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Help with pop booms

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  • Help with pop booms

    Hey all, I was just wondering if somebody could help me out. I seem to have a problem executing population booms with the Cybernetic Conciousness. I would run democratic and planned and build children creches everywhere as well as puting enough energy into pysch to put my citizens into a golden age, yet the pop booms don't occur. I make sure there is enough food and everything, but it doesn't make sense. Could it possibly be because there is +7 growth instead of +6? Like the probe problem where u get +4 and it ends up becoming 0. Are the cybernetic conciousness able to be boomed?Any and all help is appreciated, thanks,


  • #2
    The Consciousness cannot pop boom due to their initial -1 Growth rating.
    For more info about pop booming, early game expansion, and other topics, visit The SMAC Academy at CGN.



    • #3
      Originally posted by Darsnan
      The Consciousness cannot pop boom due to their initial -1 Growth rating.

      Under the conditions that Sterris described, he should get a pop boom despite the Cyborg's -1 growth. Each base that has a Golden Age should get an additional +2 growth, resulting in +7 growth as he said.

      Sterris--Make sure that you have the latest patch (2.0) for SMAX. According to the 2.0 readme "In some instances a Golden Age would not produce a population boom. It now does."

      I have a game in progress with the Consciousness and switched to Demo + Planned with 30% psych and Creches in most bases. Instant pop boom.
      "The avalanche has already started. It is too late for the pebbles to vote."
      -- Kosh


      • #4
        One thing that threw me the first time... the base enters a golden age the turn after you turn up the psych, but only on the turn after that does it boom. So there's a one turn delay compared to non-GA booming.
        "Give to Caesar what is Caesar's? Pay no attention to Caesar. He doesn't have a clue what's really going on." -Cat's Cradle

