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Why are Alien Factions so Weak?

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  • #31

    Originally posted by Basil on 03-11-2001 03:08 PM
    You could force H'minee to run Democracy by giving her an aversion to Fundamentalism... the AI thinks Police State is a bad choice and won't normally run it unless it is the faction's agenda, so by banning Fundamentalism you leave the AI with only Democracy to choose from. Don't know how to get Marr to run frontier though... maybe you could give him an agenda of Frontier, but to do that you'd have to remove his agenda of Planned.

    By this do you mean editing the faction?


    • #32
      Yes, by editing the faction txt file.


      • #33
        Just to follow up from Knowhows earlier post regarding the game title of Alien Crossfire.

        He wanted the situation to be one where the humans are actually 'caught in the crossfire'.

        Perhaps then he could marry the 'switch challenge' to this desire. Perhaps play the two alien factions for, say 30 turns each, over 120-180 turns allowing the humans to develop normally as the AI. Ensure that the Aliens didn't do much in the way of attacking humanity, just getting a good solid infrastructure/military/economy ready. Probably not doing much against the other alien either, switching if things really threatened to break out.

        Then, cause all humams to commit an atrocity against both the Aliens so that they'd come after them with a vengance and possibly some inter-alien atrocities as well. (Probe teams and/or the scenario editor might do the trick). Then take over the whichever human faction seemed the weakest/most interesting/next in line/etc for a few decades each.

        See how you could survive against two alien factions which have been given an intellegent start and who are really out for your blood.

        Just a thought.
        Remember my son, you've got to get your retaliation in first!

        I always carry a bottle of alcohol in case I should see a snake....which I also carry!


        • #34

          thanx for your tip, I just resently started playing with "switching side" and have been trying this idea of yours a few times. I think it would work really good. And perhaps even exciting. Preferable on a huga map with little ocean and the aliens on two separate corner with the pathetic humans in the middle.
          It's close to midnight and something evil's is lurking in the dark.

