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French and German SMACX v2

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  • #16
    That´s customer support how Firaxis means it. 2 months after the english patch still no localized patches.


    • #17
      3 months ago the us-patch has been published.
      since then, absolutly nothing happend for the consumer in other countries.
      now that what I call customer support!!!

      master k


      • #18

        I am also very disappointed by the costumer support of Firaxis. I tried to play the German version of SMACX and it is unplayable without the patch IMHO.

        Furthermore, I used the US SMACX v2 patch on the German version. I found out, the text is now a mixture of English and German, which is not that bad, but more important is the fact, that SMACX crushes after playing for one hour or less.



        • #19
          from what we hear things seem to have stuck up in EA


          • #20
            EA are "potatoes" Kings,

            En FRANCE, we elaborate our localized version !!!


            • #21
              In this forum, people are talking about the SMAX V 3.0 already.

              We haven´t got the localized SMAX V 2.0 patches. EA is a loosy company. The got the localized patches for, what was it, 4 weeks, but are still working on them.

              I´ve had enough. Tired of waiting for the patch, i play other games now. This is an example of bad customer support which stops people from playing the game any more.


              • #22
                I stopped playing German Smacx one week after I had bought it. It makes no sense to play an "add-on" with all the promised new features not working. I won't ever buy another Firaxis/EA product again...


                • #23
                  german smacx patch: what a farce!!!
                  it makes me puke


                  • #24
                    I just bought German Planetary Pack and it seems to contain German SMACX 2.0!!!
                    I haven't checked the bugs yet, but in the Readme the 2.0 corrections are mentioned!
                    I bought the Pack for SFr 48.- (SMAC alone was 68.-, but now available as an "EA classic" for 28.-)


                    • #25

                      so i have to buy one product two times? i already paid alien crossfire (and plus alpha centauri, i guess it was more expensive than the planetary pack) and what is my advatage?
                      jetzt mal ehrlich (dies lesen eh nur deutschsprachige user, also jetzt mal *klartext*). ich finde es wirklich unter aller sau, dass ich nun seit fast 4 monaten auf den deutschen patch warten muss, und im plantenpackscheiss ist die version 2.0! ist das ding also getestet! sollte das ding nicht bis ende april erscheinen, werde ich mir ernsthaft ueberlegen, ob ich nochmal ein spiel von firaxis kaufen werde. denn momentan kann man xfire nicht spielen, warum muss man wohl nicht aufzaehlen. ich habe heute mal ne mail an firaxis direkt geschickt. aml sehen ob ich was von denen hoere (sollten vielleicht mehr von uns machen, denn ich glaube nicht, dass die hier noch reinschauen!!!)

                      in diesem sinne noch nen guten tag

                      master k


                      • #26
                        Da könntest du irgenwie recht haben. Ich spiel auch Alien Crossfire nicht mehr. Der Firaxis Support ist von der Sorte, die einen vor einem weiteren Kaufe eines Spiels zurückschrecken läßt.


                        • #27
                          Quick talking German. This is the internet. Use English. Patches and upgrades TAKE TIME - stop whining! You'll just have to wait. Deal with it.

                          Stoppen Sie whining , using a translator
                          [This message has been edited by EternalSpark (edited March 30, 2000).]
                          [This message has been edited by EternalSpark (edited March 30, 2000).]
                          It's a CB.
                          SteamID: rampant_scumbag


                          • #28
                            master k, halte uns bitte auf dem laufenden ob Firaxis Dir überhaupt antwortet. Ich habe bereits 5 Mails geschickt und immer noch keine Antwort erhalten.


                            • #29

                              I want to see you if Firaxis releases a new patch and you have to wait for 3 months till now. This is BAD CUSTOMER SUPPORT!

                              So what? Every other game I've played, I'm lucky if we get patches in 3 months. I live in America. Frankly, if you can't wait 3 months for a patch, its your problem. Not theirs. They are taking their time making the patch. So that it is a damn good patch. What if this patch also adds all the features of V4? Look. You said you won't buy another firaxis product. Okie. You play another game, and when time comes for another patch, guess what - you'll have to wait for that patch too! You'll have to go to another game! Oh wait! When that game is patched, you'll have to wait again!
                              It's a CB.
                              SteamID: rampant_scumbag


                              • #30
                                The problem here is not the time for making the patch, it's the time for translating it. Honestly, you don't need 3 month for translating 5 text files!
                                If some people using french version of SMACX are interested, we (les Guetteurs) are about to release a french patch. More quickly than EA! Funny isn't it?

