Year 2111.
Statistics of my game standing:
Year 2111
Population: 2
Number of bases: 2
Technology: 2: Cent.Eco, Biogen
Researching: Inf.Net (ready next turn), speed 4 truns/tech
Energy: 117, earning 2/turn, allocation 70%labs, 30% economy
SE: frontier, simple, survival, none
Units: 2 formers, 1 scout, 1 unity rover, 3 worms
Popped some monolits around starting site, which is the best resource at early stages. Found Uranium flats north of the starting site fairly close, great territory to colonize!
Here is the save attached. BTW, did anyone try to load up my starting save?
Jimmytrick, if you prefer to start from the same point, you could play from my starting save attached at the beginning of this thread - of course, your choice of faction setting is predetermined in this case.
Statistics of my game standing:
Year 2111
Population: 2
Number of bases: 2
Technology: 2: Cent.Eco, Biogen
Researching: Inf.Net (ready next turn), speed 4 truns/tech
Energy: 117, earning 2/turn, allocation 70%labs, 30% economy
SE: frontier, simple, survival, none
Units: 2 formers, 1 scout, 1 unity rover, 3 worms
Popped some monolits around starting site, which is the best resource at early stages. Found Uranium flats north of the starting site fairly close, great territory to colonize!

Here is the save attached. BTW, did anyone try to load up my starting save?
Jimmytrick, if you prefer to start from the same point, you could play from my starting save attached at the beginning of this thread - of course, your choice of faction setting is predetermined in this case.