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using the script to reconnstruct those features not implemented in SMAC

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  • using the script to reconnstruct those features not implemented in SMAC

    this thread is dedicated to all of those nifty features the team at firaxis came up with but never put into SMAC...i hope against hope that someone someday could help put them in, maybe in an informal update or something along those lines...

    here are some of the things i have found...

    [This message has been edited by korn469 (edited April 26, 2000).]

  • #2
    the ability to buy a prototype off of a faction

    #xs 440
    #caption $CAPTION7
    "It cost me a pretty penny to develop the $LASERCRAWLERPROTOTYPE0.
    Are you willing to part with $NUM0 energy credits for the plans?"

    "Never mind."
    Pay $NUM0 energy credits.

    #xs 440
    #caption $CAPTION7
    "It cost me a pretty penny to develop the $LASERCRAWLERPROTOTYPE0.
    You'll have to come up with $NUM0 energy credits before I'll part
    with those plans."

    relocating your HQ

    #xs 400
    #caption Security Chief
    Our headquarters at $BASENAME0 is in jeopardy! I have prepared
    your personal shuttle for immediate departure. If you wish,
    we can evacuate the entire command staff to $BASENAME1 at a cost of
    1000 energy credits.

    Abandon HQ.
    Evacuate HQ to $BASENAME1.

    #xs 400
    #caption Security Chief
    The $FACTION2 $<2:has:have> safely evacuated their headquarters to $BASENAME1!

    #xs 400
    #caption Security Chief
    We have safely evacuated the headquarters to $BASENAME1, at a cost
    of $NUM0 energy credits.

    this might wok but i have never seen it in lots

    special ability charges

    #xs 400
    #caption Operations Director
    This unit has expended its special ability charge. To recharge,
    it must spend a complete turn resting at a friendly base.

    hmmm what could this be?

    #xs 440
    #caption Things that make you go UNH.
    Feature not yet implemented.

    i wonder what it was

    #xs 440
    #caption Things that make you go UNH.
    This feature is disabled for this test release.


    #xs 400
    #caption Operations Director
    Hyperstimulants activated! Unit's movement rate doubled until end of
    turn. Unit can opt to use "skip" (space bar) command to expend
    hyperstimulants and repair all damage.


    #xs 400
    #caption Operations Director
    Polymer adhesives placed! Movement into/through this area impeded.

    we need this feature!

    #xs 400
    #caption Operations Director
    Fungicide activated! Area cleared.

    mind control

    #xs 400
    #caption Operations Director
    Subliminal Coercion activated! Select action:

    Force target to attack.
    Force target to retreat.

    #xs 400
    #caption Operations Director
    Subliminal Coercion attempt fails.

    damage types

    Combat modes: 0=Projectile, 1=Energy, 2 = Missile

    Mode = Armor mode (0=Projectile, 1=Energy, 2=Binary)

    those are all some features i would like to play with just to see if they would have made SMAC a better or worse game


    [This message has been edited by korn469 (edited April 26, 2000).]


    • #3
      Just for the record...

      * You can relocate your HQ if it is taken and you have 1000 credits (seen the AI do it)

      * The damage types are in there, but I don't think they really do anything.

      * All those ability things were probably deemed not worth the effort and removed. No way to get them in.

      Now, for the one thing you CAN use!

      TALENT BONUS. A SE modifier. +1 TALENT gives you 1 more talent at each base. -1 TALENT gives 1 more drone at each base. It is unknown if higher numbers mean more talents/drones. (Too lazy to check)

      I give the Future Society a +1 TALENT to increase it's desireability in late game.
      Banned on Black Saturday in the name of those who went before him.

      Realizes that no one probably remembers that event.


      • #4
        This post was pretty neat - just a couple of days before it was posted I was thinking to myself that it would be nice to be able to make SE settings give talents or drones. Oh well, I thought, never happen. Cool!

        What I've found in my experimenting so far is that syntax like +TALENT works. It doesn't show up in the social engineering screen though . But the talents, at least -I haven't checked the drones yet-, show up (out of nowhere) in the base screens.

        I've also discovered that trying to assign more than 4 modifiers to a social engineering setting seems to crash the game. No big surprise there.

        For the record, I'm giving extra talents to Democracy and Eudaimonia, to balance for the growth that I'm taking away (I'm designing a variant in which pop booming is difficult). I am not sure if I'll end up giving -TALENTs to any SE setting.

        [This message has been edited by Basil (edited April 29, 2000).]


        • #5
          I thought the different damage types were implemented in SMACX v2?

          Lol korn I used to play a lot of SC too.. I really wanted special abilities when I first started playing this game . I would love to psi storm all of Yang's needlejets..

