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Poll: Who is the Hottest Chick in SMAC?

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  • Poll: Who is the Hottest Chick in SMAC?

    I think we are all curious to know what popular opinion is in this area, so I posted this poll.

    I included Miriam mainly because I think it would peeve her if she knew.
    Who exactly lives in the United Nations? If you are a hobo and you sleep in front of the U.N. building, does that count?

  • #2
    I pick d: None of the Above. You need to get out more.


    • #3


      • #4
        Lady Deirdre Skye

        hippie lady = free love
        Just walk away.


        • #5
          Why, Miriam naturally.

          Armed with a nerve-stapler, a scourge, the Conclave Bible on palm pilot, a migrane, and naked as the day god made her.

          You: A Probe team. From the Angels.

          Happy happy super deluxe faith love joy!
          "I wake. I work. I sleep. I die. The dark of space my only sky. My life is passed, and all I've been will never touch the earth again." --The Ballad of Sky Farm 3, Anonymous, Datalinks


          • #6
            You forgot Aki. IIRC she's chosen quite a lot as well.
            Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
            Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


            • #7
              Originally posted by CEO Aaron
              I pick d: None of the Above. You need to get out more.
              OK, Sammy, you can take this punk.

              Hey, I get out plenty!

              Good! Now where do you go, Sammy? Think!

              I, uh...

              Come on, Sammy! Quick!

              I take the garbage down to the street every Wednesday. And I, uh... I visit my grandmother sometimes...

              No good, Samantha! Come on, think of something. You're cool, right?

              I have a girlfriend!

              That's true.

              We've never actually dated or kissed or anything like that, but I think she's a lesbian, so...

              Don't give out so much information! You could have stopped at "I have a girlfriend."

              She looks like she ought to be one, anyhow.

              Is that a good thing? Do you think you look like a lesbian?

              I wear skirts sometimes.


              Never mind that. About the skirts. Anyway my girlfriend is like 300 pounds so if you keep insulting me she'll come over and kick your butt.

              No, Sammy, don't threaten him! He might be a maniac and come over to your house with a shotgun. Or to your girlfriend's house... Then he'd need buckshot...

              I didn't mean that. About the butt-kicking. I was just kidding. HA... ha... ohhhh...

              That was lame, Samantha.

              Is the voice in my head bothering you?

              SHUT UP!

              I'm not schizophrenic.

              What are you talking about? Of course you're not!

              Maybe I am. It's hard to tell since I'm alone all the time - it can mess with your head.

              No! You get out all the time, don't you remember, Samantha?

              My name isn't Samantha!

              What are you talking about?

              Did you think my name was Samantha? I did!

              Sammy, what are you saying?

              I'm not even a girl!

              Let's not exaggerate, now.

              I never knew that! I wonder if I really do wear skirts sometimes...

              No. You just made that up. You're too much of a tomboy, remember?

              Oh, right.

              OK, let's wrap this up! Can I get a quippy insult?

              Well, you're probably just sore because you're secretly in love with Yang or Zakharov or something.

              That was great, Samantha! You rock!

              Thanks, uh.... What is your name?

              You may call we Voice.
              Who exactly lives in the United Nations? If you are a hobo and you sleep in front of the U.N. building, does that count?


              • #8
                Originally posted by Maniac
                You forgot Aki. IIRC she's chosen quite a lot as well.
                Aki-Zeta Five is a SMAX character. The question was "Who is the hottest chick in SMAC?" Also I don't know if Aki is a chick. She's a robot, right? Anyhow I considered making it "Who is the hottest chick in SMAX?" but I lost my copy of SMAX a long time ago and I couldn't remember what Datajack Angel Person's name was.
                Who exactly lives in the United Nations? If you are a hobo and you sleep in front of the U.N. building, does that count?


                • #9
                  Definitely Deidre. Santiago has an Adam's apple, and Miriam is butt-fugly.
                  "Perhaps a new spirit is rising among us. If it is, let us trace its movements and pray that our own inner being may be sensitive to its guidance, for we are deeply in need of a new way beyond the darkness that seems so close around us." --MLK Jr.


                  • #10
                    I think Miriam, but she probably sweats a lot to cool down.

                    Oh you mean hot as in dead drop. Well wants she gets going.
                    On the ISDG 2012 team at the heart of CiviLIZation


                    • #11

                      Excellent and creative comeback, Sammy. I salute your madness. Or at least your girlfriend's mass.

                      On the Aki front, even if she was an eligible choice for the vote, I would still pick 'd: none of the above', since I'm not certain she comes equipped with all the requisite accessories, and I don't want to void her warranty with some sketchy aftermarket modifications.

                      Revisiting the original choices:

                      Dee: While she's very smart and easy on the eyes, I'm sure any relationship would founder on our inability to agree on restaurants, since most places I want to go don't have a vegan menu, and our constant bickering over the sorting of rubbish into 16 separate recycling bins, not including the compost heap.

                      Santiago: Well, admittedly, I find the idea of a woman who can disable me with her pinky to be quite a turn-on, however Corazon's constant nagging about my slacking off instead of going to the gym and kickboxing class will begin to grate almost immediately. Worst of all, getting punched in the face with a fistful of rings may be great fun while you're at home, but in public it's much more humiliating.

                      Miriam: Let's face it, Mimi isn't the prettiest face ever to fall out of the ugly tree, but she's not missing any of the crucial features. And what with her traditionalist mindset, I'm sure she's one heck of a homemaker. Say what you like, but Mimi is a great cook, and will always have the house clean and dinner hot when you come home from a long day at the Genejack Factory. All in all, not a bad package, but one with a killer catch. Mimi opposes all forms of birth control, both pre- and post-natal, and thus I'd always be one office-romance away from the galaxy's largest alimony bill.

                      Who's left?

                      Rose: Not that she isn't cute, but frankly I just can't trust her as far as I can spit her. The day after we move in together, I'd fully expect her to hack all my online accounts and credit cards, leaving me in just as bad of straits as Mimi's alimony payments, but without all the tedious creation of actual offspring.

                      H’minee: Well, at 2 1/4 meters tall, and weighing in at 259 lbs (118 kg), I'm kind of afraid of her hurting me with an extravagant gesture. And that doesn't broach the subject of her rather severe skin problems. Maybe after she goes in for some cosmetic surgery...


                      • #12
                        I like DeeDee. She looks like Mrs Jamkski

                        (Guess who's looking over my shoulder)

                        1) The crappy metaspam is an affront to the true manner of the artform. - Dauphin
                        That's like trying to overninja a ninja when you aren't a mammal. CAN'T BE DONE. - Kassi on doublecrossing Ljube-ljcvetko
                        Check out the ALL NEW Galactic Overlord Website for v2.0 and the Napoleonic Overlord Website or even the Galactic Captians Website Thanks Geocities!
                        Taht 'ventisular link be woo to clyck.


                        • #13

                          She/it is a chickbot.

                          Voted Dee. Also because of some RL girl...
                          Why doing it the easy way if it is possible to do it complicated?


                          • #14
                            Within the Hardened Shell

                            After reading Journey to Centauri it is not difficult to understand Miriam's bitterness and distrust, but her encounter with Zakharov in Episode 21 part 2 (in which his name is still Saratov) reveals the caring, tender, warm person she once was, and could easily again become with the right encouragement.
                            She suddenly reached up and grabbed his hands, holding them tightly. He felt the warmth in them, and he felt the tremble in his own hands, and knew she could feel it as well. She closed her eyes.
                            "Your atoms betray you," she said softly, and then released him. "Every struggle you undertake is for a purpose you can not define. Put your own faith in science, because it feels safe. Rescue the ship, because you consider it a grand experiment. Live or die, it changes nothing. God is waiting for you as well as me."
                            As for the basis for her fanaticism, follow her through the story as the officers debate and the schism develops, and through the ship in its final minutes. With the "disappearance" of Captain Garland, her life was forfeit, for he was her sole benefactor... until the moments described in Episode 35 part 7, by which time her thinking was controlled entirely by her religious tenets.
                            Her eyes widened with the glory of it, of God watching and guiding her, giving her the tools she needed on the new world.
                            She opened the airlock and prepared to walk the outer surface of the ship, through the twisted landscape, not fearing death.
                            Ready to be embraced by her people.
                            I am on a mission to see how much coffee it takes to actually achieve time travel.


                            • #15
                              Come ON, people! We have 257 views and only 20 votes! It's an important issue! Get out and vote! Be patriotic!
                              Who exactly lives in the United Nations? If you are a hobo and you sleep in front of the U.N. building, does that count?

