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  • #46
    Thanks! I guess it's on to the UBC. Just what I need, some cross between Sun Yung Moon and King Tut wielding nuclear weapons and replicating a zillion copies of himself in the Cloning Vats. "One Cha Dawn goes in ... one hundred Cha Dawns come out ..." I think I'm gonna be sick ...


    • #47
      Thought I'd play a few turns of this tonight and see how it looked. And a few turns was more than enough to remember why I never go for Morgan. That horrible support rating ... :-)

      Let's just say that the Caretakers walked all over me. I'm not sure what the native life form setting is for this game, but my cities and units were attacked by wild worms pretty much every other turn. And they weren't turning up singly, either. Roving bands of pre-boil thingys :-)

      Thought I was in with a chance when my very first pod threw up a battle ogre. But it promptly vaporised under attack from a puny little Caretaker mindworm. Unexpected, to say the least ...

      Anyway, I managed to repulse the first few Caretaker attacks with no lasers, just synthmetal sentinels and sensors. I even put a former in the way at one point, just to slow them down.

      When the main attack group arrived in 2170, I subverted a synthmetal impact rover and a 3-res impact laser squad, then rush-built a 4-3r squad of my own and upgraded my synthmetal garrison but ... with FIVE impact infantry, two synthmetal impact rovers and a spore launcher all at commando or above, the Caretakers pretty much walked it ...

      So it's ignominious defeat in 2174. Time for a new approach, I think ...


      - Mis
      Team 'Poly


      • #48
        There are two ways of beating me: one is by winning the first game (I was annihilated shortly into my first) and the other is by winning your second sooner than I did (which should be fairly easy).

        Good luck!


        • #49
          I consider Morgan to be my favorite faction, and one of _my_ best ones to play... so I'd be honored to try this challenge... see I can't hack it. Daniel-Tig (I put in a request for the file via email).


          • #50


            • #51
              Have you tried this one JT ? That was my very first SMAC defeat... Completely underestimated the power of the Caretakers in the jungle.

              Great game. Never got around to finishing my second try though



              • #52
                No, I don't think I did. I have just reinstalled and I bumped this hoping someone might send me the start file.

                Do you have it Red?


                • #53
                  If anyone has it, e-mail it me and I'll hang it too on the Spartan Chronicles website - I'm sure a lot of the newer players would like to have a go.

                  I know I would - I missed the original



                  • #54

                    I'm sure a lot of the newer players would like to have a go.

                    Yep, I certainly would....
                    We're back!


                    • #55
                      Thanks for keeping the newbies in mind, guys (and girls) we appreciate it!


                      • #56
                        Nobody responded with a copy of last years starting map so I started a new one - it's posted under the thread "Morgan2000 Challenge"

                        It's prolly a tougher game than last year's 'cos I made planet more inhospitable (less erosion, so fewer minerals, sparse rainfall, so fewer forests, and abundant native life so oodles of wormies and spores).

                        Nasty AI (although in my restarted game I'm now pacted with Yang - altho I think he had to offer it to extricate a rover of his from a chokepoint I was controlling. I'll post my first 50 years tomorrow.



                        • #57
                          I still have it. I'll e-mail it tonight to you JT and Googlie.

                          Should anybody else want it, post here or send me a message.



                          • #58
                            'Red, that's great.

                            I'll replace the newly created one with the original - that way players who have followed the thread can see how they compare to the "greats".



                            • #59
                              Flo's original Morgan game now up on the Spartan Chronicles site:


                              Go to "Fall Challenges" page, (last page). It's the second download (after the Fall 00 Peacekeeper challenge)

                              Report your progress in the reconstituted Morgan2000 Challenge thread.



                              [This message has been edited by Googlie (edited November 17, 2000).]


                              • #60
                                Just send you the save. Have fun.

