www.the-underdogs.com After u can install it if u don't have windows xp. For windows xp: u need to download WinAce. U can get WinAce on www.download.com (just search winace and you'll find it). Install winace. After u installed it, go in the aliencross folder (the folder u downloaded from www.the-underdogs.org) and click with the right button on the alien.ace file. u will see a little menu so click on extract to \...\alien. it will extract the game in a folder named ALIEN. the folder is set to default in the folder where there is alien.ace. Now u can enjoy the game! If it doesn't works : maybe you lost a file. U need all files named like this : ALIEN.C00, ALIEN.C01 to ALIEN.C44. Make sure you have all of those. If u have problems with it, or comments or u just want to talk to me, e-mail me to patate_bleue@hotmail.com
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