In many threads is posted that the most efficient terraforming is farm/condensor/soil enrichener on a rainy square, because the 6 nuts can
support 3 transcendi (4,5 with satellites).
This seems right only theoretically to me, because of the premises:
- You have to "produce" the transcendi. Even with Clone Vats it would take three turns, without a very long time.
- You would need two surplus nuts with the Clone Vats for pop growth, so, of the first farm/condensor/soil enrichener square remained only 4 nuts.
- You would need hab domes for the pop growth, which come very late in game. Normally the game is over around 20 turns later.
- You would have to produce a lot of satellites.
So, for a blind research game, the possibility to really use this squares in the proper game seem to come so late that it couldn't be used in the right way.
Even with directed research (which I never do), You would need a lot of tech (Clone Vats, terraforming techs, hab domes, the tech to have transcendi etc) that it would be a very late game thing.
So my question is: Is there really a way for feeding transcendi from a farm/condensor/soil enrichener square (especially in blind research game), or is it only a nice theory fairytale?
support 3 transcendi (4,5 with satellites).
This seems right only theoretically to me, because of the premises:
- You have to "produce" the transcendi. Even with Clone Vats it would take three turns, without a very long time.
- You would need two surplus nuts with the Clone Vats for pop growth, so, of the first farm/condensor/soil enrichener square remained only 4 nuts.
- You would need hab domes for the pop growth, which come very late in game. Normally the game is over around 20 turns later.
- You would have to produce a lot of satellites.
So, for a blind research game, the possibility to really use this squares in the proper game seem to come so late that it couldn't be used in the right way.
Even with directed research (which I never do), You would need a lot of tech (Clone Vats, terraforming techs, hab domes, the tech to have transcendi etc) that it would be a very late game thing.
So my question is: Is there really a way for feeding transcendi from a farm/condensor/soil enrichener square (especially in blind research game), or is it only a nice theory fairytale?