yesterday I was going thru Alpha.txt and near the end came a paragraph with all the landmarks in it. along those usual ones there were also this "Nessus Canyon". what is it? I haven't encountered it in the game. can it be brought into the game somehow? what are its stats? and so on.....
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Nessus Canyon
It's a landmark that the lazy programmers were going to put in but never made the code for it to generate on a random map and just left it there. Basicly, it carves a tunnel through high land. Try putting it on 3000ft land. If a river is nearby, it will probably go through it. it might give a +1 mineral bonus, can't remember.
edit: Oh yeah, you place it with the scenario editor.Hi, I'm a sig virus. Pass me on by putting me in your sig!
Here are some links to map-editing threads. The first of each pair is to the first post of the thread. The second is to a post (by me ) in that thread that refers to the Nessus Canyon.
You have to add it to the map manually in the editor, and each Canyon square does give +1 Mineral.
Thread: monsoon jungle, removing it.
Canyon: How To Remove the Monsoon Jungle
Thread: Special Geographical Bonuses
Canyon: re: Random Maps and Freshwater Sea
Thread: Maps
Canyon: More Thread LinksI am on a mission to see how much coffee it takes to actually achieve time travel.
I had it in my territory as the Hive in a pbem based on a public map prepared by tfs99 as CMN (I wonder whether his Slartibarfast (?) site with the download is still online), a pbem which started in 1999...
I had a boreholed Mineral Special on a river in it
Needless to say, that meant humoungous ecodamage headaches , as I didn't know yet the best tactics to tackle itI don't exactly know what I mean by that, but I mean it (Holden Caulfield)