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Trance Formers.... or Transformers?

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  • Trance Formers.... or Transformers?

    When you give a former the trance special, it calls it a Trance Former. I wonder what button you push to change it into an Ogre 3?

    Post any other funny unit names here!

  • #2
    Maybe not so funny to everyone else, but back when me and my housemate (Holmey, on this forum) were playing our first IP game, I was the Believers and he the University. Once I finally mastered the unit workshop to the level where I could come up with probe foils, I renamed them to "Just a harmless little ship," which actually worked for the first unit. I don't know why he didn't sink me outta the ocean, but that has to be the funnest mp game of SMAC ever. At least from my +2 Probe (vs. his -2 Probe) shoes. Talk about a quick comeback by the orange team!

    I do play with the names of my other units. In an email game against another friend, I when he got voted in as the governor, I (University) renamed my Impact Speeders to Chaos Tacticals. He (Morgan) later told me that he almost had a fit right up to the moment that he clicked on the base and saw the little picture in the lower left. He knew the U researched quickly, just not that quickly.

    Those are my only two good naming stories, though. Never thought of the Trance Former. That rules!



    • #3
      Hehehehe. Speaking as a transformer fan myself... I ain't ever thought about Trace Formers... hehehehe. THats really funny!

      Eternal Spark
      As you command, Megatron...
      It's a CB.
      SteamID: rampant_scumbag


      • #4
        Playing against Hu Di Ti (younger brother of my housemate) in SMAC, I tried a similar tactic with an "Imperial Star Destroyer". He wasn't intimidated, however, as he then proceeded to shamelessly Probe every single frontier city away from me and suss out the truth of the matter.

        "In all creation, there can be no task more onerous or tedious than that of playing God." - Stephen Fry, 'The Liar'.
        "lol internet" ~ AAHZ

