After a while of playing C3C I was getting bored and missing my design workshop and social engineering screen, so decided to go back to Alpha Centauri.
I'm having so much fun. Economic victory as the cowardly wealth-grubbing Morganites, mind-worm conquest as a Green Fundamentalist Deirdre, drop-probe warfare as Miriam...
What an opportunity they missed in Civ3 to learn from AC! What a chance for BR to step up to the plate and give us SMAC2 !
I'm having so much fun. Economic victory as the cowardly wealth-grubbing Morganites, mind-worm conquest as a Green Fundamentalist Deirdre, drop-probe warfare as Miriam...
What an opportunity they missed in Civ3 to learn from AC! What a chance for BR to step up to the plate and give us SMAC2