My last game was a very annoying game (as Morgan). I found myself stuck in _very_ late game (the year was 2370 or so), with my pet Zak and pact Deirdre, at war with the fundies. Both my allies are fast on tech compared to me (Transcend stinks), but I had built the Cloning Vats and now I can call for Unite Behind Me. I do that, and the Believers defy the will of the council, so I have to exterminate the whole big eastern continent in like 25 years.
Normally I'm not the one to complain, but I lack the tech to take on the believers *that* fast, my stinking allies will have it in a couple of turns or so, they're both submissive, but they don't respond to my commlinks. "X has politely declined to speak to you" means nothing.
Why won't the "submissive" AI respond to commlinks ? Is that because I bribed them to Repel the U.N. Charter, then nuked Yang to hell, then bribed them again to Reinstate it ?
question 2, somewhat related : I quickly change to knowledge, put more money on science and somehow I get singularity reactors. I have 15 turns to nuke out the believers, I have the resources to do it, but I can't repell the U.N. Charter because the commlinks are down (sunspot activity). I *hate* sunspot activity. If I choose "bell curve" will it go away ?
Normally I'm not the one to complain, but I lack the tech to take on the believers *that* fast, my stinking allies will have it in a couple of turns or so, they're both submissive, but they don't respond to my commlinks. "X has politely declined to speak to you" means nothing.
Why won't the "submissive" AI respond to commlinks ? Is that because I bribed them to Repel the U.N. Charter, then nuked Yang to hell, then bribed them again to Reinstate it ?
question 2, somewhat related : I quickly change to knowledge, put more money on science and somehow I get singularity reactors. I have 15 turns to nuke out the believers, I have the resources to do it, but I can't repell the U.N. Charter because the commlinks are down (sunspot activity). I *hate* sunspot activity. If I choose "bell curve" will it go away ?