This is an interesting topic for me. So which faction's base names do you pefer? I pefer the Spartan bases and Hive and Pirate names.
Sparta Command
Hawk of Chiron
Janissary Rock
Blast Rifle Crag
Assassin's Redoubt
Centurion Cave
Bunker 118
Hommel's Citadel
Training Camp
Defiance Freehold
Hero's Waypoint
Fort Liberty
Fleet Anchorage
Admiralty Base
Fleet Base
Sea Outpost
And many more
The Hive has some good ones too.
The Hive
Sheng-ji Yang Base
Worker's Nest
People's Teeming
Great Clustering
Social Engineering Den
The Labyrinth
Paradise Swarming
Communal Nexus
Social Artery
Factory Maze
Unity Lair
Plex Anthill (My personal favorite
The Colony (Did they just run out of names?
Sea Collective
Deep Community
Sea Hive
Port Yang
Factory Drift
Ocean Core
Deep Clustering
The University has some good as well. And we can't forget the Pirates.
Deadman Tavern
Landlubber Inn
Buried Treasure
Sunny Oasis
Sailor's Rest
Freshwater Springs
Marque City
Land Lock
Shanty Town
Skull Crossroads
Sailor's Delight
Safe Haven
Port Svensgaard
Crow's Nest
Provision Point
Parrot Landing
Barbary Coast
The Pk's and the rest seem a little dull. Morgan named everything after himself. When I conquer bases from these guys I usually delete them or stick the word Fort in front of them. ex. Fort Industries.
Sparta Command
Hawk of Chiron
Janissary Rock
Blast Rifle Crag
Assassin's Redoubt
Centurion Cave
Bunker 118
Hommel's Citadel
Training Camp
Defiance Freehold
Hero's Waypoint
Fort Liberty
Fleet Anchorage
Admiralty Base
Fleet Base
Sea Outpost
And many more
The Hive has some good ones too.
The Hive
Sheng-ji Yang Base
Worker's Nest
People's Teeming
Great Clustering
Social Engineering Den
The Labyrinth
Paradise Swarming
Communal Nexus
Social Artery
Factory Maze
Unity Lair
Plex Anthill (My personal favorite

The Colony (Did they just run out of names?

Sea Collective
Deep Community
Sea Hive
Port Yang
Factory Drift
Ocean Core
Deep Clustering
The University has some good as well. And we can't forget the Pirates.
Deadman Tavern
Landlubber Inn
Buried Treasure
Sunny Oasis
Sailor's Rest
Freshwater Springs
Marque City
Land Lock
Shanty Town
Skull Crossroads
Sailor's Delight
Safe Haven
Port Svensgaard
Crow's Nest
Provision Point
Parrot Landing
Barbary Coast
The Pk's and the rest seem a little dull. Morgan named everything after himself. When I conquer bases from these guys I usually delete them or stick the word Fort in front of them. ex. Fort Industries.