This has never occured to me before in SP that i can remember but the current MP game im in has made me wonder if its some sort of bug. I have (had) total territory control on a medium sized island with bases nearly built on all sides of it when i suddenly see a peacekeeper base spring up (AI), i open the comm link and see that we have no status to each other.
Now normally i know you can start bases in the territory of factions you have no treaty with but it automatically then sets your status with them to vendetta (or if you do it to them you get a threat, then vendetta) yet this didnt happen ?
Theres no question that i had territory control since this PK base is around 3 squares away from 1 of my bases that has been there awhile.
Well i traded a tech with the AI and he paid me 50 credits to sign a treaty with him, but he has just dropped in a recon rover via a transport ship and im guessing he'll be bringing in pods next so now i think my friendly Hive policy has just ended its time to kick those peace love hippies back across the ocean ... after i've stolen all that i can
Now normally i know you can start bases in the territory of factions you have no treaty with but it automatically then sets your status with them to vendetta (or if you do it to them you get a threat, then vendetta) yet this didnt happen ?
Theres no question that i had territory control since this PK base is around 3 squares away from 1 of my bases that has been there awhile.
Well i traded a tech with the AI and he paid me 50 credits to sign a treaty with him, but he has just dropped in a recon rover via a transport ship and im guessing he'll be bringing in pods next so now i think my friendly Hive policy has just ended its time to kick those peace love hippies back across the ocean ... after i've stolen all that i can
