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Favourite Faction

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  • Originally posted by Alinestra Covelia
    Yesterday and the day before I tried other factions, especially the builder factions. Psyche, support, and industry all went badly for me. ICS did not work well. Military engagements were humbling.

    So I'm sticking with the Hive for now.
    I urgently recommend trying to expand your game to be able to play both builders and momentum factions. Even if you never play them again, learning to work around Morgan's support penalty or Zak's drone problems can introduce new nuances you can take back to the Hive for even greater conquests. You may also learn to get in the head of your opponents a bit better, having seen how the other half lives.


    • You "urgently recommend"? Is my game in danger? Are the missiles incoming? Do you get the feeling that I'm about to embark on an extended metaphor of tedious length out of sheer boredom and postwork exhaustion? Should I press K on the Great White Keyboard to construct a bunker and the press O for a sensor array? Should I set a goto course to the nearest base and 'sort: distance' then hit ENTER and hide whilst instructing the governor to construct an Aerospace Complex, Geosynchronous Survey Pod, and Flechette Defense System in that order?

      Or ought I opt for hitting the U key and designing a Photon Trained AAA Alinestra Covelia unit then hitting Control-U and scrolling over to the most expensive thing and hitting ENTER not once, not twelve times, but twice in order to upgrade myself into a super defense vs air Alinestra Covelia Mk III?

      I have been at work for 8 hours.

      This means 480 minutes without SMAX and with a terrible longing for it.

      I am not doing well. I think the therapy should continue.
      "lol internet" ~ AAHZ


      • I agree.


        • SMAC withdrawal is a terrible thing...both to undergo and to witness.


          • The only thing worse than SMAC withdrawal is Mongoose/Mose induced SMAC PBEM paranoid hysteria.

            Put me on two anti-drepressants, painkillers, and panic attack meds. Hair turned grey(er). Blood pressure pills, developed a heart mummur. Retirement. Ugly stuff.


            • Originally posted by TKG

              i've converted back to universitarianism

              Wait a minute......traitor! Where's those Hive security personnel when you need them
              Despot-(1a) : a ruler with absolute power and authority (1b) : a person exercising power tyrannically
              Beyond Alpha Centauri-Witness the glory of Sheng-ji Yang
              *****Citizen of the Hive****
              "...but what sane person would move from Hawaii to Indiana?" -Dis


              • Stand the test of time?
                It's close to midnight and something evil's is lurking in the dark.


                • damn!
                  It's close to midnight and something evil's is lurking in the dark.


                  • I've seen this thread bumped at least 4 times... Yet I still have not voted...

                    Cyborgs and Hive are the factions which I love to play with. I'm tempted to vote, but haven't seriously tried all the Alien Crossfire -factions yet.


                    • Hmm.. since I replied to the "least favorite faction thread".. : )


                      If I want an easy game, my favorite faction is the pirates. I NEVER LOSE playing the pirates. So easy playing them. Kind of a nice faction to play when you're drinking to much beer and don't want to think.

                      If I want a fun game, I play the Drones. They're a blast.

                      If I want a challenging game, I play the Believers. About the only time I lose a game (against the ai) anymore is playing them (which is still rare, even on transcend level).

                      A favorite though. Hmm. Hard decision. Gotta go with the drones. Start out behind in tech, praying you can make it through the first part of the game. Eventually, I turn this faction into a freaking monster of a powerhouse that's unstoppable. I've had insane amounts of military playing this faction. : ) They're just kind of fun.


                      • I choose Pirates because, unlikely most players, I dont like military victories, and they are the most inclined to prevent war, because you´re the only faction on water and computer prefer (and have more resources) to win a war on land.

                        That said, I always try to get economic, diplomatic or transcedent victory and try to increase my cities size to the maximum I can (minimum 75). For me, its more funny to concentrate on build than destruction (then with a lot of money I start to buy the cities of other factions, etc... for me is more funny to play a diplomatic game than a war game).
                        "Kri`lan taught me of the resonance and how to feel it. After much training, I could see - the very surface under our feet, Planet Itself - is a living, fluctuating nexus of energy, violent, beautiful and quite unstable. And I could feel its cousins - distant mirrors on the other side of the space time continuum - the far-flung Manifolds"

                        Prophet Cha Daw
                        "The Betrayer and I"

