancements to get me more energy...what a guy. And I can emphasize with him (poor Drones... )


        • #49
          Spartan as a builder, changing the -1 industry to -2 growth. Democracy, Green, Knowledge and Cybernetic. I have ~8 top notch cities and the few I take and don't donate to an ally. Plus by mid-game I have an all-elite military. Pretty darn cool.


          • #50
            Wouldn't you prefer a builder faction for building?


            • #51

              Morgans,followed by University

              Morgans are not dependant on a good starting postion.

              but if they get a Good starting position such as Mount Planet,Uranium flats or pholus ridge slap on wealth and freemarket and watch the cash pour in at a disgusting rate. Escpially if you nab merchant exchange,your Hq can then power your whole damn empire =o


              • #52
                Originally posted by death_head
                Wouldn't you prefer a builder faction for building?
                I probably should, but this way it's kind of an additional challenge.


                • #53
                  I keep forgetting that unlike me, you're a good player.


                  • #54
                    Winner Declared?

                    Should I declare The UoP the most popular faction among apolyton players?

                    Out of 86 votes the good Provost got an outstanding 19 votes leaving Yang second with 9 votes behind.

                    tAtT voctoy is popular ,,,,,,
                    It's close to midnight and something evil's is lurking in the dark.


                    • #55
                      I like the Pirates, first of all, because they're Pirates. I mean, how cool are pirates? Plus Svensgaard is a political atheist like me and has no aversions, which means I can use Police State and Free Market.

                      After them are the Gaians, followed by the Morgans and the Spartans. The Cult is cool, too (a cult - come on!). I like the Free Drones for myself as well as for opponents because they're very challenging. You'd think that -2 Research would be an insurmountable handicap, but they can be surprisingly strong. And it's fun to play as Conqueror Marr and be totally ruthless, marching your armies across the globe on roads built from your enemies' skulls.

                      The first faction I was attracted to was the University because of their "The Scientist" label on the Choose Your Faction screen. But every time I've played as them, I've gotten murdered, and not by probe teams either. I played about 500 consecutive Alpha Centauri Original games as the Gaians; the reason I started was because in my previous games as the Morgans and the University they were always the strongest AI faction. They were also the first faction I managed to win with!
                      Everything changes, but nothing is truly lost.


                      • #56
                        No!! Not Yet!!!

                        The obvious winner should be the benevolent Chairman Yang and the glorious Human Hive. The Human Hive is the only faction with enough common sense to keep their population safe and untainted by other factions and the fact that they BUILD what they need instead of BUYING it.
                        Despot-(1a) : a ruler with absolute power and authority (1b) : a person exercising power tyrannically
                        Beyond Alpha Centauri-Witness the glory of Sheng-ji Yang
                        *****Citizen of the Hive****
                        "...but what sane person would move from Hawaii to Indiana?" -Dis


                        • #57
                          Morgan. Tidal Harnesses. Wealth. 'Nuf said.
                          (pure) science is fiction


                          • #58
                            The Gaians

                            They're ideologies are the only true way of living in a modern world. Humans have to learn about the mistakes (concerning the nature and overall environment) made in the past . We just have to , other options aren't even options. They are plain stupidity

                            So, long live the Gaians, and let the rest be repressed by them mind worms (well, maybe not the Planet Cult ).

                            And I HATE the Morganites
                            I'm not a complete idiot: some parts are still missing.


                            • #59
                              Yes of course. Do you think I run around in real life pursuing wealth like the Morganites? If that would be true, what the hell am I doing on Apolyton?
                              But: do you not like to play your dark side? As in: recycle your waste/garbage, but scorch Planet with PB's?
                              (pure) science is fiction


                              • #60
                                Originally posted by Bornon
                                ....But: do you not like to play your dark side? As in: recycle your waste/garbage, but scorch Planet with PB's?
                                Oh no, I don't like to play on the "dark side"...
                                That's just the way I am . I live in Finland, where winters are very, very, very dark
                                It's still quite light, but it's getting darker all the time as winter is getting closer. And I prefer the dark winter, it is like a lesson in humility Everybody could make use of it
                                I'm not a complete idiot: some parts are still missing.

