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Vicyory-no vendettas, no battles

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  • Vicyory-no vendettas, no battles

    Just won a transcend, random, huge map game with no vendettas or battles(except for native life) during the entire game. Won by transcend using Aki in 2354. These were the AI in the game:

    Just wondering if anyone else has won in this way. I did have to overlook lots of territory incursions and stealing of my tech, but was at the point in the game where I was attempting to win this way. Also ignored transmissions when I thought factions were going to declare vendetta on me, which is weird because normally at a certain point they do anyway. Had to stay mainstream SE wise to avoid those auto aversion vendettas.

  • #2

    Originally posted by stuntman19 on 08-15-2000 10:13 AM
    Had to stay mainstream SE wise to avoid those auto aversion vendettas.

    What exactly do you mean? If you mean all default settings (survival, frontier, simple, none) then Aki makes sense for this strategy -- I really like her effic./research bonuses, and -1 growth doesn't matter as much if you've decided in advance not to use Dem/Planned/Creches to pop boom. (I'm assuming you had this planned: I've considered playing such a game but haven't gotten around to it yet.)

    John 6:68
    John 6:68


    • #3
      You are correct stayed default SE during the entire game, but got the cloning vats so had 50+ pop bases with 30+ of each orbital facility. Population growth is slow early game so just expanded to 40+ number of bases at this time.


      • #4
        Impressive! Aki-Zeta "plays well with others." Even if you would have used Demo/Green/Default it would have worked. I guess you only get some efficiency and planet though.


        • #5
          My settings weren't quite as impressive as yours (I wasn't on transcend, and my random map was only large), but I've had a very peaceful game as the Drones. (I must confess, I had to boot Zak off my continent in the first 10 years or so, but when he relocated, I quickly made up with him. Haven't fought since.) Opponents were:
          Cult of Planet
          Cybernetic Consciousness

          Pretty similar faction set (only subbing Spartans with Cult).
          Homophones are a fun way to avoid censorship. :D
          Forth hey yard deaf fin knit lean ought sect ewe awl innate chore. ;)


          • #6
            What I noticed also playing with Aki(only used them twice now) is if you choose cybernetic the negative effects are cancelled so you can get to +5effic,+2 planet, +6 research I think if you use knowledge also. Probably could even get better if you are an experienced player(I'm just recently using the SE settings more in games since I joined here, didnt realize how important they can be)using SE to your advantage. Also I cant remember which tech allows you to choose cybernetic? and also I think there is a secret project that cancels out negative to cybernetic?


            • #7
              I think SE choices matter a lot. I think the amazing thing about your game is that you didn't use any, but still did well.

              You need Digital Sentience to use Cybernetics. It's up the left side of the tech tree and it's kind of out of the way for me usually. I prefer Eudaimonia.


              • #8

                I would agree with your comment on SE being a big factor, especially in MP. In SP probably not so much because you are generally going to win anyway, might just take you longer. Also thanx for your comments in this forum. Your knowledge of the game is much greater than mine, and has been helpful in getting a better grasp for the depth of the game.


                • #9
                  true (about the SE choices)

                  and thank you


                  • #10
                    I have had a number of no-vendetta wins on Huge maps on transcend in SMAC. (SMACX games take an extra 50 turns or so and I usually give up out of boredom before winning). As Peacekeepers, you can win diplomatic victory by 2300 no sweat, just by pop booming, and getting Empath Guild and Ascetic Virtues plus some loyal pactmates. Morgan, Deidre and Zak are usually best.

                    Creator of the Ultimate Builder Map, based on the Huge Map of Planet
                    Creator of the Ultimate Builder Map, based on the Huge Map of Planet, available at The Chironian Guild:


                    • #11
                      I'm playing a game as the Hive, and these are my neighbors:

                      Cybernetic Consciousness
                      Cult of Planet
                      Data Angels

                      I believe that this time round my foreign policies were much more reasonable than I usually play as. I was trying to be less of a conquistadore and more of a nice neighbor.

                      So, I only exterminated FIVE of the six other factions! I'm really proud of myself!
                      "lol internet" ~ AAHZ


                      • #12
                        lol at A. C.


                        • #13
                          No vendettas ??? no battles ??? (except for native life forms) HOW CAN THIS BE ???

                          First, how can this happen ? I always play as builder and try first of all to keep my rep noble. Inevitably, when I take the lead all hate me. I do not believe the SE choices make any difference as mine would please a leader and turn nuts some other leader.

                          Second, where's the pleasure in playing without fighting just a tiny little battle ???


                          • #14

                            Sure I have played games momentum style, and quickly layed the smac down on all the AI. Soon however in SP even on transcend the AI is little but sport for your slaughter. Attempting to win the game through a builder-diplomatic style was part of the challange. Try it some time it is tough to do and win through transcend while keeping a clean integrity. I do agree that laying down the nerve gas and PB's can be alot of fun.



                            • #15
                              I never said I enjoy nukes and gas pods. In fact I have NEVER used them in SMAC or SMAX. The only attrocity I allow myself is nerve stapling and ALWAYS after repealing the U.N. charter, just because I believe micromanaging drone riots is sooooooo boring.

                              However, some good dogfighting is (I think) both inevitable and desiring. 70%-80% of my games include wars after the discovery of chaos guns (the earliest occasion) or shard guns (the latest) and always by choppers, marines and rovers, usually with drop capability. Usually after shard guns there is noone left to fight (that's why I abandon games around 2350 : out of boredom)...

                              So the option of avoiding fights and wars is so appealing to me. What I'm asking is to give me some hints as to how I can achive that...

