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Terranx error

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  • Terranx error

    I quote from another thread:

    Iron Man - off if you get the terranx.exe crashes like I do." Meanwhile, the editor of Gone Gold ( has also noted an endless string of terranx errors bombing his game. I've had the same problem for more than two months, now. No apparent reason why.

    I've tried removing every other resident program I can think of which might conflict with terranx.exe; no luck. The terranx error manifests as a square which looks normal, but which immediately generates the game-killing terranx message whenever an attack happens inside it.

    Any ideas why this might be happening?

  • #2
    Er, nevermind. It appears that this has become a popular theme, here. Wish there was a failsafe answer.


    • #3
      Barry, Did you ever get your answer concerning "terran.exe" faults? I solve most of them by disabling "mswheel.exe." I have a Microsoft wheelmouse. I still occasionally get them, though, even with "mswheel.exe" disabled.

      Ned arch+from+The+Empire+Strikes+Back.ogg&wiki=en


      • #4
        Ned, thanks for your consideration. I've removed mswheel; at this point, the error has not reoccured. However, that doesn't mean it has gone away, for I haven't had much opportunity to play, of late.

        I am a bit surprised that Firaxis hasn't issued a statement with some suggested fixes for folks who have this problem. It's the kind of public relations thing that some companies excel in, and others ignore. My own opinion, for what it's worth: if it isn't going to cost you a cent to issue a suggestions release to a determined, large following of users, do it.


        • #5

          I think the lack of a general release by Firaxis is that there are so many little things that can cause the crash. For some it was the mousewheel; for others, the background presence of Norton or McAfee programs; for yet others, it freezes only when trying to enter a particular square - move round the square and enter from a different angle, and it works.

          So, in fairness, what freezes one won't necessarily freeze another, and their reps were on these and the OWO forums a year or so ago when many of the crashes were being reported, suggesting solutions.

          Frustrating...yes, certainly.

          An interesting question would be - does the mac version freeze? (I remember the AMD chip users gloating that theirs didn't - only Intel's)

          So what are Firaxis mant to do with all that conflicting experience?



          • #6
            Try the Readme file - Firaxis have published numerous fixes to common problems

            Judaa Marr

