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What every SMAC player MUST know.

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  • What every SMAC player MUST know.

    Hear ye! Hear ye! Let it be proclaimed throughout the land! The following is an announcement of what should be well known and heeded by each and every SMAC player. It concerns a "feature" (some call it bug) in SMAC, whereby given the default method of playing, extra energy (that not accounted for in energy banks reports) is accumulated by players.

    I thank Marc420 for elucidating it so concisely on e-paper at the ACOL forums. Since he put it so well, I will simply quote his post, verbatim.


    ACOL-lite posted 12 May 2000 07:43 AM
    Does anyone know anything about the Stockpile Energy bug? This is causing havoc in at least one PBEM game because one group of players knew about it and the others didn't.
    The bug works as follows. Anytime a base completes production of an item and then switches to Stockpile Energy, the base effectively double produces. The full production of the base is applied to producing the item, and then the full production of the base is applied to producing energy a few steps later in the turn resolution process.
    This can occur two ways.
    1) If you produce a facility/SP with an empty que behind it, then the program automatically switches to Stockpile Energy and does the above
    2) If you produce a unit, and then put Stockpile Energy in the production que behind the unit, then the program switches to Stockpile Energy and does the above.
    With high producing bases, this can create large amounts of extra energy for a faction. Picture a turn where you have 4 x 30 production bases all finishing production in a turn. That would mean in that turn not only would you get the production items, but you would also get 120 points of production applied to Stockpile Energy.... thus 60 ec extra energy.
    So be aware. If you see Stockpile Energy in the production que of another player, then they know about this bug and are taking advantage of it in the game. And if you aren't doing it you are falling way behind in production/energy.

    My editorial comments:

    The obvious message is clear...DO NOT USE build queues to simplify or plan a production program. Secondarily, to extend this feature's effect to bases which are producing units, put "stockpile energy" into the build queue. This will at least maintain consistency in the game mechanics' treatment between facilities and units.

    Before you jump the gun and declare this a cheat, consider that each and every time you've built a facility, or special project, with an empty build queue, you've taken advantage of the feature. Also, to arbitrarily rule it a cheat, and to deny its use, would be to enforce the placement of SOMETHING in the build queue of each and every base, so that the "extra" energy is not generated. This is something that exceedingly few players will want to hassle with. Particularly if they've never found the build queues especially useful, and have developed their play styles around what they have actually received from the game, whether they knew from whence such bounties came, or not.

    Finally... imagine trying to enforce a rule in a pbem game, especially in the early stages before having infiltration status on an opponent.


    Ps. Sorry for the edits, but the formatting looked so much better, before I pasted.

    [This message has been edited by JAMiAM (edited May 12, 2000).]
    [This message has been edited by JAMiAM (edited May 12, 2000).]
    [This message has been edited by JAMiAM (edited May 12, 2000).]
    [This message has been edited by JAMiAM (edited May 12, 2000).]

  • #2
    I've been accused of this cheat before. I don't know how people figure these things out. Maybe they are accountants. Anyway, someone else told me it was fixed. I don't know if it is or not. I never use the build ques (or whatever they are). I never saw a convinience in them. If it is a bug I hope they fix it, because I won't use the build ques.


    • #3
      I play SMAC-X version 2.0. Was it fixed by


      • #4

        I was looking for my posts to reference them, and I found this truncated version online, while the original
        has been archived.


        Unfortuately, the Stockpile Energy Bug is one of the few that had NOT been fixed in SMACv2.
        Presumably, FurXs found it too much of a hassle to fix it, that they preferred to "declare" it a feature

        So, FurXs supports its full exploitation
        I support its INFORMED full exploitation
        Only Apolyton is an ostrichs nature reserve...

        I don't exactly know what I mean by that, but I mean it (Holden Caulfield)


        • #5
          Thanks JAMiAM, I simply cannot comprehend how I happily played without knowing this, and how interesting and crucial it is! [not]

          Voluntary Human Extinction Movement


          • #6
            I do use the build queues -- but I seldom have more than 2 or 3 items in one of them. If I'm building base facilities, I usually don't use the queues (and yes, I knew about this bug from browsing these forums; and yes, the Linux version has the bug too).

            Sometimes I've found myself putting "Stockpile Energy" at the end of a build queue -- not to exploit this "feature", but simply because that's the only way you can make the game stop building military units. I usually don't want an infinite stream of Choppers/Needlejets/DropMarines/etc. -- I just want 2 or 3, and then I want the base to stop so I can reevaluate its production orders. I do wish that having "Stockpile Energy" at the end of the queue would cause the base to be visited at the beginning of the turn, just like bases that build a facility with nothing after it -- as it is, I have to hit F4 at the end of the turn and scan through the bases for Stockpile Energy, then change them. But since I scan the F4 production queue at the end of each turn anyway that's not terribly bad; and I can recognize the Stockpile Energy symbol at a glance.


            • #7

              You can activate a checkbox in Game preferences (warnings) "Stop on completion of units" - it doesn't fix the bug but it will stop the production of endless drop chaos infantry/transports/whatever (by drawing your attention to a unit's completion).


              • #8
                Googlie: I'm not sure this "stop" thing works in PBEM does it?

                I've said all this before, so apologies to the bored, but I really hate the Apolyton rule on this one: "no stockpile energy in the build queue after units". I've always used it, since day one, because I *like* it - it's so useful. The advantages as I see them are many - as you're playing the turn, you can see which bases are ready to start building something new (because Stock En is displayed under the base name). This means that you can make much better decisions about what to build there, based on what's going on and the opportunities in that area of the map. It means that I don't make a mistake and build more than one unit when I don't need them. It means that I don't have to try to think about what I might want right at the beginning of the turn. It means that I don't have to use the queues, which I hate. I also find the stockpile energy icon easy to spot in the F4 screen when I'm checking through it at the end of the turn. It's just how I've always played, but that's been designated "cheating".

                To be fair, it's not so much of a problem on the tourny maps where you don't tend to have so many bases. Although even then I've made mistakes and ended up building too many units, which for me is highly objectionable, since I'm a builder. On random maps, it drives me crazy and means that I take a very long time to play my turns.

                But ... that's just me and unfortunately I'm not in tune with majority Apolyton opinion on this one.
                Team 'Poly


                • #9
                  For what it's worth, I agree with Misotu. My play style is quite similar. From a micro-management point-of-view its so much easier to scan the map each turn, see which bases are "stockpiling" (i.e. time to build something new). Then based on the current 'political' situation you find yourself in, decide then and there what new course of action to take.

                  Then again my thoughts on this could be due to the fact I've played many more SP games then MP games.
                  [This message has been edited by Killjoy (edited December 05, 2000).]


                  • #10
                    I'm with Misotu on this one. Stockpile energy in the queue is the only way to remind oneself to re-evaluate what to build after a unit. The stop after production option does not work in pbems.

                    To clarify:

                    We all know a maximum of 10 mins are carried forward to the next build item.

                    This feature uses those 10 mins twice. If there is no item in the build queue, or if it is stockpile energy, then those 10 mins are counted twice, once to produce 5 ec's, and again to be availiable for the next build item. Therefore, unless in a extreme energy crunch, always hurry to carry 10 mins forward, rather than just to complete the item. This has the added benefit of allowing the next item to be hurried as well, as the first 10 mins will be competed.

                    You can check this, because your ec's production line on your base screen will have an asterisk beside it, and will drop by (i think it is 5) ecs when you switch from stokpile energy to something else. The asterisk then disappears.

                    I am now going to check in my next game to see if the limit is 5.

                    First post, then see if I know what I'm talking about! HoHoHo, Merry Christmas
                    Team 'Poly


                    • #11
                      hey, I just made Warlord, wow.
                      Team 'Poly


                      • #12
                        There are just SO many other ways to find out that you want to stop building units at a base. For one, when a unit is ready to move the first time after it has been built, the game plays an appropriate sound. Then you can just press enter to go into the city screen and change the production.

                        In SP, you can change the preferences so the game automatically takes you to cities that have built units. In MP, those settings do not work, but you do get a nice list in the middle of the screen that lists all the production that has happened this turn (as well as some battle reults and rather annoying 'Forest expands' messages, though). Right-clicking and choosing 'Zoom and erase' will make sure you never miss any production at all - it is all too easy to overlook a Stockpile Energy icon in the F4 screen. Even if you do not want to erase the messages as they appear, you can scroll down the list and find the unit production messages.

                        I cannot see that it is so essential to have stockpile energy after every production order. It is active exploitation of a bug, and allowing it forces EVERYONE to use the queues or lose out on several hundred ecs over the course of a game. I for one find THAT very annoying.


                        • #13

                          Wow, thanks. I'll have to try that "right click, zoom and erase". Sounds great. Will definitely improve my game.

                          Problem is, it will prolly add another 1/2 hour/turn to my gameplay on challenges, and big maps.

                          I would even zoom to the forest squares to stop building a forest if my former was there and doing so. This would save valuable former time.

                          To stockpile or not? It really doesn't matter, except that we all have to be on the same page.

                          It is however important in every game, that we understand exactly how it works, because it happens after every facility build, and we build a lot of facilities.
                          Team 'Poly


                          • #14
                            I think that the use of Stockpile Energy should be allowed mainly because it accelerates game play in multiplayer. Getting a few extra credits, especially in the first few games, would keep things moving along and make it more likely that the game will actually finish in our lifetime!

                            Creator of the Ultimate Builder Map, based on the Huge Map of Planet
                            Creator of the Ultimate Builder Map, based on the Huge Map of Planet, available at The Chironian Guild:


                            • #15
                              "I would even zoom to the forest squares to stop building a forest if my former was there and doing so. This would save valuable former time."

                              It might if that worked. Unfortunately, nothing happens if you choose zoom to a forest expands message.

