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Favorite Units

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  • Favorite Units

    Units that I think are cool are
    1) Trained Antimatter (or other shield) Drop Probe Hovertank (I may not have the name totally correct)-With enough cash these units are great.
    2) Blink Singularity Chopper-of course
    3)(Shield)Psi Hovertank-If you are behind these units can help

    "Remember, there's good stuff in American culture, too. It's just that by "good stuff" we mean "attacking the French," and Germany's been doing that for ages now, so, well, where does that leave us?" - Elok

  • #2
    Sure, these are neat . . .

    . . . and fairly obvious, once the right technology is discovered. That's the problem, though. They all require technologies one normally discovers once one has already, essentially, won. By then it's usually "all over but the shootin'."

    I've only been reading these forums for a short time, but I have seen some beautiful ideas here regarding units: the armoring of probes and the upgrading of supply crawlers/rovers for fast-building SP's (the latter, by the way, is now 'Verboten' in every game I play, whether it be SP or MP. Vel's ideas on upgrade-armoring non-combat units to stall invasions also come to mind as excellent unit-related ideas.

    That leads to the point of this reply, which is that there really are no inherently "favorite" units for me. I build units appropriate to the task at hand. Generally I either upgrade or cash in the ones that are no longer useful. I saw a thread about one or two weeks ago which saw a number of posters replying to essentially the same effect...

    So, best-armor on fastest-chassis is neat, yeah, but it's usually unnecessary, and therefore a waste. Shortcuts to building such things when they /are/ necessary, similar to those previously discussed on these boards in manifold previous threads, /are/ neat and very interesting to me.

    I've just reread the above and it seems a somewhat contentless reply, so I'll pose a question to potentially add some value: are there non-obvious mod combinations or unit combinations that permit a particularly strong offensive or defensive (or economic) effect at relatively low tech levels?

    The armored elite probe strikes me as a great example of the kind of thing I'm talking about. It's easy to promote probes to elite status, and that happens fairly early in the game. Just takes a few successful missions of low risk. Upgrade 'em to armor, and you've got a great singleton defender (as long as you don't stack it with another combat unit).

    I'll go now...



    • #3
      I'm quite fond of the (x)-1-1, artillary unit. I put one of these in every base, usually starting once I get Missile and Clean, altough I've made impact varieties in some games. These units are dirt cheap (2 rows).

      The foremost reason I build them is anti-worm warfare under FM, they attack psi units with impunity, making worms easy pickings for other units, even with -3 planet. Also, if a spore launcher is harrasing you and your running FM it can be a PIA to destroy, but if it engages your (6)-1-1 then it fights with 1:1 odds, and your unit gets the +25% base and sensor bonus's, resulting in one very dead spore launcher. Great if you don't have empath ability yet.

      They also have the very nice effect of defending all other units in a base against bombardment, giving other units a chance to heal. With the base bonus a defending arty unit is quite difficult to dislodge.

      I station them in coastal cities, usually called "Coastal Defense" or "Shore battery". They can weaken enemy ships and discourage offshore bombardment. The coolest thing is a (6)-1-1 can often entirely destroy an unarmoured transport or IOD in one shot. An arty unit defends with almost complete impunity against naval bombardment, altough if the enemy ship attacks your base directly it

      If enemy units make it into my base radius then they can look forward to a hard rain, unarmoured rovers are easy targets, and stacking them with a high armour defender doesn't help. If the units are unstacked then probe them!

      Later in the game upgrade all of your arty to something like <(12)>-1-1, arty, SAM. This way they can shoot at aircraft and ground units with equal ease, the most usful thing is they can then bombard locusts, two volleys of shards should destroy almost any number of stacked locusts, all psi units defend with an armour rating of 1 against artillary.

      The applications in MP would be even greater, I would use 2 or 3 per base rather than just 1, and upgrade to SAM abilities earlier, for the simple reason that if the enemy uses aircraft as ZOC blocking or to cover ground units just blast them out the sky with the arty, no unit ever has to leave your base and become vunerable to enemy aircraft. Especially usful if the enemy is using locusts for blocking. (altough most of that is theory, because I havn't really played many MP games....) The obvious counter would be to armour aircraft, post fusion 2 or 3 armour would really help.


      • #4
        My favorites would probably be a (0-1-1) former and... oh, probably a probe foil.


        • #5
          My favorite units would have to be the Colony Pod and Unity Foil.

          The reason I build the Colony Pods is to expand my empire. I think you may have to go into the design workshop (press "U") to make this unit, but it's worth it! The secret is finding a terrain square without rocks or fungus. Sorry, they don't go in the ocean, either. I know that seems like a lot of restrictions, but when you find the right spot, just press "B" and BAM! You get a whole new city!

          What do you do if you're having drone riots and can'd build Rec Commons yet? Just rush a Colony Pod! Stick those drones on the bus, that'll teach them to be discontent. Love it or leave it, that's what I say. They can go start a new city and run it their own way. It never works, though. They just get fussy after a few years, too. Make sure you don't stick the Doctor on the bus, or the rioters will get very angry, indeed... and that good physician will have trouble finding a practice in the Chiron suburbs for a few years.

          Now for the Unity Foil. Most people don't have nearly enough Unity Foils in their game. Come on, it's a free transport with no support cost before you even have Doc: Flex! So send your peeps out for a vacation every now and then, especiallly if you're having drone problems. Just have all your formers, scouts, pet worms, and unity rovers go stroll along the beach. Look close and eventually you'll find the boat. Cruise time! Once in your boats, you may be tempted to look for more boats trolling around the dimensional rifts, but watch out--sea rifts can genetically alter the fish up to two squares away, and aquatic mutants have a harsh propensity towards causing late-game eco-damage.

          To secure peace is to prepare for war.


          • #6

            Originally posted by Dimension on 02-26-2001 02:19 AM
            My favorite units would have to be the Colony Pod and Unity Foil.

            Yeah, you know I'd have to disagree with D on the Colony Pod thing. Early on in my Alpha Centauri experience I learned quickly that resorting to an ill-conceived, megalomaniacal and imperialistic policy of base expansion only leads to the inevitable woes of managing an unnecessarily burdensome empire (witness the fact that the previous commentator on this subject appears, unfortunately and problematically, to be mired in precisely that managerial quagmire that I myself prefer to avoid. I exhort others to follow my cue). The misinformed, would-be czar of the fertile and tender abode that is Planet would do well to remember that simply spurting colony pods across her fragile surface like so many seeds of urban destruction will only hasten the downfall that even now looms dark and vengeful upon Planet's nitrous horizon.

            As for me, after my enlightened followers and I alight gracefully upon the gentle Planet's soil we, joined by our gifted and insightful physician, immediately dispense with frivolities both technological and economical and create my Favorite Unit, the "Superior Person"*. Thus, I keep the mundanity of societal growth to a minimum and leap immediately to the superior existence that waits, with arms outstretched, for my kind.

            *this is an Alpha Centauri Secret. Divulge this potent advice to others at your own risk. To create the Superior Person unit, execute the following maneuvre with care and precision:

            1. press "CTRL+Q"
            2. ignore the banality that then appears in the form of a question
            3. press the down arrow key
            4. press enter

            Congratulations! You have joined the ranks of the Superior, which, of course, are not to be confused with those poor, pathologically power-hungry and relentlessly unsufferable Transcendi (blathering on about a "united" and "immortal" consciousness as they are wont to do).

            [This message has been edited by karu-san (edited February 26, 2001).]


            • #7
              My fave is my Worm Hunter - 6e-4t-2 along with my favorite gun bearer Kato.

              Slay all the wildlife - that's my motto! That's what Planet put them there for.

              "Look Bwana! Another worm!"

              "Tally Ho!"


              • #8

                Originally posted by karu-san on 02-26-2001 07:56 AM
                The misinformed, would-be czar of the fertile and tender abode that is Planet would do well to remember that simply spurting colony pods across her fragile surface like so many seeds of urban destruction will only hasten the downfall that even now looms dark and vengeful upon Planet's nitrous horizon.


                Eego wa nakanaka ojoozu desu nee! Nihonjin ja nai to omotte...

                Of course, as soon as I saw the word "blathering," it sounded more like the whole thing was lifted out of a Douglas Adams book
                To secure peace is to prepare for war.


                • #9
                  My favorite units include the obvious-- best weapon choppers, probe ships, armored probes and almost anything with drop pods.

                  Ibores -- Are you playing Smac ?? In crossfire you can have an even more potent wormkiller using resonance weapons and armour. My best wormkiller would be 6re-3rt-2. You get an additional 25% attack/defense value against native life. Often I will build an attack only unit without the armour enhancements.


                  • #10

                    Originally posted by cbn on 02-26-2001 11:24 AM
                    Ibores -- Are you playing Smac ?? In crossfire you can have an even more potent wormkiller using resonance weapons and armour. My best wormkiller would be 6re-3rt-2. You get an additional 25% attack/defense value against native life. Often I will build an attack only unit without the armour enhancements.

                    Hmmm. Good! Me try! Me now have bigger club against wormies! Miriam too!


                    • #11
                      I'd like to put in a plug for the lowly 4-1-2 rover. It is dirt cheap and once I can build it, it often marks the point where I can launch a decent war when playing a low tech faction. Even facing the AI with 6 attack and 2 or 3 defence I can usually turn the tide. The rover rush isn't elegant, it isn't difficult, but it is very effective.

                      It is also a handy unit for exploring, pod-popping (if you are without worms) and for attacking worms. Do people really build expensive 6e-4t-2's or 6re-3re-2's for worms? I never do.

                      While I typically build best weapon rovers for the edges of my empire, I seldom upgrade the old 4-1-2s stationed in the centre of my empire unless they are elites. At that point the old garrisoned 4-1-2s are used strictly for intercepting native life and the police effect. At Transcendance, I'll typically still have some perfectly serviceable 4-1-2s still knocking around.

                      Honourable mention to the 6X-1-2 rover. In SMACX playing random maps, the Aliens have a bad tendency to start nearby. The nerve gas rover often marks the point where I switch from being a sniveling Alien appeasing lackey to being an Alien killing giant.


                      • #12
                        I agree to Walt that the esoteric late game thingis are of course strong, but they don't make You win the game, because when You are able to build them, You have won and need only to finish the game.

                        So the real important strong units are those early game units who give You the little advantage to turn the game.

                        Some of my favorites:

                        4x-2-1 Rover: Saves Your a$$ from Marr and Himinee!

                        1-best-2-Rover: For capturing bases after Your airforce has killed the defender.

                        Needlejet colony pod: Really expensive, but sometimes this can be the gameturner. Your enemy will be very surprised if You found a base in the heart of his territorry and station Your nerve gas needeljets there!

                        Crawler on rover chassis: Because of their mobility , they can be easily and fast rehomed to the current SP-building base.

                        Probe cruiser: Faster and better than the probe foil.

                        And don't forget the strongest unit on Chiron: the good old Scout Patrol!
                        His cheapness is his strength! I vote for the Scout Patrol!

                        Addition: I hate those Unity foils! Okay, sometimes they pop an AA,
                        but most times they are only IoD-food, and they are so slow!

                        "Steelborn, Starborn"


                        • #13

                          Originally posted by RedFred on 02-26-2001 10:42 PM
                          I'd like to put in a plug for the lowly 4-1-2 rover. It is dirt cheap and once I can build it, it often marks the point where I can launch a decent war when playing a low tech faction. Even facing the AI with 6 attack and 2 or 3 defence I can usually turn the tide. The rover rush isn't elegant, it isn't difficult, but it is very effective.

                          It is also a handy unit for exploring, pod-popping (if you are without worms) and for attacking worms. Do people really build expensive 6e-4t-2's or 6re-3re-2's for worms? I never do.

                          While I typically build best weapon rovers for the edges of my empire, I seldom upgrade the old 4-1-2s stationed in the centre of my empire unless they are elites. At that point the old garrisoned 4-1-2s are used strictly for intercepting native life and the police effect. At Transcendance, I'll typically still have some perfectly serviceable 4-1-2s still knocking around.

                          Honourable mention to the 6X-1-2 rover. In SMACX playing random maps, the Aliens have a bad tendency to start nearby. The nerve gas rover often marks the point where I switch from being a sniveling Alien appeasing lackey to being an Alien killing giant.

                          I have to agree with RedFred. Hovers don't come until at least mid-game, which, by then, you generally have a pretty good idea of who will win, or at least, who the main players are. Rovers are just about the most indispensable unit there is. I like to use drop rovers (usually get those by the beginning of the midgame anyways). Nothing like dumping 4 or 5 rovers right outside a lightly defended enemy base, blasting your way through. Yes, you get a -50% attack penalty with the drop units the same turn.. but if you have units to burn, "Drop Rover Rush" works nicely. I've used this more times than I can count to grab lightly defended bases.

                          One tactic that seems to work sometimes is to equip one rover in the group with Artillery, esp. if the defending base has Air units, and just pin them down with that. For some reason, the Artifical Intell (what an insult to the term this game does...) doesn't move damaged Air units. Pin them down, take them out 1 by 1. Nice, especially if the only thing left is the air units. .

                          Lastly, probes ROCK! Nothing like going into an enemy base loaded with all of his air units (who taught this AI tactics? stupid.) and stealing the base right out from under him, then turning his own weapons on him. Makes it easy to win.



                          • #14

                            Originally posted by NorthSwordsman on 02-27-2001 05:15 AM
                            I have to agree with RedFred. Hovers don't come until at least mid-game, which, by then, you generally have a pretty good idea of who will win, or at least, who the main players are.

                            To clarify: "Hovers" is not a misprint. Hovers=Hovercraft. Don't want a misunderstanding here.


                            [This message has been edited by NorthSwordsman (edited February 27, 2001).]


                            • #15


                              I seldom build the fully loaded model but just wanted to point out that resonance weapons/armour in conjunction with trance and empath can make an even stronger worm killer/defender than one that Ibores had mentioned. I actually seldom put anything other than minimal armour on my rovers since my idea of defense is to kill the other guy's attackers first.

                              I too keep around some trusty 4-1-2s but if I am running some ecodamage some may get upgraded to 6r SAM (for locusts) or 6r empath or both (depending on tech level, need, cash ). Often the upgrade costs seem so low that its worthwhile. I generally like the 4-1-2 SAM as part of the home defense as well since just having it around ensures death to any aircraft. Each SAM rover can take out two planes a turn. While its usally my preference that enemy plans get nowhere near my empire, the SAM upgrade seems like some cheap insurance.

