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Crashes at startup

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  • Crashes at startup


    The Demo for this game ran great on my Computer.

    But the retail version crashes after just a few game turns and even after uninstalling and reinstalling several times it doesn't get any better.

    I get the same error message. "Terran has caused an invalid page fault"

    How can I fix this?

    I'm running an AMD K6 processor with Win 98.

  • #2
    There are any number of things it could be:

    1. Have you got the latest patch? If you bought the Planetary Pack (SMAC and SMACX in the same box) then you do. Otherwise, you need to pick up patch v4.0 for SMAC and v2.0 for SMACX, from the Firaxis site I believe. This fixes a number of crashes

    2. Are you using a mouse with a wheel? This has caused so many headaches in the past it's untrue. If you are, disable it before you play using Ctrl-Alt-Del. It may be named Mswheel, idon't know if all wheels are.

    3. Failing that, find Helium Pond's thread on bugs found in SMAC and scour it for something relevant. The only one I can think of atm is the Intercepter bug, but if your crash is only a few turns in it shouldn't be that.
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    • #3
      Leviticus, the Planetary Pack does not necessarily have SMAC v4. I picked up a "pre-owned" pack and it has SMAC v3 and SMAX v2.

      After installing the v4 SMAC patch, I could only play SMAC and got the "terranx" error whenever trying to play SMAX games.

      The "terranx startup crash" thread (which I bumped for you) has my eventual solution.

      There is one addendum, if you don't have the extra disk space, you can copy the patched terran.exe file from the SMAC directory to the SMAX directory and run it from the SMAX startup window where it gives you the choice of Classic or Alien Crossfire.

      Hope it helps.

      If this doesn't help, using the "search" feature in the this forum and selecting "startup crash" should provide several threads which may have an answer.


      • #4
        Thanks a lot!

        Downloading the patch did the trick, now the game runs without any problems. I appreciate the help!

