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Out with Booger!

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  • Out with Booger!

    Booger (H'minee) ruins a lot of multiplayer games that I start. Usually she is off on an island by herself. Then she is easy to conquer if you drop gas on her with needlejets. But if you are placed right next to her it's very hard to stay alive.

    I know I set up a challenge, that Mongoose won, against 6 Booger factions, but I still think that it's unfair in multiplayer for someone to be put next to Booger.

    What do you guys think. And can we please keep the "you must not be able to play, because I'm so good" posts to a limit.
    [This message has been edited by Adam_Smith (edited March 30, 2000).]

  • #2
    I know what you mean. My first transcend game as Morgan started my HQ less then 20 squares away from booger's landing site. Then she pounded me into a pulp in less than 70 years. My plasma sentinals in a base with a P defense and sensor etc couldn't stand up to 8 stacked 4-3-1 infantry units. She won by sheer force of numbers, and pestered me with native life while I was in FM. It was really annoying not being able to destroy the stacked units because of the defense bonus. I honestly have no clue how I could defend against that many units, I still doubt I could stop that.

    Marr is no pushover either. As believers he crushed me with 4x as many units. The transcend industry bonus is crazy. My gas impact rovers beat his plasma 4-3-1 guys in fungus only 50% of the time. I couldn't defend against such huge numbers of units. I lost that choke point pretty fast.

    What where the details of that 6 booger challenge you set up for Mongoose?
    [This message has been edited by Enigma (edited March 30, 2000).]


    • #3
      Well, I set it for intense rivalry. He did it with worms. However, I recently played as Deidre and was put next to Booger. I couldn't get enough worms early enough to defend myself, and in that game I even got lucky and walked into an unoccupied Booger base and got Field Modulation because I had Spoils of War on.

      I think the Challenge might even have been easier than having just one Booger faction next to you, because the Booger factions were probably fighting each other in Mongoose's game.

      You can check out the challenge in a recent thread. Maybe you can try to get a better score than him.

      I bumped the thread. It's called Morgan's Challenge: The File
      [This message has been edited by Adam_Smith (edited March 30, 2000).]
      [This message has been edited by Adam_Smith (edited March 30, 2000).]


      • #4
        I agree with you.

        In multiplayer games I've set up recently, I've removed the alien factions from the mix. One of the human players is always right next door to an alien faction, which gives that player an incredible disadvantage and is just too unbalancing.
        Team 'Poly


        • #5
          Is it my imagination or am I not the only one who cowers in fear at the slightest hint of "Booger" yet laughs off the Usurpers?


          • #6
            +25 defense along with +1 Planet are much better for the AI than +25 offense. For a human it might be different. Also, Booger is the better choice for a human, because Marr has aversion to democracy. Can't have easy, midgame pop boom.


            • #7
              I'm trying to build the fleet beacon and man does it bite not having "Democracy".

              At least Yang has immunity to inefficiency. These Usurpers are a "one-shot wonder".

