I have not been a big fan of Morgan in the past since a +3 Econ (with FM) doesn't seem to provide a big benefit and the lowered hab limit is a killer. But recently I was playing him and tried Demo/Green/Wealth and loved it. The magic +2 Econ, +1 Ind, plus mind worm capture is sweet. You can generally able to out-produce, while using worms to harass enemies and allies alike. Just the kind of dirty pool I like to play 
Problem is the damn AI keeps winning the WP(which I used to ignore, but now can't live without) while I'm still building up crawlers. Even on SP transcend level this shouldn't be that hard to get right? I must be doing something stupid that I'm not catching. I think I might be spreading myself too thin. So my request is....could the Morgan fans out there list out how you typically run your turns up to the point at which you begin building the WP? Maybe I can see what I am doing wrong.

Problem is the damn AI keeps winning the WP(which I used to ignore, but now can't live without) while I'm still building up crawlers. Even on SP transcend level this shouldn't be that hard to get right? I must be doing something stupid that I'm not catching. I think I might be spreading myself too thin. So my request is....could the Morgan fans out there list out how you typically run your turns up to the point at which you begin building the WP? Maybe I can see what I am doing wrong.