How do you usually use sensors? I do understand that they help keep natives away and increase defensive benefits to friendly units, that's just about it ha.
If I recall correctly, the coverage of a sensor is two squares away so does it means it's something like this... S being Sensor and C being coverage... I'm assuming the sensor's square is also covered.
Also are the defensive benefits cumulative? Suppose a unit is within range of two sensors, would it receive the cumulated benefits of two sensors or just one?
And under standard rules, sensors cannot be placed into sea squares, correct? If I'm right, does a sensor's defensive benefits cover a sea square if it's situated on a coastal square?
Thanks in advance!
If I recall correctly, the coverage of a sensor is two squares away so does it means it's something like this... S being Sensor and C being coverage... I'm assuming the sensor's square is also covered.
Also are the defensive benefits cumulative? Suppose a unit is within range of two sensors, would it receive the cumulated benefits of two sensors or just one?
And under standard rules, sensors cannot be placed into sea squares, correct? If I'm right, does a sensor's defensive benefits cover a sea square if it's situated on a coastal square?
Thanks in advance!
