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WAR ??????????????? What IS it good for?

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  • #16
    $15,000? Where? [breaks out checkbook]


    • #17

      I believe that the Elite(+) unit you are refering to was probably given that status through a children's creche though I could be wrong. That's typically how I get units with odd morale ratings like that, but perhaps it can also be done through the SE choices? If you haven't already read the "enlightening" arguement between Marione and AdamSmith about Children's Creches feel free to peruse the posts for it. It was rather amusing.


      • #18

        Originally posted by mark13 on 12-10-2000 07:04 AM

        That trained scout patrol thing is a great idea - although it will cost a lot of credits, you will certainly fget your money's worth! I can confess to never having tried this before although I did something pretty similar with drop units upgraded to marines to attack seabases.


        By the time I do this the cost is negligible, and well worth freeing my build queue a turn or more sooner. If you are poor, or your units very expensive you can split the difference to some extent by building a trained unit that has some of the same attributes as the unit that you want to end up with. This will lower the build cost to some extent. Hell, if you don't have any cash, simply build the unit you want and give it high morale (assuming what you want doesn't require both special ability slots). One caveat in regards to wealth, is do not build your military while running wealth if you can at all help it. Those sucky morale negatives will stay with the unit it's whole life. I avoid building military units until I switch to knowledge. If I must build, I like to build armored probe teams, or units which will be recycled and replaced later.
        He's got the Midas touch.
        But he touched it too much!
        Hey Goldmember, Hey Goldmember!

