Hello fellow Talents; I recently had the good fortune to aquire Alien Crossfire in a used game shop a fortnight ago and have been familarizing myself with its accessories and new factions thoroughly. I love the majority of the additions and can't fathom going back to vanilla SMAC now (expect perhaps for correctly functioning ambient music
). However, outside of the Progenitors whom I know are supposed to be formidable AI opponents, three of the new human factions seem out of whack with the system of checks and balances of the original 7. Namely, the Consciousness (Overpowered), the Data Angels (Slightly Overpowered), and the Cult of Planet (Underpowered). So I've recently altered the text files for these factions to re-balance their pros and cons a bit more, and I'd like your thoughts on the matter.
I first started with the Consciousness, whom strike me as the University on steroids. Just a SE comparison shows that the Consciousness can run, say, Planned and suffer the inefficiency loss in stride and overcome her lone growth set-back whereas the University would get "appalling" inefficiency (hurting their research) and be none the better for handling their problem drones. I thought about giving the Consciousness a -1 support penalty, but thought that'd probably stagnate their early game beyond the call of balance; -1 support coupled with -1 growth would probably tie up their mineral production too much, especially in the hands of the AI. So instead I opted for a -1 Morale penalty {Cyborgs would rather peacefully build towards perfection than wage war}, taming that Spoils of War ability of their's a bit (they must *take* the base with their moral-impaired troops first) and rendering them as a Gaian/University Hybrid.
Next I fiddled with the Data Angels, whom struck me as a bit overpowered. Their lone drawback is -1 to police, which only difference to a 0 police rating is the inability to use nerve stapling, which most players of this faction aren't planning to use anyway. In compensation, they can wage a probe war without peer, got their own personal HSA going with the discovery of Pre-Sentient Algorithims {scaled back probe rating to +1 to overcome that hideous +4 bug}, *as well* as a personal Planetary Datalinks with widespread infiltration, being in the best position for a game of catch-up if they are falling behind in tech. Players will probably be drawn to use Demo/FM with the Angels to finance all their probe activities, making their police rating even more insignifigant. So, what I did was increase their police rating from -1 to -2 {anarchistic followers will not be subjugated by military}, making use of police impossible while still not prohibiting military outside of bases. I also prohibited them from using Police State instead of Power, and changed their SE agenda to the "Wealth" values (remaining true to their Morganic roots, plus no other faction strives for this agenda). Now, to avoid stumping their unruly base growth without the benefit of police, and that revered non-lethal methods ability, I awarded them the Peacekeeper Talent ability. Except, instead of a Talent every four citizens, I made it every six so it's not quite the drone eliminator the PKs have, so its primary use will be in the early stages of the game, where on Transcend you can have a base sized three before requiring a Rec Commonds (just like most other factions).
Lastly, there is the Cult of Planet, which just from a glance struck me as almost hopeless and in serious need of beefing up to compete on Chiron--psi harmony be damned. Sure, their psi attack bonus is great, *if* you can get an army of native life up and running first. Centauri Genetics and brood pits is a long way off. Their personal economy is bad and won't get much better for those future techs, ditto the industry needed for lifecycle-inducing instructure *and* an army, mind worms or otherwise. So, what I did was give them a +1 support bonus {Cultists lead life of asceticisim}, and Impunity to the negative effect of the Fundamentalist SE choice {Zeal for the Will of Planet doesn't contravert scientific research}, turning them into a more momentum-worthy, sort of mind worm-based Believer-esque faction.
So, what do you think of my alterations? An acceptable compromise? I got the feeling that the SMAX factions weren't as playtested as thoroughly as SMAC's ones so were in need of a little tinkering. Has anyone else done any other alterations to faction text files?

I first started with the Consciousness, whom strike me as the University on steroids. Just a SE comparison shows that the Consciousness can run, say, Planned and suffer the inefficiency loss in stride and overcome her lone growth set-back whereas the University would get "appalling" inefficiency (hurting their research) and be none the better for handling their problem drones. I thought about giving the Consciousness a -1 support penalty, but thought that'd probably stagnate their early game beyond the call of balance; -1 support coupled with -1 growth would probably tie up their mineral production too much, especially in the hands of the AI. So instead I opted for a -1 Morale penalty {Cyborgs would rather peacefully build towards perfection than wage war}, taming that Spoils of War ability of their's a bit (they must *take* the base with their moral-impaired troops first) and rendering them as a Gaian/University Hybrid.
Next I fiddled with the Data Angels, whom struck me as a bit overpowered. Their lone drawback is -1 to police, which only difference to a 0 police rating is the inability to use nerve stapling, which most players of this faction aren't planning to use anyway. In compensation, they can wage a probe war without peer, got their own personal HSA going with the discovery of Pre-Sentient Algorithims {scaled back probe rating to +1 to overcome that hideous +4 bug}, *as well* as a personal Planetary Datalinks with widespread infiltration, being in the best position for a game of catch-up if they are falling behind in tech. Players will probably be drawn to use Demo/FM with the Angels to finance all their probe activities, making their police rating even more insignifigant. So, what I did was increase their police rating from -1 to -2 {anarchistic followers will not be subjugated by military}, making use of police impossible while still not prohibiting military outside of bases. I also prohibited them from using Police State instead of Power, and changed their SE agenda to the "Wealth" values (remaining true to their Morganic roots, plus no other faction strives for this agenda). Now, to avoid stumping their unruly base growth without the benefit of police, and that revered non-lethal methods ability, I awarded them the Peacekeeper Talent ability. Except, instead of a Talent every four citizens, I made it every six so it's not quite the drone eliminator the PKs have, so its primary use will be in the early stages of the game, where on Transcend you can have a base sized three before requiring a Rec Commonds (just like most other factions).
Lastly, there is the Cult of Planet, which just from a glance struck me as almost hopeless and in serious need of beefing up to compete on Chiron--psi harmony be damned. Sure, their psi attack bonus is great, *if* you can get an army of native life up and running first. Centauri Genetics and brood pits is a long way off. Their personal economy is bad and won't get much better for those future techs, ditto the industry needed for lifecycle-inducing instructure *and* an army, mind worms or otherwise. So, what I did was give them a +1 support bonus {Cultists lead life of asceticisim}, and Impunity to the negative effect of the Fundamentalist SE choice {Zeal for the Will of Planet doesn't contravert scientific research}, turning them into a more momentum-worthy, sort of mind worm-based Believer-esque faction.
So, what do you think of my alterations? An acceptable compromise? I got the feeling that the SMAX factions weren't as playtested as thoroughly as SMAC's ones so were in need of a little tinkering. Has anyone else done any other alterations to faction text files?