I was wondering if anybody heard anything concerning the latest (5?) patch for SMAC/SMAC-X. There was talk about the patch around a month or two ago but since then I have not heard or seen any information. Does anybody have any info?
No announcement yet.
Anyone hear the status of the latest patch?
The last I heard (from Dan Magaha) is... There will be no patch. Actually, his exact words were:
As far as any patches go, alas, I really don't know anything about that,
unfortunately; as the sign on my door says, I'm just "the webmonkey".. =)
I really couldn't speculate on the chances of any patch being released, to
tell you the truth. Everyone seems very entrenched in the dino game and Civ
III (which is really looking cool, by the way, I think it's going to really
please the most die-hard Civ II fans), so I really don't know what to tell
you =(
PS: Dan, I hope you won't mind me quoting you
"We here at Firaxis care about our customers." Yeah, right.
LoDI love the tick of the Geiger counter in the morning. It's the sound of... victory! :D
LoD - Owner/Webmaster of civ.org.pl
civ.org.pl's Discussion Forums and Multiplayer System for SMAC and Civs 2-4
In all fairness to Firaxis, take it easy. This game is quite old and not selling very many copies anymore. Firaxis has two major projects underway, and not terribly many staff to complete them. It just does not make very much sense for Firaxis to dedicate their talented resources to SMAC when they are trying to get Dinos and CivIII to market.
I do not like the idea that we will likely never see another patch, but I certainly understand the reasons. And in all honesty, I am happy with SMACX the way it is. If I had a choice between a v5 patch in a month or getting Dinos or CivIII a few months earlier, I would take the new games in a heartbeat.
Well, at least SMAC and SMAX were in considerably better final states than Call to Power was. Hell, even the original buggy state for SMAC was a lot better than the original state of CtP.
Not that I hate CtP or anything, but I feel that the present state is tolerable and we should count our blessings in actually having a great game.
Anybody buying CtP2 here? Anybody able to tell us whether Activision are doing any further patches for CtP1? Just so we can compare customer support between the two companies.
"lol internet" ~ AAHZ
Kinjiru: Civ II was well over a year old when the last patch appeared. And Microprose had a lot of projects under way at that time.
We bought a product, nowhere on the box was it said that there be bugs, so it's the sole duty of Firaxis to fix it.
And I agree to Aredhran - in these cirucmstances, the probability of a good customer support for Civ III is very small. And, as he said, there is no way that it will be shipped bug free. Not with that much complexity.
I love the tick of the Geiger counter in the morning. It's the sound of... victory! :D
LoD - Owner/Webmaster of civ.org.pl
civ.org.pl's Discussion Forums and Multiplayer System for SMAC and Civs 2-4
If Firaxis is reneging on their promised SMACX patch, that is bad news indeed. Firaxis asked us to vote on whether we wanted one all-encompassing patch or a patch ASAP and then one later to handle all the issues missed by the first patch. We voted for two patches because given the Firaxian track record, who believed that they could catch everything on the first go. Some people, zsozso in particular, worked hard at developing a bug list to expedite the process.
Of the hundreds of bugs identified, the most unacceptable to me are the crashes (air intercept and top/bottom of the world) and the fake drones bug.
Firaxis should think a little harder about the bad PR message that not providing the patch generates. Especially after working so hard to make us expect it was coming. This could translate into lost sales for Dino and Civ3. I can't share Kinjiru's enthusiam; I don't think I'll bother with buying either product until they get SMACX running smoothly.
Please don't think that I am critizing the game itself. There is a lot of imagination and hard work that went into SMAC/SMACX. It eats up tons of my spare time. I just wish that the game would work as they say it should.
CTP set new and disturbingly bad standards for an unimaginative and bug-infested release. Even though SMAC compared favourably to it, it has lots of room for improvement. For a contrasting example of a firm which actively seeks customer input into bug identification and incorporates their suggestions into patches, check out Homeworld.
One of the main reasons I didn't buy SMACX was that the bugs from SMAC weren't fixed. I figured that if they wanted me to spend extra money for an add-on the least it should do is fix the problems from the original.
I am reasonably happy with SMAC. I have spend more than enough time on it to make it worth my money but this kind of performance makes it tough for me to support the company in the future.Once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny, consume you it will, as it did Obi Wan's apprentice.
I want to start off by saying that SMAC/X is probably one of my favorite computer games of all time and I spend alot of time playing it. Unfortunately I'm NOT inclined at all to buy future Firaxis products.
The reason is an unnaccptable number of bugs! I mean some of these bugs (i.e. the fake drone bug in SMAX or golden age bug in SMAC) are so obvious it makes you wonder if they even playtested the games. The PBEM engine (Wich was advertised with the original release and not even abailable at first!) seems retrofitted at best and doesn't handle key aspects of the game (probe teams) in a way that's close to satisfactory. On top of all this it doesn't even appear they are going to continue to support the game. The fact that after fivepatches there are still more bugs than we can count is unfortunate the lack of an attempt to repair these flaws is unacceptable.
If Firaxis does the honorable thing and contiues to support SMAC I'll give CivIII a try if not I'll probably check out ctp2 and see if Activision gets it right this time.
People here are way too hard on Firaxis. There are no perfect games. Smacx actually have reletively few minor bugs compared to other games (ok maybe CIV2 was less buggy). Anyway, from my experience the remaining bugs are only a minor inconvenience. I know there are some people who get crashes, but those are specific cases. CTP1 is crap from what I hear and it can't even be compared to SMACX. I really don't want a patch if it means that CIV3 will be delayed.
Games shouldn't be this buggy. Before internet and easy patching most games were basically bug free. Look at Blizzard games. I had a crappy computer that crashed on everything including freecell. It never crashed once while playing Warcraft 2, I don't know how they did that. Starcraft is as close to a perfect game as I have seen.
I love SMAC but think of how much better it would be if everything worked! Things like the energy maintenance bug and the right click paradrop bug appear to me as a programmer as simple to fix, yet they are not. This is a slap in the face to the purchasing public.Once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny, consume you it will, as it did Obi Wan's apprentice.