Hi everyone!
I'd like to mention a new Mars Survivors v3.0 can be downloaded at the CGN. The url is http://www.civgaming.net/smac/scens.shtml and the scenario is listed first under 'Advanced Scenarios'. Please download it and give some comments about it here if you like.
I was also wondering if some of you would be interested in playing a PBEM with this scenario. You can sign up here. I would CMN it, but probably also play the Rebels to improve their performance. (They are a group of ecoteurs "Reds" with the mission to destroy all terraformation
) Here are some extracts from the scenario.txt and the faction files to give you a better idea:
[quote]Since the construction of First Site on Mars (2038, Mars Year 1) the U.N. founded several
colonies and started a terraform project for the planet. A mission to the Jupiter system
launched several groups of ice-asteroids to Mars in long-time trajectories (to increase the
density and vapour amount of the atmosphere) before returning for lack of support. Most of
the project went through on Mars itself. Creating a greenhouse effect, thickening the air
with local resources and insolating the icecaps, starting the creation of an breathable
atmosphere. In 2069 (M.Y. 19), just after the Holocaust, last of humanity is on its way to
Alpha Centauri or living in the Mars colonies and a few obscure moon bases. A survivalists
movement (the Spartans) were able to overwhelm the most important moon facilities before
Earth became a nuclear hell-fire. The Spartan commander, facing an supply shortage on the
moon, evacuated anyone willing in an bearly finished starship to Mars. To escape the Holocaust,
some artificial intelligences transmitted to Mars and were able to introduce theirself in some
people, taking over one of the colonies before being blocked. Some other groups (convicts
of the prison colony, japanese refugees from Greater China, opponents of the terraform project
and miners of an industrial consort) took advantage of this turmoil to go their own way.
At arrival of the Spartan ship (in 2070, M.Y. 20) the U.N. governor was not too keen on
having the Spartans on Mars with all those problems, so she ordered the destruction of
the ship before it could orbit Mars. The ship was hit and crashed down somewhere on the
surface, location only known to the Spartans. The Spartans however, were able to destroy
the orbital station which launched the attack (with the governor onboard) and landed in
escape pods near the capital of the U.N., First Site. Same time the secretary of the late
governor took over and changed the U.N. in the United Cultures (U.C.). Now someone has
to unite humanity before another holocaust starts.
Check the Scenario Objectives Review for more hints.[quote]
The Cybernetic Consciousness
^LEADER: {Trans Human Korn Pipe Four}
^BACKGROUND: {Artificial Intelligence from Earth}
^AGENDA: {Biological transition}
^TECH: {Industrial Base, Martian Terraforming, Information Networks, Ethical Calculus}
^+2 RESEARCH: {Human research abilities enhanced by algorithmic control}
^+2 EFFICIENCY and +1 INDUSTRY: {Cybernetic biologicals extremely efficient}
^-2 GROWTH: {Humans 'possessed by an algorithm' find reproduction awkward}
^Can steal technology when capturing a base
^{May not make Fundamentalist choice in social engineering}
^Impunity to CYBERNETIC penalty: {Cybernetic social choice is 'rational'}
^May exceed HAB COMPLEX requirements with 2: {Less livingquarters needed for cyborgs}
^LEADER: {Freeman Peter (maniac) Smith}
^BACKGROUND: {Inmate in Mars Prison Colony, convicted for opening government networks}
^AGENDA: {Free to live as you please, with the least influence of 'Big Brother' as possible}
^TECH: {Planetary Networks, Social Psych, Biogenetics, Information Networks}
^-1 EFFICIENCY: {Very disorganised}
^-1 RESEARCH: {Ex-convicts do not represent the most enlighted part of population}
^-1 POLICE: {Law enforcement induced on limitations}
^+1 GROWTH: {Lower social classes always had large families}
^May exceed HAB COMPLEX requirements with 1: {No control over living standards in bases}
^Gains any tech known by 3 factions who Anarchists have infiltrator with
^Cannot choose Thought Control in social engineering {Ex-convicts do not approve with supervision of their rulers}
United Cultures
^LEADER: {Chief Secretary Marcus Bailey}
^BACKGROUND: {Secretary of the late U.N. governor of Mars}
^AGENDA: {Unification of the remnants of humanity, Democracy}
^TECH: {Martian Terraforming, Biogenetics, Industrial Base, Ethical Calculus}
^{May not use Police State Politics and PENALTY for Thought Control social choice}
^Extra TALENT for every five citizens: {Attracts intellectual elite}
^Need HAB COMPLEX to exceed population of six in bases {Talents like some extra comfort}.
^Receives double votes in elections for Planetary Governor and Supreme Leader: {experience in political meddling}
^REVOLT 50%: {Fear for another holocaust and freedom of choice by United Cultures}
^-1 ECONOMY: {Terraform Projects a strain on resources}
^-1 EFFICIENCY: {Old U.N. styled bureaucracy}
^+1 RESEARCH: {Intellectual elite keeps itself busy}
^LEADER: {Primus Satoru Yamamoto}
^BACKGROUND: {Nippon, Board Director of Kazukai Networks Ltd}
^AGENDA: {Building a new Nippon on Mars}
^TECH: {Martian Terraforming, Doctrine: Mobility, Industrial Base, Industrial Economics}
^-2 POPULATION BONUS {Enjoying comfort at a premium}
^+1 GROWTH: {Their's an empty planet outdoors to populate}
^+1 ECONOMY: {Nippons know when to spend money}
^+1 Increased commerce rate {nice percentage for the salesman}
^-1 SUPPORT: {Citizens demand a lot of resources to maintain their living-standard}
^Free Hologram Theatre at every base with discovery of Planetary Networks: {Government ensures entertainment}
The Martian Rebels
^LEADER: {Ecoteur Mc Railey}
^BACKGROUND: {U.N. Geologist, born in First Site}
^AGENDA: {Keeping Mars pristine}
^TECH: {Doctrine: Mobility, Polymorphic Software}
^+2 POLICE: {Revolutionaires}
^-2 ECONOMY and -2 GROWTH: {The Rebels are not a society, only a 'small' movement}
^+1 SUPPORT: {Resources dedicated to the Cause}
^Faction needs Hab Complex to exceed base size 2: {Large bases don't stay hidden}
^Free Artillery Ability: {Sabotaging instead of conquering}
^Bases and Units immune for Mindcontrol: {Strong believes}
^25% Fanatic Attack Bonus: {All for the Cause}
Spartan Federation
^LEADER: {Commander Esmira Perez}
^BACKGROUND: {Survivalist, ex mil. in EurJoint Forces}
^AGENDA: {Right To Keep And Bear Arms}
^TECH: {Doctrine: Mobility, Doctrine: Loyalty, Biogenetics, Applied Physics}
^+2 MORALE: {Trained survivalist movement}
^+1 POLICE: {Disciplined followers}
^-1 INDUSTRY: {Extravagant weapons are costly}
^Prototype units do not cost extra minerals.
^{May not use Wealth value in Social Engineering.}
^ROBUST for POLICE {You love the army or you don't}
^+1 Commerce: {Lucrative weaponry deals with befriended factions}
United Workers
^LEADER: {Representative Sylvie Dickers}
^BACKGROUND: {Robo-operator for Mining Inc. at Mars}
^AGENDA: {Decent living standards for the working class}
^TECH: {Social Psych, Martian Terraforming, Industrial Base, Applied Physics}
^+1 INDUSTRY: {Excellent craftsmen and skilled workers}
^-1 RESEARCH: {Emphasis on productivity instead of 'blue-sky' research}
^REVOLT 50%: {Unionists offer a workingman's paradise}
^-1 DRONE in every base: {Working for common good reduces discontent}
^-1 EFFICIENCY: {Social Wellfare System a maze of rules}
^+1 PROBE: {Aversive of other cultures ideals}
^{May not use Knowledge value}
I'd like to mention a new Mars Survivors v3.0 can be downloaded at the CGN. The url is http://www.civgaming.net/smac/scens.shtml and the scenario is listed first under 'Advanced Scenarios'. Please download it and give some comments about it here if you like.

I was also wondering if some of you would be interested in playing a PBEM with this scenario. You can sign up here. I would CMN it, but probably also play the Rebels to improve their performance. (They are a group of ecoteurs "Reds" with the mission to destroy all terraformation

[quote]Since the construction of First Site on Mars (2038, Mars Year 1) the U.N. founded several
colonies and started a terraform project for the planet. A mission to the Jupiter system
launched several groups of ice-asteroids to Mars in long-time trajectories (to increase the
density and vapour amount of the atmosphere) before returning for lack of support. Most of
the project went through on Mars itself. Creating a greenhouse effect, thickening the air
with local resources and insolating the icecaps, starting the creation of an breathable
atmosphere. In 2069 (M.Y. 19), just after the Holocaust, last of humanity is on its way to
Alpha Centauri or living in the Mars colonies and a few obscure moon bases. A survivalists
movement (the Spartans) were able to overwhelm the most important moon facilities before
Earth became a nuclear hell-fire. The Spartan commander, facing an supply shortage on the
moon, evacuated anyone willing in an bearly finished starship to Mars. To escape the Holocaust,
some artificial intelligences transmitted to Mars and were able to introduce theirself in some
people, taking over one of the colonies before being blocked. Some other groups (convicts
of the prison colony, japanese refugees from Greater China, opponents of the terraform project
and miners of an industrial consort) took advantage of this turmoil to go their own way.
At arrival of the Spartan ship (in 2070, M.Y. 20) the U.N. governor was not too keen on
having the Spartans on Mars with all those problems, so she ordered the destruction of
the ship before it could orbit Mars. The ship was hit and crashed down somewhere on the
surface, location only known to the Spartans. The Spartans however, were able to destroy
the orbital station which launched the attack (with the governor onboard) and landed in
escape pods near the capital of the U.N., First Site. Same time the secretary of the late
governor took over and changed the U.N. in the United Cultures (U.C.). Now someone has
to unite humanity before another holocaust starts.
Check the Scenario Objectives Review for more hints.[quote]
Some hints. Mars is a very dry, cold planet. Make it more rainy by creating an ocean
(melt polar caps). When all dunes are gone, you have the designed coastline. The techtree
has been re-arranged to fit in an martian environment. All basic terraforming needs a tech,
so check the help menu. Since Mars' years are longer then Earths', it takes less time to terraform,
construct and research. For easier drone-management play with the Unionists or Nippons.
The United Cultures are hardly challenging. You have 250 turns.
There are only three ways to achieve victory: by diplomatic or economic victory. Or by
building the Relocation Project. It is possible to complete the tech-tree within 250 turns
on your own, but only with at least 10 well-infrastructured cities and no endless war going
on with another large faction. Don't be too reluctant for trading tech with other factions,
you might run out of time before you know it.
(melt polar caps). When all dunes are gone, you have the designed coastline. The techtree
has been re-arranged to fit in an martian environment. All basic terraforming needs a tech,
so check the help menu. Since Mars' years are longer then Earths', it takes less time to terraform,
construct and research. For easier drone-management play with the Unionists or Nippons.
The United Cultures are hardly challenging. You have 250 turns.
There are only three ways to achieve victory: by diplomatic or economic victory. Or by
building the Relocation Project. It is possible to complete the tech-tree within 250 turns
on your own, but only with at least 10 well-infrastructured cities and no endless war going
on with another large faction. Don't be too reluctant for trading tech with other factions,
you might run out of time before you know it.
^LEADER: {Trans Human Korn Pipe Four}
^BACKGROUND: {Artificial Intelligence from Earth}
^AGENDA: {Biological transition}
^TECH: {Industrial Base, Martian Terraforming, Information Networks, Ethical Calculus}
^+2 RESEARCH: {Human research abilities enhanced by algorithmic control}
^+2 EFFICIENCY and +1 INDUSTRY: {Cybernetic biologicals extremely efficient}
^-2 GROWTH: {Humans 'possessed by an algorithm' find reproduction awkward}
^Can steal technology when capturing a base
^{May not make Fundamentalist choice in social engineering}
^Impunity to CYBERNETIC penalty: {Cybernetic social choice is 'rational'}
^May exceed HAB COMPLEX requirements with 2: {Less livingquarters needed for cyborgs}
^LEADER: {Freeman Peter (maniac) Smith}
^BACKGROUND: {Inmate in Mars Prison Colony, convicted for opening government networks}
^AGENDA: {Free to live as you please, with the least influence of 'Big Brother' as possible}
^TECH: {Planetary Networks, Social Psych, Biogenetics, Information Networks}
^-1 EFFICIENCY: {Very disorganised}
^-1 RESEARCH: {Ex-convicts do not represent the most enlighted part of population}
^-1 POLICE: {Law enforcement induced on limitations}
^+1 GROWTH: {Lower social classes always had large families}
^May exceed HAB COMPLEX requirements with 1: {No control over living standards in bases}
^Gains any tech known by 3 factions who Anarchists have infiltrator with
^Cannot choose Thought Control in social engineering {Ex-convicts do not approve with supervision of their rulers}
^LEADER: {Chief Secretary Marcus Bailey}
^BACKGROUND: {Secretary of the late U.N. governor of Mars}
^AGENDA: {Unification of the remnants of humanity, Democracy}
^TECH: {Martian Terraforming, Biogenetics, Industrial Base, Ethical Calculus}
^{May not use Police State Politics and PENALTY for Thought Control social choice}
^Extra TALENT for every five citizens: {Attracts intellectual elite}
^Need HAB COMPLEX to exceed population of six in bases {Talents like some extra comfort}.
^Receives double votes in elections for Planetary Governor and Supreme Leader: {experience in political meddling}
^REVOLT 50%: {Fear for another holocaust and freedom of choice by United Cultures}
^-1 ECONOMY: {Terraform Projects a strain on resources}
^-1 EFFICIENCY: {Old U.N. styled bureaucracy}
^+1 RESEARCH: {Intellectual elite keeps itself busy}
^LEADER: {Primus Satoru Yamamoto}
^BACKGROUND: {Nippon, Board Director of Kazukai Networks Ltd}
^AGENDA: {Building a new Nippon on Mars}
^TECH: {Martian Terraforming, Doctrine: Mobility, Industrial Base, Industrial Economics}
^-2 POPULATION BONUS {Enjoying comfort at a premium}
^+1 GROWTH: {Their's an empty planet outdoors to populate}
^+1 ECONOMY: {Nippons know when to spend money}
^+1 Increased commerce rate {nice percentage for the salesman}
^-1 SUPPORT: {Citizens demand a lot of resources to maintain their living-standard}
^Free Hologram Theatre at every base with discovery of Planetary Networks: {Government ensures entertainment}
^LEADER: {Ecoteur Mc Railey}
^BACKGROUND: {U.N. Geologist, born in First Site}
^AGENDA: {Keeping Mars pristine}
^TECH: {Doctrine: Mobility, Polymorphic Software}
^+2 POLICE: {Revolutionaires}
^-2 ECONOMY and -2 GROWTH: {The Rebels are not a society, only a 'small' movement}
^+1 SUPPORT: {Resources dedicated to the Cause}
^Faction needs Hab Complex to exceed base size 2: {Large bases don't stay hidden}
^Free Artillery Ability: {Sabotaging instead of conquering}
^Bases and Units immune for Mindcontrol: {Strong believes}
^25% Fanatic Attack Bonus: {All for the Cause}
^LEADER: {Commander Esmira Perez}
^BACKGROUND: {Survivalist, ex mil. in EurJoint Forces}
^AGENDA: {Right To Keep And Bear Arms}
^TECH: {Doctrine: Mobility, Doctrine: Loyalty, Biogenetics, Applied Physics}
^+2 MORALE: {Trained survivalist movement}
^+1 POLICE: {Disciplined followers}
^-1 INDUSTRY: {Extravagant weapons are costly}
^Prototype units do not cost extra minerals.
^{May not use Wealth value in Social Engineering.}
^ROBUST for POLICE {You love the army or you don't}
^+1 Commerce: {Lucrative weaponry deals with befriended factions}
^LEADER: {Representative Sylvie Dickers}
^BACKGROUND: {Robo-operator for Mining Inc. at Mars}
^AGENDA: {Decent living standards for the working class}
^TECH: {Social Psych, Martian Terraforming, Industrial Base, Applied Physics}
^+1 INDUSTRY: {Excellent craftsmen and skilled workers}
^-1 RESEARCH: {Emphasis on productivity instead of 'blue-sky' research}
^REVOLT 50%: {Unionists offer a workingman's paradise}
^-1 DRONE in every base: {Working for common good reduces discontent}
^-1 EFFICIENCY: {Social Wellfare System a maze of rules}
^+1 PROBE: {Aversive of other cultures ideals}
^{May not use Knowledge value}