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Abbreviations. Is there a FAQ?

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  • #16
    I love the tick of the Geiger counter in the morning. It's the sound of... victory! :D
    LoD - Owner/Webmaster of's Discussion Forums and Multiplayer System for SMAC and Civs 2-4


    • #17
      No problem LoD, go ahead.


      • #18
        Thanks, Red . Updated again.

        What about you, big_canuk? Would you like to contribute?

        I love the tick of the Geiger counter in the morning. It's the sound of... victory! :D
        LoD - Owner/Webmaster of's Discussion Forums and Multiplayer System for SMAC and Civs 2-4


        • #19
          LoD, post it in the games by title forum at


          • #20
            Thanks for the tip ! I'll do that.

            I love the tick of the Geiger counter in the morning. It's the sound of... victory! :D
            LoD - Owner/Webmaster of
  's Discussion Forums and Multiplayer System for SMAC and Civs 2-4


            • #21

              Nah, if I come up with an original, then you can put me in your site.
              I just noticed the two CPs when reading the thread on ecodamage/facilities, and thought you should note the ambiguity on your site.

              At some point we may (but, come to think about it maybe not) want to take those abbreviations that are ambiguous and add another lower case letter to remove the ambiguity. Say CP vs CPr, or CoC, vs ChC.

              Probably simpler to leave as is and leave it to the context to figure out what it is.

              PS: ED - Eco-damage (or was that in your list already, hmmm... not sure)
              [This message has been edited by big_canuk (edited March 01, 2001).]
              Team 'Poly


              • #22
                Here's a comprehensive list of abbrevations I pulled from the SMAC manual, it doesn't cover things like ICS or facilities, but it does give you a rundown on the abbrevations of the tech names and special abilities.

                Adv. Ecological Engineering: EcoEng2
                Adv. Military Algorithms: MilAlg
                Advanced Spaceflight: Space
                Adv. Subatomic Theory: Subat
                Applied Gravitonics: AGrav
                Applied Physics: Physic
                Applied Relativity: E=MC2 (no surprise here eh?)
                Bio-Engineering: BioEng
                Biogenetics: Biogen
                Biomachinery: BioMac
                Centauri Ecology: Ecology
                Centauri Empathy: CentEmp
                Centauri Genetics: CentGen
                Centauri Meditation: CentMed
                Centauri Psi: CentPsi
                Controlled Singularity: ConSing
                Cyberethics: Cyber
                Digital Sentience: DigSent
                Doctrine: Air Power: DocAir
                Doctrine: Flexibility: DocFlex
                Doctrine: Initiative: DocInit
                Doctrine: Loyalty: DocLoy
                Doctrine: Mobility: Mobile
                Ecological Engineering: EcoEng
                Environmental Economics: EnvEcon
                Ethical Calculus: EthCalc
                Eudaimonia: Eudaim
                Frictionless Surfaces: Surface
                Fusion Power: Fusion
                Gene Splicing: Gene
                Graviton Theory: Gravity
                High Energy Chemistry: Chemist
                Homo Superior: HomoSup
                Industrial Automation: IndAuto
                Industrial Base: Indust
                Industrial Economics: IndEcon
                Industrial Nanorobotics: IndRob
                Information Networks: InfNet
                Intellectual Integrity: Integ
                Matter Compression: MatComp
                Matter Editation: NanEdit
                Matter Transmission: Matter
                Mind/Machine Interface: MindMac
                Monopole Magnets: Magnets
                Nanometallurgy: Metal
                Nanominiaturization: NanoMin
                Neural Grafting: Neural
                Nonlinear Mathematics: Chaos
                Optical Computers: OptComp
                Orbital Spaceflight: Orbital
                Organic Superlubricant: SupLube
                Photon/Wave Mechanics: DocSec
                Planetary Economics: PlaEcon
                Planetary Networks: PlaNets
                Polymorphic Software: Poly
                Pre-Sentient Algorithms: Algor
                Probability Mechanics: ProbMec
                Quantum Machinery: QuanMac
                Quantum Power: Quantum
                Retroviral Engineering: Viral
                Secrets of Alpha Centauri: AlphCen
                Secrets of Creation: Create
                Secrets of the Human Brain: Brain
                Self-Aware Machines: HAL9000 (good one)
                Sentient Econometrics: SentEco
                Silksteel Alloys: Alloys
                Singularity Mechanics: SingMec
                Social Psych: Psych
                Super Tensile Solids: Solids
                Superconductor: Super
                Superstring Theory: String
                Synthetic Fossil Fuels: Fossil
                Temporal Mechanics: TempMec
                The Will to Power: WillPow
                Threshold of Transcendence: Thresh
                Transcendent Thought: TransT
                Unified Field Theory: Unified

                onto the special abilities:

                AAA Tracking: AAA
                Air Superiority: SAM
                Amphibious Pods: Amphibious
                Antigrav Struts: Grav
                Blink Displacer: Blink
                Carrier Deck: Carrier
                Clean Reactor: Clean
                Cloaking Device: Cloaked
                Comm Jammer: ECM
                Deep Pressure Hull: Sub
                Deep Radar:
                Drop Pods: Drop
                Empath Song: Empath
                Fungicide Tanks: Fungicide
                Heavy Artillery: Artillery
                Heavy Transport: Heavy
                High Morale: Trained
                Hypnotic Trance: Trance
                Nerve Gas Pods: X
                Non-Lethal Methods: Police
                Polymorphic Encryption: Secure
                Repair Bay: Repair
                Slow Unit: Slow
                Super Former: Super


                • #23
                  Thanks uptons, but I hope you didn't actually TYPE all that info copying it from the manual!!!
                  Actually, it can be found in the alpah.txt file, where's it's not sorted tho...
                  The fact that your listed is sorted, makes me suspect that you did an incredibly unnecessary effort (or that you can sort lists ).

                  Also, that is a rundown of the abbreviations proposed by Firaxis, or rather used by them internally as reference in their .txt settings and customization files.

                  Many of them are frankly awkward and I never saw them used by real players.
                  Just compare Firaxis list with the abbreviations proposed by TauCeti and others in LoD's site.
                  (BTW, you shoud add the full for LoD, LoD!)

                  I can add, not yet listed:


                  all fairly obvious
                  SAM would be taken for the ability and not for the tech, but S-AM looks weird

                  To add confusion, I usually refer TF to TerraForming also.
                  And to (Supply) Crawlers as SC.

                  I also happened to refer to the Universal Translator as UT, and to the Xenodome as XED, to the Cyborg Factory as CyF, and to the NanoFactory as NF.

                  b_c, CoC was the acronym for Confederation oc Chiron, a team in the once ACOL Team League, formed by southerners, like MtG and jimmytrick, with AnnC also in there (for her origins I presume as she's based elsewhere).
                  I don't know why, when I referred to that team members as CoC SMACers, they got offended...
                  [This message has been edited by MariOne (edited March 04, 2001).]
                  I don't exactly know what I mean by that, but I mean it (Holden Caulfield)


                  • #24
                    big_canuk: Well, FoP (ED) was the one missing, so I take that as a "yes" .

                    About the double-meaning abbreviations - most of them has such different contex that using some sort of alternate notation is IMHO unnecessary.



                    (BTW, you shoud add the full for LoD, LoD!)

                    Nah, I'll keep them perplexed .



                    STS - ?
                    WtP - Weather Paradigm?
                    UFT - ?


                    all fairly obvious
                    SAM would be taken for the ability and not for the tech, but S-AM looks weird

                    Hmm, it might have sense to add this, along with the ECM.


                    To add confusion, I usually refer TF to TerraForming also.

                    That won't be confusing, you usually don't build terraforming .


                    And to (Supply) Crawlers as SC.

                    I also happened to refer to the Universal Translator as UT, and to the Xenodome as XED, to the Cyborg Factory as CyF, and to the NanoFactory as NF.

                    Thanks, I'll also take them into consideration.


                    b_c, CoC was the acronym for Confederation oc Chiron, a team in the once ACOL Team League, formed by southerners, like MtG and jimmytrick, with AnnC also in there (for her origins I presume as she's based elsewhere).
                    I don't know why, when I referred to that team members as CoC SMACers, they got offended...

                    You'd better be glad FrXS has not named this game Sid's U Centauri...


                    LoD - Owner/Webmaster of

                    THE CHIRONIAN GUILD SMAC Site
                    I love the tick of the Geiger counter in the morning. It's the sound of... victory! :D
                    LoD - Owner/Webmaster of
          's Discussion Forums and Multiplayer System for SMAC and Civs 2-4


                    • #25
                      Googlie just coined, or repeated another to me:

                      SL - Supreme leader.
                      Team 'Poly


                      • #26
                        I'll have a crack at those three....

                        STS - Super Tensile Solids
                        WtP - Will to Power
                        UFT - Unified Field Theory

                        We're back!


                        • #27
                          Whoops, a loooong time since I played up to such a tech level that I could think of those . Thanks, Mark!

                          I'll be updating the list right after I finish the promised Special Abilities Index...
                          ...which reminds me of 2 abbreviations:
                          GA - Golden Age
                          SA - Special Abillity

                          I love the tick of the Geiger counter in the morning. It's the sound of... victory! :D
                          LoD - Owner/Webmaster of
                's Discussion Forums and Multiplayer System for SMAC and Civs 2-4


                          • #28
                            OCC - One City Challenge

                            It might be interesting for beginners to have the signification of the codes on the unit types, eg. (off the top of my head)

                            + ECM
                            t Trance
                            r Resonance
                            p Pulse
                            ^ drop
                            <> SAM (on weapon value) or AAA (on armor value)
                            () artillery
                            ~ amphibious

                            etc. (I don't have the whole list, I'm not at home)


                            • #29
                              So I'm cruisin' the SMAC threads at Apoly. and this guy's going on about gettin' IA so he can build SC to help build the WP and HGP to make his ICS strategy work, and I'm like wtf? I wonder if there is an FAQ for abbrev. ? And then this dude (LoD IIRC) says,

                              "Dude, I'm buildin' an FAQ with lots of abbrev., just drop by my site."

                              So I'm like,

                              "OFS! I'll get over there asap before my brain gets fubar from all of these abbrev."

                              [This message has been edited by Sikander (edited March 16, 2001).]
                              He's got the Midas touch.
                              But he touched it too much!
                              Hey Goldmember, Hey Goldmember!


                              • #30
                                Hehe, nice on Sik' !

                                I think I'll add this to GoA's intro .

                                I love the tick of the Geiger counter in the morning. It's the sound of... victory! :D
                                LoD - Owner/Webmaster of
                      's Discussion Forums and Multiplayer System for SMAC and Civs 2-4

