I have seen very little debate on the fastest transcendance on a huge map, and the earliest transcendance in the apolyton Hall of Fame on a huge map is some time in year 300
The fastest transcendance under any conditions would have to be games played using the Gaians on tiny maps, where the player conquers all the other factions using an early worm rush and then uses tech extortion and commerce income to achieve a very early transcendance, year 84 is the earliest in the HOF but I have seen saves as early as year 71.
Huge maps are an entirely different story. Deprived of the easy cash and research of 6 submissive AIs, you would be lucky to conquer 1 or 2 AIs quickly enough to have the extra income and research make a difference.
The question about fastest playing style arose when Sikander and I argued about the speed of his UofP game vs my Morganite game. The thread starts with him posting his UofP playstyle, and I play a game as Morgan to show what he can do. I transcended by year 136, this is the fastest transcendance I am aware of on a huge map. The save files can be found here: and I have a synposis of what I did typed up if anyone is curious.
Sikander's builder game
However I am doubtful that this is the fastest possible method. Many players here are excellent at refining strategies, this game was played with only a loose strategy. I just hit turn complete for the last 15 years or so because I got so bored of micromanaging all of my bases.
I mainly intend this thread for builder style strategies, I didn't conquer a single base the entire game and stole/traded less than 10 techs total. What is the fastest builder faction there is, and what is the fastest playstyle? If anyone has transcendance saves from before year 136 on transcend difficulty then please post them, otherwise consider this a challenge! Feel free to create the most optimal "random" map you can if you wish to avoid war.

Huge maps are an entirely different story. Deprived of the easy cash and research of 6 submissive AIs, you would be lucky to conquer 1 or 2 AIs quickly enough to have the extra income and research make a difference.
The question about fastest playing style arose when Sikander and I argued about the speed of his UofP game vs my Morganite game. The thread starts with him posting his UofP playstyle, and I play a game as Morgan to show what he can do. I transcended by year 136, this is the fastest transcendance I am aware of on a huge map. The save files can be found here: and I have a synposis of what I did typed up if anyone is curious.
Sikander's builder game
However I am doubtful that this is the fastest possible method. Many players here are excellent at refining strategies, this game was played with only a loose strategy. I just hit turn complete for the last 15 years or so because I got so bored of micromanaging all of my bases.
I mainly intend this thread for builder style strategies, I didn't conquer a single base the entire game and stole/traded less than 10 techs total. What is the fastest builder faction there is, and what is the fastest playstyle? If anyone has transcendance saves from before year 136 on transcend difficulty then please post them, otherwise consider this a challenge! Feel free to create the most optimal "random" map you can if you wish to avoid war.