Civ 2 had this nice little screen that told me WHY my pop was unhappy. It started with basic unhappiness - what the breakdown would be based on city size and number of cities - then added lines to show impact of troops acting as police (or away, for representive govts) effect of improvements, wonders, and lux.
Cant seem to find anything like that in SMAC. Did they really leave it out? Or have i just been sloppy in reading the manual and overlooked it? (Before anybody gets on my case about the manual, i have the shovelware version, so i have to use a PDF manual. which i find frustrating for a game of this complexity - and i dont care to spend more on paper and ink to print it out then i spent on the game
Cant seem to find anything like that in SMAC. Did they really leave it out? Or have i just been sloppy in reading the manual and overlooked it? (Before anybody gets on my case about the manual, i have the shovelware version, so i have to use a PDF manual. which i find frustrating for a game of this complexity - and i dont care to spend more on paper and ink to print it out then i spent on the game
