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Two questions about sound files...

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  • Two questions about sound files...

    I tried looking this up using the search thingy, but didn't have any luck.

    Here's the deal. I recall someone posting about how annoying it is that missile weapons don't make any sounds; SMAX has unique sounds for all the other weapons, and then just dead silence for missiles. I can't find that thread. I think I remember someone saying that if you renamed a file somewhere, this problem would be fixed. Does anybody have the data on this?

    And on a similar subject, someone also complained that SMAX always played the same theme music, no matter what faction you chose. I haven't played a ton of SMAX, but is that true for everyone? And I also recall someone saying that, again, if you renamed a certain file somewhere, this problem would go away. Am I just confusing the two issues?

    I'm grateful to anyone who can clear this up for me.


  • #2

    On my smacx the human factions(new ones) all have the same theme music, and the aleins have a different theme music. However I've never played a game with the aleins just launched to see. The original smac have the same theme music from before.

    I dont have any knowledge how to fix or change this or your missle no sound problem. However I use to have sound on my missle weapons with original smac, but not on smacx. So maybe it is something with the smacx or patch, or the smac4 patch. I'm not sure when I lost the missle sounds. Well hope this information helps a little.



    • #3
      I will try to bump the appropriate thread.


      • #4
        See the AC-Strategy Forum "Thread About Nothing"


        • #5
          Thanks for directing me there, Adam, although the whole thing gets left pretty open. It sounds like SMAC had different music for the different factions, and that SMAX was supposed to but they screwed it up, so that if you copy the old music (I'm assuming that's bset1.amb) over the new factions' music (which I'm assuming is aset1.amb), you can get the old set--but it'll be hard-wired to the game slots--ie, the faction in the first "slot" will get Gaian music, no matter who they are.

          And no info about the missile weapons?


          • #6
            It's true, SMAX has the same ambience whatever faction you choose (that was the topic of a thread I posted on the "Help" forum). The thread Adam_Smith directed you contains all that you need to know about the sound problem (I believe this is a HUGE bug which MUST be fixed. After that thread I always rename the .amb files to have the ambience I like while playing. The key is that the active .amb file is always the "aset" one. So if for example I want to have Believer ambience I'm renaming aset to xxset, bset to aset and xxset to bset before starting the game. Unfortunately Firaxis has altered the original sound files for the worse (the Gaian ambience is pathetically minimalistic compared to the original SMAC Gaian ambience). I would REALLY appreciate if someone has anything smarter to suggest...

            As for the sound of missiles... sorry no ideas...


            • #7
              I switched mine to Believer music. It plays that music, and sound, for every faction now. It's not quite the same though. The sounds come at different times. It's kind of hard to explain. I like it though, but not a well as it is in SMAC.


              • #8
                Hang on, there's ambient music for all the SMAC factions? I only get it on the Peacekeepers, usually. Any ideas what to look at/for?
                The church is the only organisation that exists for the benefit of its non-members
                Buy your very own 4-dimensional, non-orientable, 1-sided, zero-edged, zero-volume, genus 1 manifold immersed in 3-space!
                All women become like their mothers. That is their tragedy. No man does. That's his.
                "They offer us some, but we have no place to store a mullet." - Chegitz Guevara


                • #9
                  In my SMAC edition (I'm saying that because as I've seen from these forums, many people experience different things with SMAC/X), there's ambient music for all factions indeed... However, Lal and Deirdre share the same music, so do Yang and Morgan share the same (but different to the Lal-Deirdre score). Zakharov, Santiago and Miriam have their own ambient music but with small variations : Spartans have lead guitar solos before battles and the Believers have excellent choir and drums after each conquest. The Believers is the only faction with extra ambient music heard each time the unit workshop is activated.


                  • #10
                    In my SMAC edition (I'm saying that because as I've seen from these forums, many people experience different things with SMAC/X), there's ambient music for all factions indeed... However, Lal and Deirdre share the same music, so do Yang and Morgan share the same (but different to the Lal-Deirdre score). Zakharov, Santiago and Miriam have their own ambient music but with small variations : Spartans have lead guitar solos before battles and the Believers have excellent choir and drums after each conquest. The Believers is the only faction with extra ambient music heard each time the unit workshop is activated.


                    • #11
                      I think it's cool that they decided to make different factions have different events trigger theme music. Too bad they screwed everything up with SMAX. Does individual music exist somewhere for the SMAX factions, it just never gets used?

