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Official SMACX v2 bug list. READ ONLY PLEASE!

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  • #76
    BugID: #0075, Base_Facility_SE
    Submitter: lynchk,
    Version: Both AX and AC4
    Category: UI
    Status: Request
    Priority: 5
    Save before: N/A (not available)
    Save after:
    Description: Many base facilities add to a single base's social
    engineering levels; it would be nice to be
    able to see the current levels at each base.

    [This message has been edited by zsozso (edited January 08, 2000).]


    • #77
      BugID: #0076, Sea_Perimiter
      Submitter: lynchk,
      Version: Both AX and AC4
      Category: Combat
      Status: Pending
      Priority: 2
      Save before: N/A (not available)
      Save after:
      Description: Perimiter Defenses and Tachyon Fields on sea bases are
      not taken into account
      when defending.

      [This message has been edited by zsozso (edited January 08, 2000).]


      • #78
        BugID: #0077, Mind_Control
        Submitter: dante^,
        Version: Both AX and AC4(?)
        Category: UI
        Status: Confirmed
        Priority: 2
        Save before: N/A (not available)
        Save after:
        Description: I was the Free Drones and managed to Mind Control one of
        the Usurper bases. We were
        at Vendetta. The normal pop-up window appeared, the one where it
        "Free Drones capture Spires:Ascendant! 28 energy credits diverted
        from local nets."
        I closed the window and I received a message from the Usurpers,
        asking for a truce.
        I agreed and closed the window. The Base Control Screen then
        popped-up. Inside the Base
        Control Screen I got another pop-up message saying my Probe Team has
        succumbed to the effects
        of the Mind Control probe. I closed that message and got a message
        from Marr about breaking
        the truce. When I clicked the Diplomacy tab, I was at Vendetta again
        and integrity had
        dropped to faithful.

        [This message has been edited by zsozso (edited January 08, 2000).]


        • #79
          BugID: #0078, Water_Level_MP
          Submitter: buster,
          Version: Both AX and AC4
          Category: MultiPlayer
          Status: Confirmed
          Priority: 2
          Save before: N/A (not available)
          Save after:
          Description: Sea level messages are only given to the one initiating
          the change. (when sea level starts
          rising due to pollution only the first faction gets the message. The
          other players will be
          completely caught by surprise) Also when launching solar shades
          again, only first faction gets
          the info the rest are told nothing.

          [This message has been edited by zsozso (edited January 08, 2000).]


          • #80
            BugID: #0079, Interludes
            Submitter: lev,
            Version: Alien Crossfire
            Category: UI
            Status: Request
            Priority: 5
            Save before: N/A (not available)
            Save after:
            Description: Bring back interludes for the Manifold Nexus and Borehole
            Cluster (revised, of course,
            since the aliens are on Planet), and create interludes for
            the Unity Wreckage and Fossil

            [This message has been edited by zsozso (edited January 08, 2000).]


            • #81
              BugID: #0080, Air_Force_AI
              Submitter: NoviceCEO,
              Version: Both AX and AC4
              Category: AI
              Status: Request
              Priority: 5
              Save before: N/A (not available)
              Save after:
              Description: AI air units are overly reluctant to attack enemy units/bases
              even when they have vastly superior firepower.

              [This message has been edited by zsozso (edited January 08, 2000).]


              • #82
                BugID: #0081, MP_Stop_Built
                Submitter: gnome,
                Version: Both AX(?) and AC4
                Category: MultiPlayer
                Status: Demonstrated
                Priority: 3
                Save before: http://CR190515-A.hnsn1.on.wave.home...C/
                Save after: N/A
                Description: Hotseat multiplayer games ignore the warning preferences.
                When a city finishes building
                something it switches immediately to "Stockpile Energy" and gives no
                warning even when you
                have "Stop for Base Improvements" and "Stop for Random Events"

                About the save: Load as a
                multiplayer PBEM game. Begin Foreman Domai's turn. Living Standard
                builds a pressure dome, and immediately switches to "Stockpile Energy"
                with no pop-up offering to zoom to the city. This even if "Stop for
                facilities built" is chosen in the Warning preferences.

                [This message has been edited by zsozso (edited January 13, 2000).]


                • #83
                  BugID: #0082, Air_Bombing
                  Submitter: hroman21,
                  Version: Both AX(?) and AC4
                  Category: Rules
                  Status: Pending
                  Priority: 4
                  Save before: N/A (not available)
                  Save after:
                  Description: Air unit attacking an empty enemy city using the bomb
                  command refuels air unit next turn.

                  [This message has been edited by zsozso (edited January 08, 2000).]


                  • #84
                    BugID: #0083, Custom_Faction_Text
                    Submitter: Bblue,
                    Version: Alien Crossfire
                    Category: Faction Editor
                    Status: Pending
                    Priority: 2
                    Save before: N/A (not available)
                    Save after:
                    Description: Faction Editor Diplomacy Screen; Truce quote and replies:
                    Editor don't save these correctly.
                    After loading a saved faction, lines of text from one quote box will
                    partially appear in the other
                    quote boxes (acts like text line is too long, but is no longer then
                    for pre-existing quotes)

                    [This message has been edited by zsozso (edited January 08, 2000).]


                    • #85
                      BugID: #0084, Base_Destroy
                      Submitter: Bblue,
                      Version: Both AX and AC4
                      Category: Rules
                      Status: Confirmed
                      Priority: 3
                      Save before: N/A (not available)
                      Save after:
                      Description: In the SMAC manual it says that if you destroy a base by
                      reducing it's population,
                      then all land units appear on the map and all sea and air
                      units in that base are destroyed.
                      In the game air units are left on the map after bases are
                      destroyed, not sure about sea units.
                      Next turn these air units have full movement.

                      [This message has been edited by zsozso (edited January 08, 2000).]


                      • #86
                        BugID: #0085, Free_Ability
                        Submitter: Bblue,
                        Version: Alien Crossfire
                        Category: Unit design
                        Status: Demonstrated
                        Priority: 4(?)
                        Save before: N/A
                        Save after: http://CR190515-A.hnsn1.on.wave.home...C/
                        Description: Factions that recieve a FREEABIL. The game adds these
                        abilities to all units wheiter it is a legal unit for that ability of not.
                        Is typically displayed in the game by the Pirate's FREEABIL, Marine Detachment, appearing on non-allowed units.
                        Note: This bug does not effect basic units (crawler, former, probe team, colony
                        pods, etc)
                        Look at the formers and military units in the save.

                        [This message has been edited by zsozso (edited January 11, 2000).]


                        • #87
                          BugID: #0086, Confirm_Odds
                          Submitter: RetoS,
                          Version: Both AX and AC4
                          Category: UI
                          Status: Confirmed
                          Priority: 3
                          Save before: N/A (not available)
                          Save after:
                          Description: "Display and Confirm Combat Odds" option on. Locusts of
                          Chiron attacks instantly without asking for confirmation.

                          Kinjiru: Don't have a save but I have seen this as well. And it still happens in v2

                          [This message has been edited by zsozso (edited January 11, 2000).]


                          • #88
                            BugID: #0087, Specialists
                            Submitter: RetoS,
                            Version: Both AX and AC4
                            Category: UI/Rules
                            Status: Pending
                            Priority: 4
                            Save before: N/A (not available)
                            Save after:
                            Description: The manual states that you aren't allowed to assign
                            specialists in bases <5 (except
                            doctors). However, this is possible by going to the F4 screen
                            and using the right mouse

                            [This message has been edited by zsozso (edited January 08, 2000).]


                            • #89
                              BugID: #0088, CD
                              Submitter: Rick,
                              Version: Alien Crossfire
                              Category: Copyright Protection
                              Status: Request
                              Priority: 5
                              Save before: N/A (not available)
                              Save after:
                              Description: Neither AX or SMAC with run without the CD in the drive,
                              even after a complete install
                              This is inconvenient for some.

                              [This message has been edited by zsozso (edited January 08, 2000).]


                              • #90
                                BugID: #0089, Balancing
                                Submitter: markyj,
                                Version: Alien Crossfire
                                Category: Faction Editor
                                Status: Request
                                Priority: 5
                                Save before: N/A (not available)
                                Save after:
                                Description: Next is a change request for the FACEDIT - is there any
                                way to put point totals for each
                                change? Example - Having a ++RESEARCH, and --PROBE comes to a
                                total of 0 points.
                                Adding in a free NETWORK NODE for each base makes the total,
                                say 15 points. That
                                way, factions could be 'balanced' by getting point totals
                                that were in the same ball park. -
                                Say all factions must be 50 points or less.

                                [This message has been edited by zsozso (edited January 08, 2000).]

