Does anyone else find Green to be a bit too powerful? It's the all around great social option. If you're not Yang and you need to run Police State, Green helps out with the nasty effeciency. If you're Green, you allways have an allie with Diedrie. If you're green, you can enslave mind worms (although, it's my experience that the percentages are WAY off for mind worm capture.) If you're Green, you get awsome bonuses to fighting and defending against natives. If you're Green, you're efficiency rating is so insane you can pittle around with your social energy allocations with almost no penelty. If you're Green, the only person who will get angry about it is Morgan (and who takes his military seriously?) If you're Green, you've got such an insane effiency rating that you can make SO many bases that Free Market looks like a joke. Is it anyone elses experience that this is so? I think Free Market (and I *know* just how powerful it can be) is obsolete by mid-game because the planet penelty is so harsh that no matter what you do Mind Worms will swamp and destroy your bases. Please say it isn't so. I love free market......... DOWN WITH GREEN! hehe
No announcement yet.
Green --- the broken society?
No. Look at the OTHER economy options. FM is probably the single most powerful SE choice pre-future societies, and planned gives you that absolutly vital boost to growth for pop booms, plus a nice imdustry boost. Every SE choice has it's right time for use, I'd say, offhand, that none of them are actually too powerful....
I'm in agreement -- the most powerful deterrent against Green is that it prevents you from running FM. (Planned in my opinion is good for expansion mode and playing Yang, but I don't find it to be the monster FM in peacetime or Green in wartime can be.)
If you have worm troubles with FM, try hitting them in ways they can't fight back against. Namely, invest in artillery for base defense. Reducing the worms to 1 or 2 hit points before psi combat begins is among the best ways to ensure survival.
My favorite topic!
When you run FM, you should look at EVERYTHING in terms of opportunity.
True, running Market wrecks your planet rating and invites worms, which you have no chance of capturing, but...
You can build Empath guys just like everybody else, and if you're running wealth, then marauding worms will not only provide you with a bit of extra cash in the form of planet pearls (further widening your cash lead over everybody else), but you'll get some badly needed morale upgrades out of it as well! (and as mentioned earlier, selective artillery placement can more than even the odds for your low morale attackers).
No one expects a Marketeer to field an army outside his borders, but it's actually VERY easy to do, and without punishment spheres! Bases without workers DO NOT RIOT, so it's a snap to send a few food crawlers over to base "X" (you know, the one right there near the coast, with just enough mineral outputs to crank out those upgradable clean Laser Needlejets in a single turn), convert all the citizens to specialists and go to town! Do the same thing with one of your coastal bases and you've got your navy situated in short order, and perhaps 1-2 bases in the interior to crank out ground-pounders. Punishment Spheres?! Nahhh...don't need 'em. So if you're running with 16-20 bases, you can field your army from 20-25% of your empire, allowing the remainder to relentlessly persue infrastructure (and, you might even wanna set up a base which exclusively produces probe teams, just to have 'em around). Since you're making clean units (easy to get to in the latter part of the early game), you don't have to worry about mineral support drains, which means you can just endlessly crank out troops to prepare for the day when....(fill in the blank with whatever faction is most likely to attack).
In the strat guide, I've mentioned that military units represent "potential energy," but by themselves, do nothing 'cept take up space on the board unless you go out and use them, and in SP, that is certainly the case, but in MP, there are many more options you can try once you have your "Marketeering Army" up and running. You might actually be able to turn your attack-capable troopers into an investment for you....
If someone is getting pasted? Why not hire a portion of your forces out? They send energy credits, you load up a few transports to head over to the trouble spot.
More aggressively, you could advertise and threaten. Call up...somebody...Cheesedong for instance, and tell him that you've got 15 X-Chaos Rovers and whatever else you have in the mix heading his way, courtesy of the Morganite Collection what was that about 500 EC's to call the attack off? Generally NOT a good idea to bluff here though...true, you might get some coin that way, but if they call you on it and you can't or don't back it up, it stops working for you rather quickly.
Random note in SP: A good way to pick up LOTS of useful stuff from Pact Brothers and sisters (and this works regardless of SE setting....I'm just doing the stream-of-consciousness thing here), is to leave one of your bases that borders theirs either undefended, armored probe defended, or very lightly defended, which will invariably prompt them to keep gifting you units to help with your defense. Most times, these units border on the silly, they're so obsolete (" you go Mr. Morgan-who-has-shard-troopers....have a few 1-2-4's to help with your defense..."), but if they have good morale, they can always be upgraded to a clean-whatever and preserved, and if nothing else, they can be scrapped to help rush whatever you happen to be working on infrastructure-wise. Point is though, whether you keep them or scrap them, get them away from your border base, and next turn, just like clockwork, here comes your AI Pactmate, with a few more units to give you....Merry Christmas from your Pactmates!
It's all about creating opportunity....
PS: I did a lot of testing in various stages of my games, and I've never seen an instance where Dem/Green with Labs or Cash set at 100% could out cash or tech Dem/Market at 70%....the money's just not there for the greenies, despite the better effie ratings....
[This message has been edited by Velociryx (edited January 18, 2001).]
How about Dem/Green/Wealth golden (20%psych and, say, 60% or 70% lab)? That gets the benchmark +2 eco (+1 energy/sq)? Other bonuses: you have no military restrictions, can easily hold your own against MWs. In a medium to large empire in mid to late game the extra efficiency would multiply existing energy, offsetting the bump that Dem/FM/Wealth might get.
I'll dig back into a couple of old games to test which seems to be better (I seldom play much past mid game anymore).
The main feature of planet rating is that little difference between 0 and +1, +1 (or more) allowing You to catch mindworms. Remember, there's that nice landmark called the Manifold nexus!
It's allways my strategy to found a base there if possible, and if it's situated on the other side of planet. Posessing the nexus allows you "to run Green and Planned at same time" for some faction, or be greener than green!
And Vel!
Very good statement about the advantages of FM (the thing I can't deal with...)
But, why the hell do all people beat on the poor Cha Dawn?
Originally posted by Velociryx on 01-18-2001 09:54 PM
More aggressively, you could advertise and threaten. Call up...somebody...Cheesedong for instance, and tell him that you've got 15 X-Chaos Rovers and whatever else you have in the mix heading his way, courtesy of the Morganite Collection what was that about 500 EC's to call the attack off?
[This message has been edited by Velociryx (edited January 18, 2001).]
Yesterday, I finished my Cha Dawn game. Conquer victory in 2393, but I would have transcendented only a few turns later, building of Voice of Planet had begon in 2391. And yes, Morgan was in that game, and he threatend me by trying to build a PB. He didn't survive long enough to see Marr's worst nightmare come true:
A dozen of 30nerve+soporific gas-8res-gravships using his empire as a playground ;-)
Pink rules!
[This message has been edited by Skanderbeg (edited January 19, 2001).]
Good point 'bout a Green/Dem GA, Hydro, and you're quite right, that would get you the Econ bump, which would raise Green's energy by a good bit.
The only problems I see with it vs. a Market stance are two:
First, to pull it off empire-wide, you'd prolly need something closer to 40% psych allocation, and even then, your newer, less developed bases may or may not get thrown into a golden age. Of course, the lion's share of your money from this would come from your biggest and best-developed bases, so the fact that your "fringe bases" missed out on the GA may not be such a big concern.
Second thing though, is that the GA effect is base specific, requiring a hellish amount of micromanagement to keep it going reliably. I get into the whole micromanagement thing, but I have to admit, the few times I've engineered a Morgan Pop-Boom by using the same technique, I've found it...well, tiresome.
I think though, that if you set a specific goal in your mind...say for instance, that you've got an empire of 20 bases, twelve of which could be considered "highly developed," you could go for a GA in those 12 bases and rake in a tremendous windfall that way. By limiting your focus, you could afford a lesser psych allocation, which would mean more money in your pocket each turn (or more energy in your labs), and that, combined with your better effie might put you on par, or perhaps even slightly ahead of a Dem/Market person.....I've not tested it at that level, so I couldn't say for sure, but my instinct says you'd still be making less....however, the gap would definately be a great deal narrower.
And Skanderbeg...Was just using him as an example....nothing tooooo personal against the cheesey wonder....I actually have fun playing him, but I'd hate to be in a hotseat or mp game, looking at the possibility of running into a human controlled Zak, Yang, or Domai! OUCH!
Couple of points on your Dem/Green pop boom....
What I often find myself doing (and this works just fine for any other faction w/o econ penalties) is running Dem/Green/Wealth, cranking up the psych to 40% for a turn, and watch the GAs come flooding in. However, because of all that extra energy you are accumulating, if you then switch back to 20% the next turn, the GAs should hold, leaving you to think about military concerns whilst raking in the +2 energy at the vast majority of your bases!
What's more, if you run FM, you can pop boom at the same time (assuming SMACX) - the +2 from Demo, +2 from Creche and +2 from the GA should be enough to send you into a pop boom - whilst at +4 energy!
You don't have to play Morgan for this to work, of course, but he would send the economy to +5....
[This message has been edited by mark13 (edited January 19, 2001).]We're back!
Just one note about Green:
I found in many of my games (including the PBEM against you Vel, when we builder-raced on Aredhran's map), that running Green with 100% research allocation gives you faster research rate than you could possibly manage with FM (with any allocation %) - counting the fact that you also have to balance drones and such (which takes less cost/effort when running Green). So, Green may not be the best cash-cow, but I found it to be THE best option if you want to run crazy full-blown research. E.g. in my fast-transcend games I run Green from as soon as I got it till the end of the game. Not to mention the free (build & support too) defensive/police/pod-lotto units you can capture.
Zsozso - the green player::Zsozso::
Brother Zso! You'll get no argument from me 'bout that were DEFINATELY out-teching me, but I think in that instance, the reason Green served you so well was because of your HUGE population compared to mine (::as he mumbles something about 'bout getting beaten to the PTS:: )Sitting where I was, trying to get to the point where I could do a pop-boom and at least be in the general neighborhood of your overall population, I could keep pace with your research rate under FM, but I couldn't pass you. I looked at Green as a possibility, but I was so desperate for cash to rush my TF's that the crunch just hurt too much to handle.
THAT was a spanking and a half tho....and btw, to borrow a line from're a punk, Zso!LOL...but I have to say, that was the most fun losing I ever had!
It has been my experience that running planed early can be useful to quickly increase your population (I mean real early before Hab Complex), but after that I almost always run green. I like the increased efficiency and when you combine that with the fact that I usually play Morgan…well with him you can run wealth (which comes pretty early in the game) and still get the +2 economy. To me anything more than +2 is wasting a bonus in some other area, like efficiency, which allows you to build more bases farther from your capital. Of course none of this is applicable with other factions, but that’s why I like Morgan (if he just didn’t have that dang -2 population limit). Also I find that the increased energy from the +2 economy is in many ways more useful than say Zak’s +2 research. I know that the research gives him a big jump on the techs early on, but Morgan’s +2 economy can easily compete later. (i.e. tech advance every 4 turns. That may seem slow to you guys, but I can never get better than that with Zak either). The other advantage of the +2 economy is that it is more flexible because it gives you raw energy that can then be allocated to research, economy, or luxuries.
"Are you good men and true?" Much Ado About Nothing, Act III, Scene III"Are you good men and true?" Much Ado About Nothing, Act III, Scene III
Don't get me wrong, I love FM, I wish I could actually beat the game with it, but I'm still having tremendous difficulty with happyness, fungus, and worms.
After a certian point in the game, it simply becomes uneconomical (no pun intended) to continue with FM. Fungus begins destroy all of your terraforming improvements (no matter how many eco-friendly facilities you've built and dispite what the manual says about Hybrid Forest/Tree Farm.) Not to mention, even if you do have a lot of artillery to pound the worms to death, they STILL show up en mass every turn. There's no way you can fight them off. Once my main base was surrounded with what I suspect was more than 100 worms. Nothing I could do would keep them at bay. They destroyed my top 3 bases, and I was powerless to stop it.
So, I learned my lesson. Green is the only really worth while SE choice as far as the economy goes. Planed has it's advantages too, but Green is by far the most powerful, unfortunatly.
For example: if you're a Police State/ FM then you only really lose money because the police modifier is SO tremendous for FM that PS doesn't even begin to make up for it. Of course, you shouldn't really use FM in war time... but I digress. Oh, yes, my point is that... well I think I'm just going to try and fix the game again.
Since most of the talk of comparison of green to FM revolves around later game situations, I'll throw this out for consideration.
Demo/Green/Wealth GA is very easily achievable in late game stage without psych allocation at all (or at least very little). Transcendi the best all purpose energy specialist equivalent of 6 useful (2 econ and 4 labs) and 2 psych energy. These babies allow green to become more preferential. Onthe flip side is that you want to make as many of them as possible as quickly as possible. The -2 growth of green is a bit of an issue especially if you don't have vats. A base specialized at 50% workers turned talents from 50% transcendi will be churning out the moola and research and is well suited to crawler/trawler in energy from outside the base with the +2 econ. Couple it with ability to slam research to 100% (and ongoing energy coming in from transcendi) w/o penalty, a polluter base to attract some worms for harvesting for more moola. Need I say more, green starts looking pretty good.
OTOH if you've played a good early conquering game and have some submissives (I assume at this point you normally would be so powerful that others would refuse to be pacted with you) the higher (i.e greater thean +2) econs rock with respect to trade energy.
It is my feeling though at this point in the game the best approach is energy tho' through population aka transcendi. Maybe an arguement for Demo/planned pre-eudi and sans cloning vats i.e. anything that creates a perpetual pop boom.
"Just puttin on the foil" - Jeff Hanson
“In a democracy, I realize you don’t need to talk to the top leader to know how the country feels. When I go to a dictatorship, I only have to talk to one person and that’s the dictator, because he speaks for all the people.” - Jimmy Carter
I've not had that degree of worm troubles in any of my games, regardless of SE choices. It sounds to me like your playstyle generates zounds more ecodamage than mine.
Perhaps you're producing more minerals than you really need. An energy focused economy, on the other hand, is more flexible (minerals are at one base, energy is everywhere) and when well-developed, can compensate for lower mineral production through rushbuying and especially upgrading.
If the ecodamage is mostly terraforming-related, consider moving the big ecodamage no-no's (energy parks, ag districts, borehole clusters; the stuff you'll be working with crawlers anyway) out of the base production radius. Moyo-style base placement is really good at this.